First off what is the best place to buy an MLS jersey? I'm thinking of getting a Chris Rolfe one, only problem is they don't have any mediums here on the website....Also what is the main difference between authentic vs a replica? Thanks a lot guys.
While I can't speak for the Fire, a replica RSL kit won't have the championship star or any official badges (MLS/American Flag). The material used also seems to be slightly different. I'd suggest calling up the team store for the Fire and check with them. They might be able to ship you the jersey as well.
Authentic and replica are slightly different material I believe. Authentics also come with the American flag patch and how ever many stars are above the crest, while replicas don't.
The authentic are usually made out of the 'Moisture wicking"/tech fit type material and tend to fit differently as well, so unless you're in great shape I'd stick with a replica.
I can't believe that the replicas don't come with the championship stars. What's the reasoning behind that? I can buy a Juventus replica shirt with the stars and Scudetto patch, but I can't do that for an MLS jersey? What a crock of crap.
Try Marshalls in the Chicagoland area and also ebay. I think our jerseys are shit this year but Marshall might have some of from the last cycle. I got a couple jerseys from Marshall for real cheap. Im sure Ebay has current jerseys and the old ones too. They also have last cycle authentic jerseys for about the same as the new replicas now.
Yes you can . . it is called the authentic. Buy it until your heart is content. Replica is the jersey made for consumers. No stars or patch, may be slightly different material, and is usually loose fitting. Also cheaper. Authentic is the actual jersey material, has all the accouterments, and is usually athletic fit (see tighter. Also more expensive. They make two different options for folks who want to spend less and/or do not want a game fit jersey on all day.
No, but I would like to celebrate something that my team accomplished (should they actually accomplish something) while supporting my club without spending $125. That's my issue. I just don't understand why I can get patches for other replicas for other teams in other leagues, but for MLS I cannot. Seems like they're being a bit bullheaded and greedy.
If your issue is with the price, fine, but it is not a true statement to say you cannot get them with patches. Just out of curiosity; which other jerseys can you get with all the patches etc for under 100 bucks? I ask because I know premiership jerseys are replicas (no patches on the arms) for 85 dollars or so. Same with the Mexican version. They are replicas as well and are not 100% the same. I think you may be able to get Argentine jerseys that are authentic for under 100 but not sure of what else. Talking official retail price.
I can tell you from experience that's pretty standard operations for both Nike and Adidas jerseys for any club/league. Generally replicas have the patched team crest (instead of the lighter, printed one) no stars. The patches vary; For MLS jerseys, you get the MLS patch on one sleeve but not the American/Canadian flag patch. I've gotten Adidas replicas from other leagues (Real Madrid and Bundesliga) that have no patches whatsoever. Your best bet is just wait until the new shirt is released and get the authentic at a discount.
Most of the time Adidas doesn't sell jerseys with the patches, but strangly I bought a Real Madrid 2011/12 jersey for $40 and it came with the La Liga patch on the sleeve. At the same story, however, they were selling Red Bull jerseys with the MLS patch and US flag for $80. Very strange pricing difference
MLS jerseys seem to be treated really strangely in general. Most clubs will offer their jerseys at a discount on their website at the end of the season but I don't think I've seen official MLS stores do that. Instead it seems they dump the inventory of old jerseys to Ross or Adidas outlets and then just mark them as sold out. This actually drives the price of the old jerseys up on the secondary market since they become so hard for people to find.