Inner Workings at Roma I had a conversation recently with a gentleman from Rome, whose neighbors are Roma players Candela, Zebina, Emerson, and bad boy Cassano. Seems as though Totti and Cassano were buddies until late this summer. Cassano is hanging out in Totti's mother's pool, when he calls out to her to bring him a beer. She refuses by telling him she's busy, so he directs an inappropriate remark towards her. Naturally, Totti is informed and has it out with Cassano. As you can see when they are together on the field, they barely acknowledge each other. Another story about the brat Cassano. each morning he goes and gets his cappuccino in the local bar, and my friend happens to be there as well. Cassano has his cup to and turns to leave. When the barkeeper informs him that there is a bill to be paid, he reaches for a 100 Euro bill, crumples it up, and throws it at the barkeeper. Immature, stupid, spoiled?? Yoy pick the adjective.
Yeah. Well, if he can score more goals for Italy like the one he scored the other day, I guess I don't care so much. Does that mean I'm a hypocrite?
Well Sue, you may tolerate him but there's teams like Juve, Milan, and Lazio that really give a crap about player's off the field lifestyles. Cassano can only play in a team run by somebody more outrageous than himself, Sensi. You will never see him wear a jersey for any of the above teams.
Re: Inner Workings at Roma I need a noun to go with the adjective: urban legends. That said,I wish Cassano would not represent me on a football pitch
Re: Inner Workings at Roma I was in Rome last December for one day. I stopped to eat at Capitano's pizzaria in Ostia, near the Satellite hotel, Lazio area. I was talking in my Spitalian to some guys about calcio (they loved an American talking football) and one guy said he knew Cassano and he was a good guy, but prone to saying and doing stupid things. He also said that Cassano was a great talent, and in a few years would mature into a better person...thanks to Totti. The guy was a fan of Juventus.. Best part: He looked like the character from Seinfeld "tony", who falls off a mountain and tells George to "Step Off."
Latest Cassano fuk-up: His problem seems to me he listens too much to the people who say he's a superstar and not enough to the people who say he COULD be - if he gets his act together.
What a freaking doofus! I think you are right Sue, he needs to hang out with me and I'll straighten him out. If not, he'll end up playing with a crappy club soon.
and the apology fine him, but play him.
yeah he almost started crying.....but hell hes great...he almost scored that 4th goal dribbling 3 players (only last one could stop him) where pratically there wasnt the space to do it.....i hope we'll see him play with the NT this summer, better if in a match against spain
Cassano: Stop picking on me An excerpt: "whine whine whine .... my life is so difficult ... whimper whimper whimper ... everybody is so mean to me ..."
What the hell is this kid thinking!!! I mean he had a great first couple of games with the NT, and he's playing great at Roma and Roma are playing some of the best football in Europe at the moment. he's young, talented, and rich could anyone ask for that much more?
Cassano comes from the poorest neighborhood in one of the poorest cities in southern Italy--Bari. He has had zero education. Only recently has he learned to speak proper Italian, before he could speak only the dialect of Bari which is basically incomprehensible to the rest of the country. He's the classic example of the kid who learned to play soccer in the dirty streets of a tough city. These aren't excuses and they're not condemnations, but they could give some insight into his 'difficult' character.
Thanks Allycks, Its great to get this background information. His story is commonplace in American sports, but unusual with soccer.