Alert : MSNBC Poll

Discussion in 'MLS: General' started by Daksims, Aug 2, 2002.

  1. Daksims

    Daksims New Member

    Jun 27, 2001
    What will you watch if baseball strikes? Last I saw soccer was @ 12%
    It's halfway down the page. Gives a pretty crappy view of soccer in the article.
  2. sebakoole

    sebakoole New Member

    Jul 11, 2002
    If you just want to see what the article says about soccer, here you go:

    "After the excitement of the World Cup, it’s make-or-break time for the MLS when it comes to capitalizing on momentum and becoming a big-time, major entity. The guess here is that it ain’t gonna happen until the USA is an established entity in World Cup Competition. The MLS looks more stable and viable than its predecessors, but as far as attracting baseball types, Frank Deford of Sports Illustrated provide the final word on the youth-to-adult soccer transition: 'It’s like mumblety peg. You play it as a kid and then you move on.' "

    Kind of surpised to see Frank Deford say that. He does sports commentary for NPR...As for the youth to adult transition, I've know just as many people who played baseball as kids and then couldn't stand to watch it as adults so I won't put any stock in that kind of analysis...

    How many times do we have to hear that it's make-or-break time for MLS or some other pronouncement of doom and gloom for American soccer?
  3. at least this article totally bashes the wnba finally.
  4. UncleSam527

    UncleSam527 Member

    Jan 14, 2002
    Sebakoole, you obviously haven't read his article entitled, "Not Our Cup of Tea".
  5. Choch

    Choch New Member

    Jun 2, 2002
    South TX
    The extreme sports section is twice as long as the soccer section.[​IMG]

    And why do they put a quote from Frank Deford in the soccer section rather than someone who knows about the sport.[​IMG]
  6. todda74

    todda74 New Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    because they are retards

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