DEAR MODERATORS: The AC 07 is FINISHED. Please CLOSE the group. Only the FIGHTS take place here. WHY is the FIGHT over FINISHED AC 07. The ASIA is ONE but the BIG SOCCER is WAR TIME. We are no wars with NOBODY right now. BUT the BIG SOCCER is WAR CRAZY! WHY KOREANS fight ARABS? WHY SAUDI fight brother IRAN? This is the NOT NEEDED! We are the PEACE FULL countries. Only in IRAQ there is the WAR. Maybe if EVERYBODY go back to OWN group their will be the PEACE?
******** off you dog eating sock. what a stupid name btw. must have been too much rotten dog meat to eat
You are the PRIME RUDENESS and STUPIDITY. JAPANESE do not eat DOGS. Go to learn some MANNERS and then come back. You need to learn the LESSONS to be a REAL MAN. My AMERICAN room mates say "You get what you paid for." If that is SO, you are PAID $ 0 DOLLARS in the SALE of INTELLIGENCE! *I now learn that my name is the something bad in English, but have the RESPECT. Maybe VISTA in other language is ALSO the DISGUSTING word too
低脳は外国行くなよ。 WE JAPANESE do not FIGHT in front of other NATIONS. So let's be the FRIENDS from now on. This is the EXAMPLE we can show to our INTERNATIONAL FRIENDS.
There are some people in here who wants to talk about Asian Cup. You are not the only member in here. There are people all over the world coming here and want to talk about football. If you don't want to talk about Asian Cup, then you have a freedom to leave. Go home!
Hello my American friend. You are very loud person I think. Why are you in a Asian forum? You are here to cause a trouble! Only gentleman is needed in the Asian forum. So do not offended because I am saying advice to help to you. Poor man! Just a jokeing! Do not be so angry!
I am here because people from anywhere can join here. Even Japanese fans join discussion in English football forum or even Italian football forum.
Ther are no problems her just from the Saudis side,u know we ********t u upp,get over it we win 9/10 matches against u,u are shit but rich, soon when the mother ********er american get the ******** ut from iraq, then iraq get the true iraqi power then be RICH and buld up the country THEN WE WELL BE BEST IN ASIA FOR EVER AND EVER AND EVER...******** korean are not bad loosers its just Saudis dog, Iraq dont grassroll, saudis do Oman do, Iran are big loosers to, they suck,we are better then u ever gona be