Mia Hamm was one generation, Alex Morgan is this generation. My question is, is Alex Morgan going the course as Mia Hamm and will she be as successful as Mia Hamm? Do you think she will make the records in the coming years as the best player the US has ever had? How does Alex Morgan rate against Marta, and Necib? How do you think she rates with Sinclair? Do you think she will rate as these player someday? Or do you think she has problems that can't be solved?
I think it's a little soon to tell for sure, but she's well on her way. If anything, she's better than Mia Hamm at coming up big in key matches, which was one of Hamm's few failings.
This, IMO is a great topic and question. Will she reach the heights of Mia Hamm? We don't know yet but I believe she has all the tools - athleticism, beauty, All-American girl looks, personality, scores tons of goals! IMO, the tell-tale sign will be when she starts doing mainstream commercials, especially with prominent male athletes. When Mia Hamm started doing commercials with Michael Jordan we knew she was something special. I certainly hope so.
She certainly has made a great start. There's no way she ever catch Hamm in total points (Goals AND assists). I don't think anyone will do that since Mia had 144 assists on top of 158 goals. And the game/players are so much better tactically. We will see, but a great start.
I think it's way too much pressure on Morgan to compare her to Mia at this stage of her career. She has definitely had an amazing start, but consistently playing well year after year will ultimately determine her status against the legends.
I agree what is the need to ask that question at this stage of the process. Being the current face of the team doesn't mean the player has to be better then the best ever player on the team. When Mia was the face of the team early in her playing career, everyone wasn't expecting her to be better then her teammate Akers.
I doubt that there is much pressure. Morgan is so young she at most only vaguely knows who Mia Hamm is.
And you know this to be a fact how? Have you talked with her personally about this? Anybody in the National Team program or even here at Cal on the collegiate level still knows who Mia is. Alex dreamed of having Kristine Lilly's number who was a contemporary teammate of guess who? Anyway, Alex I want you to stop wasting your time in the rinky-dink northwest at the Seattle Sounders even though, yeah I know your boyfriend(dammit!) is on the men's squad and Solo plus Pinoe are there. Sign with FFC Frankfurt, play with Ally Krieger, and learn from super striker Ana-Maria Crnogorcevic, the brilliant Fatmire Bajramaj, ruthlessness from Kerstin Garefrekes, and all-around movement from Kim Kulig. You will become tougher by having to go up every day in practice against the likes of thuggish Melanie Behringer, Saki Kumagai, and Germany's keeper Nadine Angerer who I just know we will face in some dramatic PK shoot-out in a future crucial international championship! You can figure out ways to beat that goon Wendie Renard and super-crafty Louisa Necib when you play French juggernaut Olympique Lyonnais in UEFA Champions League. I'm positive FFC-Cheftrainer Sven Kahlert, would be more than happy for you to take lazy Swedish striker Jessica Landström's contract.
Alex was browning her pampers when Mia was in her prime. The only film Alex has ever seen on Mia, was the Dare to Dream documentary in her dorm-room on HBO at 12:30 A.M. during the night after one of her midterm exams at Cal.
Barring injuries, Morgan should score more international goals than Sinclair ( Christine and Abby should score more than 158 before they retire ) and be the top all time scorer (200+). The assist record should be easier to break even with a much stiffer competition these days. She breaks down defenses better than any US player I've even seen and her passing and crossing is excellent. She's only been starting a year and she's getting better each time you see her. Let's be honest, around the world, she's now more popular than Mia ever was just for her good looks.
I also agree that the German league will benefit Morgan the most, with the French league a close second.
I dont think you can compare Alex and Mia...theyre very different players. Mia was more like Marta than Alex Just as Abby will most likely pass Mia... theyre worlds apart. Abby is a finisher...period...cant dribble, passing is middle to poor... not a good runner. Does that make Abby the best? not in my book. To me its about goals/years played..... Abby will hang around to get the record but not in the same number of years played so for me.. its a little meaningless when she finally does get it Sinclair is more like Mia then either Alex or Abby
You do realize that Abby if she continues to play as expected will break Mia's record in both less years and less games than Mia, potentially by quite a lot of games and several years. So is the record suddenly meaningful? Abby may not be the better player, but I think we can acknowledge her as the best goal scorer in US history. Particularly considering what she has done on the World Cup and Olympic stage.
I don't disagree that Mia is better than Abby, but years played? How about games played. Abby will pass Mia with at least 50 games less played. She has a much higher goals per game average. So hanging around means nothing. But even by your criteria Mia played many more years then Abby, she started much younger. Sinclair is now tied with Abby in goals scored, and is a couple years younger, but she has actually played more games (just a few more). I am sure Sinclair will own that record eventually after Abby is retired, maybe sooner.
Mia is the Babe Ruth of womens soccer in America...Sure there may be others that come along after her but no one will ever replace her..
As someone mentioned before, Megan Rapinoe's assist total was downgraded from 4 to 2 by FIFA in the Olympics. However, Ussoccer.com still gives Megan credit for all 4 assists in this tournament. My question is whether or not FIFA will give Mia Hamm credit for the entire 144 assists in her career, or is that tally just based on how the U.S scores it?
I don't think we are only talking about Stats on the field. I think the originator of the thread was also thinking the whole package on and off the pitch. Abby may score the most goals but she doesn't have the All-American girl looks like Alex Morgan has. And let's face it the camera and the guy holding the camera want that look. Fathers still want their little girls to be athletic and grow up to have the looks of Morgan. Beauty sells. It did yesterday, it does now and will in the future. And when you add great athleticism with beauty - A Star is Born. That's what Mia had and we are looking for the next Mia. I think Alex Morgan can be that.
Odd how someone can take a post whose first two words are "I doubt..." and construe that to be a dogmatic assertion of fact.
Did everybody see the awesome face time the NBC cameras gave the duo princesses of WNT football, "Baby Horse" and "Syd the Kid" Leroux during Sundays closing ceremony athletes walk-in. Almost as much as swimmer Missy Franklin. That's what Mia had.
Alex has a chance to be The One the next generation of young stars are being compared to. 15 years from now, we'll be opining on whether or not _____(new young studette) can be the next Alex Morgan. She has looks, but I don't care about that in terms of soccer legacy. I know it matters in terms of marketing and endorsements, etc. She is very fast and very quick. She has a great handle on the ball. She has good instincts for setting up other team mates; although, this will improve to Great with time. She forces the other team to mark her carefully at all times, thus distracting from other players. (See Carly Lloyd's final goal) I see Alex, Tobin and Megan being the faces of this team going forward. Assuming good health, I think she will be called the best Forward America has ever produced within 5 years. She's not there just yet. JMHO
Barring injury, and assuming she improves in the air and back to the goal, she will have an amazing career. Wambach and Sinclair will lay claim to the record for a short time before Morgan blows past both. Ten years from now BS will be debating , Morgan, Sinclair or Hamm the greatest ever.