Ok i just bought a black/yellow pair in the afternoon and had a 7 aside game after. they are great shoes. the leather is really soft, its calf leather. and get a pair tighter than usual coz i can feel it stretch even after just one game. it feels like a leather AZTII. i love it and its real value for $$, i got mine for 100 singdollar, about 60 USDollar. Oh yeah alot of coushening and support. and lighter than the legends. oh yeah and they run half a size smaller in length as compared to vapor and aztIII, i was just comparing them with my other boots.
I have a pair of za brasilia - HG version and am luke warm on them. Complaints are one heal blister - healed, so I went untaped for a match and got another one. I have only worn them 5-6 times and the boot may be separating from the sole plate. I do not know if the separation will grow or not. You now how you can see little yellow glue flakes, sometimes it is just a break-in thing and sometimes it blows out. I am not an expensive boot buyer, always go with calf or synthetic, never worn k-leather. Kind of funny in that I started following this forum because I was thinking of forking out the extra $ for really good boots - and here I can contribute with my limited knowledge of mid-range boots. Maybe I will jam the upgrade plan.