Any players past or present or Managers past/present named Kaehler in the Bundesliga? Still looking for some connection to Bundesliga club. Thanks ALOT!!!
Really??? The last name Kaehler is a weird name. I didn't know that. Is it even German? I thought it was.
ups. looks as if I wasn´t concentrated while writing that. Of course I meant indeed. And Kaehler sounds german, but very unusual. A usual name would be Koehler or Kohler. There are people in germany named Kaehler, but written Kähler! So it is a german name.
There was a Palle Kähler, who played only a few weeks for Denmark in 1964:
Where in Germany is Kahler originate?? I can't find it any where. If it is such a German name, than why can't I find it.
Re: Where in Germany is Kahler originate?? Where are you looking? Just try and search for kaehler.
Nice try soccerfreak... but no dice. Nothing, but tons of sites in German that don't help. Maybe one of you could help me contact a German with my last name via email and they might be able to help.
Thanks Domingo. Found tons in Berlin, but what should I do??? Just start calling Hey, I'm an American and do you speak English and I'm not a
Re: Nice try soccerfreak... You asked how to know if Kaehler is a german name, and the fact that there are tons of sites in german proves that it is a one. The name kaehler is another form for koehler and is a northern german name. Koehler is a name for a coleproductionsworker(I don´t know the real name in english)
Sorry soccerfreak. I know that it is German, just can't find what city or state in Germany it originates. Trying to link up with some Kaehler/Kahlers via email will probably help. This whole thing is linked to me learning more about my family tree and also maybe supporting the Bundesliga club that my family did or still does cheer on at least the ones that stayed in Germany. Thanks again.
Kähler is a very common name here in Mecklenburg. And there were many people from Mecklenburg which imigrated into the USA during the 19th century. Especially in the mid-west if I remember correctly.
Re: Re: Where is Mecklenburg??? If my Bundesliga highlight show memory serves me right, Hansa Rostock SUCKS!!!!!
Re: Re: Re: Where is Mecklenburg??? Hansa is the only pro-club that is related to Mecklenurg, cause that is a part in the former GDR.
Sweet... ...another Canuck on Big Soccer. My neighbor and best friend is a Canadian from B.C. some Hansa rage there you wanna talk about. P.S. I love hockey.