a small team

Discussion in 'San Jose Earthquakes' started by TyffaneeSue, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. Quakes05

    Quakes05 Member+

    Oct 1, 2005
    birthplace of MLS
    @Kaitlyn loves Miami and Nashville. Hell, she wouldn't come to PPP to support the Quakes, but she'd show up for those teams. You calling her a "bandwagoner?"
  2. don gagliardi

    don gagliardi Member+

    San Jose Earthquakes
    Feb 28, 2004
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    San Jose Earthquakes
    There are guys in the Ultras who grew up in the Bay Area and who support the Buffalo Bills. Don't understand it, but love 'em nonetheless. :)
    Kaitlyn repped this.
  3. JazzyJ

    JazzyJ BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 25, 2003
    For whatever reason I have never had a desire to support a team that's not a Bay Area team. And for me, growing up in the Bay Area, I rooted for all the area teams. There was no - Giants-A's rivalry or Niners-Raiders rivalry, at least not in my head as a kid. If the "area" team is out, though, I will sometimes pick a favorite in the playoffs, and sometimes even on a game by game basis, usually pulling for the underdog. I find that I need to have a rooting interest in a game to keep me engaged.
    SeaJayBee and don gagliardi repped this.
  4. xbhaskarx

    xbhaskarx Member+

    San Jose Earthquakes
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    We call those "Giants fans"
  5. JazzyJ

    JazzyJ BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 25, 2003
  6. SoccerMan94043

    SoccerMan94043 Member+

    May 29, 2003
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    markmcf8 repped this.
  7. FUAEG

    FUAEG Member+

    Oct 18, 2005
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    As much as I hate to nitpick (LOL) that ranking isn't correct.
    Silicon Valley isn't in the same Metro area as SF.
    If you add SJ/SV metro area in with SF it would come in right behind LA.
    QuakeAttack and SoccerMan94043 repped this.
  8. markmcf8

    markmcf8 Member+

    Oct 18, 1999
    Vancouver, WA, USA
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    We've signed Vela.
  9. JazzyJ

    JazzyJ BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 25, 2003
    ? Haven’t seen any reports. Link?
  10. ThreeApples

    ThreeApples Member+

    Jul 28, 1999
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    There were some April Fools tweets yesterday.
    JazzyJ repped this.
  11. JazzyJ

    JazzyJ BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 25, 2003
    OK, thanks. FWIW doesn’t seem like a great April Fools Day joke because it’s something pretty plausible and could still happen. I think we need one more good insult of Vela by LAFC. The Kamara signing may have him pretty close to the threshold.
    markmcf8 repped this.
  12. Quakes05

    Quakes05 Member+

    Oct 1, 2005
    birthplace of MLS
    Vela isn't coming here. He doesn't want to go out like that.

    Like I've said, Fisher might've been willing to pay him $3 million for one season. That's a big if given that that's twice as much as he's ever paid for a player here.

    But Vela has a young family, and, knowing the Quakes, the most they were willing to offer was a 1-year deal. Vela would either have to travel back and forth, be away from his family a lot, or relocate his family to the Bay Area for 1-year. My guess, he wanted a 2-year contract and that was too much for Quakes to commit to.
  13. JazzyJ

    JazzyJ BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 25, 2003
    It's possible that the hangup was about length of contract. But a 35-year old Vela was already a bit of a sketchy proposition. He says himself that the end is near. A 36-year old Vela is that much more sketchy. I'd rather we sign say a mid-20's guy whom we can keep around for a few years and possibly build around, and whom we'd expect to get better over time, not worse.
  14. Quakes05

    Quakes05 Member+

    Oct 1, 2005
    birthplace of MLS
    at this point I'd be tickled pink if we signed Vela.

    literally any word about any player possibly coming to SJ, thrilling. Just to know that our team hasn't completely flatlined and tossed in the towel already when there's still sooo much soccer left to go, it's only the start of April!

    Where the hell is Leitch and wth is he doing, I wonder.
  15. JazzyJ

    JazzyJ BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 25, 2003
    I believe that they weren't lying when they said that they intend to sign a DP attacker. If you take that at face value, then either:

    1) They are still trying to sign someone during this window but haven't been able to find anyone they like well enough and for whom they were able to do a deal.

    2) They have already punted on this transfer window and are looking towards the summer transfer window.

    Primary transfer window ends 4/24. Summer transfer window opens 7/5. So the difference between a late primary window signing and an early summer signing is at least about 10 weeks, or 10 games. That's nearly 1/3 of the season unless there are some breaks in there, so pretty significant.
  16. don gagliardi

    don gagliardi Member+

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    Season has been effectively over already for nearly a month (since they dropped the Vancouver game). Better to get the DP signing(s) correct than done quickly.
  17. JazzyJ

    JazzyJ BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 25, 2003
    I agree that getting the signing right is more important than the timing at this point. I haven't given up on this year but we should be thinking about the next few years. As I've said, I'd even support the idea of spending whatever $ we have on 3 U22's rather than a DP. Again, though, you have to get those U22 signings right.
  18. Quakes05

    Quakes05 Member+

    Oct 1, 2005
    birthplace of MLS
    I mean you can give up on the season in the sense that winning anything is out of reach…

    …and then you can give up on the season as-in the season was over by the 3rd game, we quit already, don’t expect us to even try to play for respectability or anything, summer transfer window though maybe, haha j/k.

    Or you could imagine that we’re taking a really, really long time to do anything because we’re that determined to get it right.

    Suit yourself.
  19. JazzyJ

    JazzyJ BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 25, 2003
    I don't give up, so trying to pick which flavor of "give up" to pick is moot with me :).
  20. Quakes05

    Quakes05 Member+

    Oct 1, 2005
    birthplace of MLS
    I know, therein in lies the swindle. Fisher exploits that.
  21. JazzyJ

    JazzyJ BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 25, 2003
    I'm not being "swindled". I know the layout of the land, and it's my choice as to how to react to that.
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  22. Quakes05

    Quakes05 Member+

    Oct 1, 2005
    birthplace of MLS
    why keep handing over your money and rewarding failure?
  23. JazzyJ

    JazzyJ BigSoccer Supporter

    Jun 25, 2003
    I like going to the games, following the players, ruminating about lineups and strategy, etc. There have been only a few seasons where the Quakes had a losing record at home.
    SeaJayBee, SalinasQuakesFan and Kaitlyn repped this.
  24. Quakes05

    Quakes05 Member+

    Oct 1, 2005
    birthplace of MLS
    I like all that stuff too. For me though it’s a two-way street. I’m not buying a seasons worth of tickets ahead of time until the Quakes get serious. They’re not even trying so not keeping up their end of the bargain imo.
  25. don gagliardi

    don gagliardi Member+

    San Jose Earthquakes
    Feb 28, 2004
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    San Jose Earthquakes
    Fisher never guaranteed results. Any attempt to do so would be mere puffery (or circumstantial evidence of bribes to the refs, which we know he's too cheap for).

    The Quakes keep up their end of the bargain by providing the stated number of regular season games (and refunding or crediting that portion of the season ticket package allocated to unused playoff tickets). Additionally, my season tickets entitle me to a season ticketholder gift, special events (you know they're fun because you were recently my guest for one), free away game tickets, and on my supporters ticket a free beer-and-cheer (or soda or water) voucher every game. Plus I get assigned a ticket rep whom I can pester by text (like I did today :) ).

    Winning is simply a bonus, that's all.

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