American and other countries players are they....

Discussion in 'USA Men' started by whip, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. whip

    whip Member

    Aug 5, 2000
    Lets talk about the reality in Europe...Are American players treated the same way that players from other countries are treated ? Adu goes and play for benfica score and is pay with a long ride on the pine. Are other new foreign players treated the same way or perhaps other foreign players in EUROPE scoring one goal every time they play...?
  2. Otergod

    Otergod Member+

    Sep 20, 2007
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    "f you are a young American seeking to play abroad I completely encourage you, but if you do not have the right attitude and don’t work much harder than the native players you will not last even the first four months. Hard work, discipline, and a strong mentality are the biggest keys for an American playing abroad."

    Fabrice-Jean "Fafà" Picault, an 18 yr old with Cagliari's Primavera team has stated that if you are an american and have the opportunity to play abroad, you should take it. HOWEVER, he also states that you have to work hard, be discipline and have the right mentality more so then the native players.

    In other words you have to work at a rate much higher then the local players to get your chance. Whether this is the same with other foreign players, i cant say. Though our stereotype of our lack of soccer IQ doesnt help our case
  3. aarond23

    aarond23 Member+

    Feb 24, 2006
    Fulham FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I think there is a good case to be made that American players abroad start with one mark against them. Its not an impossible situation to overcome but it seems to be there.

    I think earlier when we saw Gooch wanting to identify himself as Nigerian rather than American is proof that the bias does exist.
  4. whip

    whip Member

    Aug 5, 2000

    I do not have the statistics to prove that American are bias in comparison to other nationalities but I have a wild guess: A non American plays in Europe and do not score in the first 10 games he still will be on the first team on the other hand an American player play and score 2 goals in 10 games he is going to ride the pine...
  5. kokoplus10

    kokoplus10 Member+

    Feb 5, 2008
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Well, stereotypes exist for a reason. Just sayin'.
  6. Otergod

    Otergod Member+

    Sep 20, 2007
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    and while a large portion might fall into that, it doesnt mean all fit the bill...

    i wont try to argue, we've always been more athletic then smart, but things are changing, especially with our up coming youth
  7. arkjayback

    arkjayback Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Le Mars, IA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Nope. I don't think there is a manager in Europe who doesn't automatically think that the American has a bad first touch and is not adequately adept in tactical acumen. For some that may be true, but its a knock on them before it is even proven. Its always hard for Americans to come into a squad and crack the first XI, but it always seems harder even for the best American players.

    I think one just has to look at how Duff and Gera waltzed into Fulham as starters, but Deuce has had to re-earn it like what, 3 times now?
  8. whip

    whip Member

    Aug 5, 2000
    Adu was rotten inside Benfica dungeons right after he score withing 10 games...So...

    [ame=""]YouTube - Freddy Adu Goal Benfica Carlsburg Cup[/ame]
  9. Otergod

    Otergod Member+

    Sep 20, 2007
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    adu was doing well with his first coach, but by the 4th he was replaced by more "experienced" players... benfica went through 4 coaches that season (if i recall correctly).... what 1 coach saw in Adu does not mean another will see the same...
  10. dvb91

    dvb91 New Member

    Oct 11, 2009
    Manchester United FC
    When you consider visa restrictions, Yanks definitely are behind the 8-Ball when it comes to the EPL, which is probably their preferred destination since there is less disruption in culture and language. No average player from the US gets to play there since it's so hard to get all the proper authorizations. A team isn't gonna waste their resources on getting a decent American through all the hoops when they can get similar value from the continent (i.e. Eurozone). When a US player can get access to a Euro passport, the circumstances change, and he may actually get to develop vs. having to be a close to finished article & needing to be on the match roster or be gone.

    Other leagues have their own obstacles, be they language or coaches' bias. Most US players aren't fluent in multiple languages, while other countries' players know at least 3, usually a mix of english, french, spanish, & their native language.

    As the current generation has become more acclimated to the euro-leagues, I would think more Yanks will eventually get more chances. It doesn't help that a player like Adu was so hyped and can't seem to get a decent run of games, though. He's not done yet, but he's running out of time.

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