Here's my nominee for the day. The article is an account of the uproar against Ashanti being a nominee for the Aretha Franklin award. There's a protest against her nomination for the Lady of Soul Award. The award is sponsored by Soul Train, which responded to the movement against Ashanti by putting the following on their website (and I'm not making this up) (The) show's Web site...expressed outrage "over the fact that a people, whose ancestry suffered 400 years of slavery, can be herded so easily into a virtually bottomless mud hole and be taught to sling such mud therein."
Sounds like Walt "Clyde" Frazier is doing the PR work for Soul Glow. BTW- I think this thread has great potential.
[sharpton]Aretha should withdraw her name in light of this travesty of jus- [/sharpton] These folks must surely have more important things to protest, but would rather not at the time. Tht's the only guess I have. But 400 years does afford lots of time for brainwashing. Whatever.
Did someone say "No sense of proportion"? We got us a live one here...
Soul Train website statements about the petition
Oh man, it gets worse: I urge everyone to check out these links. It's like these press releases are a Dr. Evil plot to hold all of the commas in the world hostage...for 1 meeeelion dollars.
No way. These are poetry. I wish I could write like that. "precious time they all have left on Earth". Oh, man that is beautiful.
Maybe it was Don Cornelius himself People who have been, enormously, successful at making sound creative decisions, for more than three decades.
Re: Maybe it was Don Cornelius himself Yeah, and Lou Reed once wrote a song about egg creams. Doesn't mean it was a masterpiece.