Chelsea got 2 out of 3 young stars but no way Sporting will let #10 Silva go. Folks my sources tell me he his the next great prospect to come out of the Sporting Academy. He reminds people of another Ronaldinho. But he could be a bust. I do not think so. Remember the name Adrien Silva
From what I hear, he will be a good one. Time will tell. It's a shame that Chelsea poached some of our younger starlets, but I guess that is bound to happen when you have a revered youth academy like Sporting has BTW, this should probably go in the Sporting thread, to make it easier to find...speaking of find, where is biggyv?
Very simple My sources told me that Sporting had no interest in Selling any of the 3 players. But Chelsea came in with an offer they could not refuse. Orginally Chelsea wanted all 3. But had to settle for Ferriera & Fernendes. Sporting doe not want to lose Adrien Silva as they see him as a big money sell in 4 or 5 years. Silva is that good.
I never hear of this guys but youth players are Roy Silva speciality how much did Sporting got for the two players?
$1 million dollars for the both of them. $500,000 a piece. Sporting wanted $5 million dollars for Silva as they feel that by the time he is 20 ( in 4 years) he could possible be sold for $20 million Chelsea thought that $5 million for a 16 year old is too much even for their standards.
That's a deal that happened after Chelsea kidnapped all 3 and by doing so had all three of them suspended from competing for the national levels. Thank you so ********ing much Chelsea!
Link to Chelsea site and a few words on the 2 players they acquired from SCP:
If Fernandes pans out to be a clone of Frank Lampard, then Sporting will have shot themselves in the foot, but with 16 year-olds, you can't tell right away how well these guys will pan out. Remember when Paulo Costa, Marco Caneira and Vasco Faisca left Sporting to go to Inter Milan via Alverca as 18/19 year-olds? Paulo Costa has bounced around from team to team. Faisca still plays in Italy, but with some bottom rung team, and Caneira plays for Valencia but hasn't cemented a starting role with either club or country. Sometimes the kids pan out, and sometimes they don't...
Hugo Leal, Pedro Oliveira, Ednilson, were a few others expected to be the real deals ...but have done nothing.
silva will be abig star if sporting let him go 2 chealsa with mourinho..ferrira and fernandes r miles behind him in talent
Dont Man utd get first refusal though? How come they havnt made a move for Silva or even Fabio Paim? Or Moutinho for that matter
This is misconception. The only accord Sporting Clube de Lisbon and Manchester United have is to share football ideology and information. This just gives Manchester United the ability to work with Sporting, to better understand how they develop players, which they've done to great success - Figo, Boa Morte, Simao, Cristiano Ronaldo, Moutinho, etc.
adrien Silva in the roster for the V Games of Portuguese language in Angola