Does anyone know anything about this at all? "EIGHT Premiership soccer stars are at the centre of a probe into the alleged gang rape of a 17-year-old girl. She told police she consented to sex with one of the players in a five-star London hotel room over the weekend. But she claims seven others then joined in and forced themselves on her. The seven all play for the same club and include at least one international and several other household names....,,2-2003450466,00.html Hopefully this is just a false report. Besides being an obviously gruesome thing to do, it will leave a serious mark on all involved (including the FA, the EPL, the club, etc)
OK, who played in London this weekend? Fess up. . . Wow, eight players. This is messy. Terrible - if true.
Newcastle Liverpool Aston Villa were the away teams in London this weekend...don't know how many Villa players you'd consider "household names", but there are obviously many on the other two teams
Yeah, I just checked the Guardian pages for that info. Yikes. I can identify slightly with the sinking feeling Newcastle and Liv fans might have - what with Kobe's (I'm an LA Laker fan) arrest and trial for something similar - although, again, the proof isn't concrete. But even if it was "consensual" - eight players on one girl? That's kinda gross.
I'm having trouble imagining the scenario - you play for team X, go out and pick up a girl, take her back to the hotel have sex with her - there's a knock on your door - it's Team Y - well, seven of their players inviting you for a night out. You say, "I'm busy." They push past you and say, "She's cute - mind if we take a turn?" She tries to run - or well, she's drunk, she wobbles or tries to roll off the bed, but they pin her down and take turns. OK - what's player X doing now? Figuring, oh well, they're the visiting team, I've got to be good host? *#*#*#, it's depressing to think about.
Okay.. I'm going out on a limb and guessing this was a Newcastle no no.. Just can't see Liverpool involved. Then again Liverpool does have that song about never doing stuff alone.
I hate to say this, but it doesn't have to be players from a "visiting" team that could have done this. Perhaps a player (or players) from a London side rented a hotel room for the purpose of having a roll in the hay unbeknownst to their wife or significant other. Trust me, as a resident of Dallas who grew up here, "home town" players have really bad habits of courting young ladies and taking them to a hotel thinking that no one will know.
Wow ... 12 replies and no one has yet said "Hang on - this is in the S*n, it's almost certainly utter gobshite".
The guardian is also carrying the news, for what that's worth. It's on their football page. Plus, this is a crime, not a rumor of who's transferring where (or breaking up with whomever). Even the Sun might think twice before printing complete speculation on a matter like that.
Would they? Let's ask the Hillsborough families about that. Or, more recently, let's ask John Leslie. I guarantee this is utter rubbish.
Ah the sun provayor of bull shite. A couple of months ago i remember the sun or paper of similar stature and integraty reporting the Olivier Bernard was about to be sent down for rape. Guess what they were wrong. They said sorry and claimed it was mistaken identity. However the truth is that the only simlarity between the Bernard and the real rapist was that they were black and from Newcastle. The fact that they haven't named names or said which team it is shows they have very little proof of it. Remember how they didn't hesitate to put John Leslies name all over the front pages.
Bets on Villa, Hendrie's a little fool who fancies himself, my mate saw Vassell up in one club in Brum in the v.i.p lounge a couple of weeks ago with 3 ladies on his lap, next game he was out with a groin strain, O'Leary likes experimenting with the young'uns.
Its been confirmed by Scotland Yard that they are investigating, so its not just some rubbish published by the Sun, but what it could be is the girl trying to make some money through the press by making a story up
The chances of it being Villa are slim for the following reasons. 1. All of our players are internationals not just some. 2. None of our players are household names. 3. I don`t think we stay over before games these days, we used to, but travelled to M`boro on the day of the game last season and won and I beleive we`ve carried on that way. Of the three teams mentioned Newcastle have form. Bowyer, Woodgate, Dyer, Jenas, Bellamy have all been in court recently for various aggressive/violent allegations.
"Its been confirmed by Scotland Yard that they are investigating" That could mean anything. If a witness goes to the police and makes a claim, it would be hard to not to "investigate." As someone who works in the criminal justice system (granted, not in the UK), I have seen that "investigate" can mean almost anything -- talking to someone is investigating. Looking at hotel records is investigating. Even sitting on your butt looking at the fixture list like some of you have done is investigating. Secondly, it could be a First Division side. There are some household names there and a million internationals (no one said what national side the alleged attacker(s) play for). Thirdly, getting into a barfight and rape are not in the same ballpark much less even in the same league, so speculating with specific teams based on who is on them is probably fruitless.
Apparently they are from a Prem club:
Ok, please excuse the basic question here - I've followed Premiership football, but only via Fox Sports - the article specifically said they were Premiership players. So that includes First Division? Or is First Division considered a different league?