quote: If this happens, you know they’re doing this just for me, right? Our friends over at are saying that AEK Athens is coming to Seattle. On May 26. And who will they be playing? The Galaxy, of course! At Qwest field, which is something like ten miles from my house. You have no idea what mixed feelings this rumor gives me. Yes, I want the guys to rest up for league play. Truly I do. But… Damn. Seattle!!
Really, one midseason friendly isn't a huge problem. Unfortunately, my biggest fear is that we're going to be asked to play midseason friendlies on a weekly basis for a month or two.
The rumored US/England friendly is on May 28 in England. If the friendly is true, then Donovan & Beckham would potentially not be in Seattle on the 26th.
I suspect this is a "thank you" to Drew carey - a way to keep soccer front and center in the minds of Seattle sports fans while they are trying to get season tix sold for next year.
But isn't this midseason friendly #3? Aren't one and two in Vancouver and Edmonton? That's three games before June crammed into our MLS schedule. It's a real concern. EDIT -I see already covered. If there is a chance Becks won't be there, I'm sure the friendly will be called off.
So this would be friendly #2 . I don't know why I had the idea that we had two others. Thanks for the clarification.