A Day in a Fan's Life (and one of the Best) [R]

Discussion in 'Chicago Fire' started by UltraCinek, Oct 19, 2003.

  1. Or a Match Report You Will Never Find in a Newspaper

    By Marcin Tlustochowicz

    I wake up so late for reasons I don't want to disclose here. I am so thrilled; I know it is going to be a great game tonight. Goose bumps all over my body is a good thing.

    I make sure Liam knows that I got all the info needed to create a special presentation (anybody who thinks he/she vaguely knows what I am talking about shut up--it is a secret) Section 8 tonight.

    Breakfast would be a good thing--in an hour this would be lunch.

    I talk on the phone with a ton of people who will be getting tickets to Section 8 from me tonight. It seems that they prearranged with each other in what order they should call because they don't let me get of the phone for an hour.

    I finish my "breakfast."

    I finally have time for some morning "hygene." I attest that there must be quite a lot of barbers chasing me for some time now.

    I start packing for the game. I make sure the 2 liters of moonshine are rightly distilled. Pack 1000 balloons just in case somebody wants to blow. Jason's scarf in addition to mine. Tickets, ticket request sheet for tonight's game and the first playoff game, reservation sheet for the trip to Columbus on 10/26, and old flyers so I can create the new one faster.

    Time to hit the road. My girlfriend is very excited. We are moving!

    Party or hobby supply stores have bad selection. I guess no special presentation in Section 8 tonight. I just buy "samples."

    No time to print the flyers! I just have to run this other errand and then straight to the stadium!

    I park around State St. and 18th and walk with quite a lot of load to the upper Waldron Deck. Nice exercise!

    Seems that I am the first one again. And everybody promised to be here by 5 PM. I get people to sign up for the bus trip to Columbus and distribute tickets.

    Liam shows up, we round up some people and enter the stadium.

    I arrange 20 table rolls, 3 section flags and 7 banners with Liam, help place 800 streamers in the cup holders of Section 8, and help hook up the smoke machine.

    I run around the stadium twice trying to find my bag with tonight's tickets which mysteriously was changing places (with help of different people). I meet with the referees who are having the tour of the facility. One of them notes that they only managed to walk around once when I did it twice. Someone other in this group (a person I know) gives me a dirty look. He must not like supporters. Loser.

    I retrieve the tickets and trip reservation sheet and run back to Waldron Deck. I manage to catch the people I needed to find but unfortunately no moonshine for me now--it has to wait for the celebration after.

    A run back in the stadium. This time I meet Peter Wilt and Lubos Kubik. We all say we are very excited.

    I am finally where I am supposed to be: Section 8.

    I direct people to throw 800 streamers at once (minus some streamers narrowminded bastards decided to throw sooner or some time later). I will say a big "Thank you" to the first person who posts here a nice picture of this happening.

    Match kickoff.

    I get to hold the Open Cup.

    Lubos comes up to Section 8 and we cheer him fairly loudly.

    Ante scores on a penalty kick.

    I say "Hi" to Jesse Marsch who is warming up just in front of me. Actually, he said "Hi" first.

    Halftime break. I instruct people at the 200 level how to throw the table rolls down to Section 8.

    Second half starts.

    Table rolls go (or sometimes fly) down. It looks sweet. Who's got photos?

    We finally ask the big Fire question. It works very well. Light years ahead of last Friday. So we repeat it. This time it really sounds like at least 10000 people do it. We can call it a big success given the conditions we have in the new Section 8.

    Chris Armas scores the game winner. The celebration after is another underscoring of the incredible bond the Fire players and fans have between them. This was one of the moments you live for. You cannot call it priceless but you can call it life sustaining.

    I am actually quite sorry about the Rapids. They look totally devastated.

    The game is over and I help clean up and pack the banners and flags that are going to be taken to Columbus.

    I sign more people for the trip to Columbus.

    Finally time for postgame celebration. I get to tell the Dog Story again. This time it takes me an entire 25 minutes.

    I am exhausted after storytelling. I need another drink.

    I realize that I am just missing my date. She must understand: I love Fire like no one other. If she does not--tough luck.

    I manage to say another line to remember, "Hamburger is two stars." Ask Abby for an explanation. You are permitted to quote me on this one.

    I make sure the parking lot is empty and head to Abby's apartment for some more celebration and dog-storytelling.

    I leave Abby's place to catch Cam drunk as hell pretending the gas station is a hitchhiker hangout.

    I check what is going on on Bigsoccer. Some posts get me a little angry because they only mention Armas. This game was so much more, much much more.

    I feel that I must write to you about the magic that happened today.

    I am finished writing; time to go to bed--only it is about 40 miles away.

    [Projected] I am in bed for a short sleep. Sunday will be another exciting day!

    And who said that a match only lasts 2 hours? To me it was around 21 hours tonight.
  2. WarrenWallace

    WarrenWallace Member

    Mar 12, 1999
    Beer and Cheese
    Great read Marcin. I brought a friend in from suburban Minneapolis for his first ever live soccer game. He is now so hooked. Was humming the songs this morning!
  3. mactheknife

    mactheknife New Member

    Aug 2, 2002
    Baton Rouge, LA
    Chicago Fire
    man, great post but now i'm just all mad-like that i wasnt there!

    i demand photos.
  4. GoFireGo

    GoFireGo New Member

    Apr 25, 2002
    you missed a lot man! i feel for ya!
  5. Thomas Flannigan

    Feb 26, 2001
    Great post Marcin! You had a more fun day than I did but I still had a blast. We missed Coz but Section 8 is starting to shape up again.
  6. nyrmetros

    nyrmetros Member

    Feb 7, 2004
    pictures please! :)
  7. There are two lines I missed the first time:

    Just before I enter Section 8, I meet with the general manager of Monarchas Morelia who is visiting Fire right now. I met him in Morelia a year ago. This meeting was just a coincidence.

    One of the security guards lets me know that they will kick me out if I do anything resembling a breach of their regulations. A warning with a bitter smile.

  8. SnakeEyes

    SnakeEyes Member

    Oct 7, 2001
    Oh, oh, oh I have a secret :)

    Grrrrrr ;)

    Forgot to mention we met Peter on the way in to setup to which he asked "Is there anything I can do for you guys tonight"

    Ditto, I wanna see pics of this. Also if anyone has pictures of the streamers going up the balcony (wasn't planned!) those are appreciated too.
  9. You forgot a couple:

    2:45 - Said Americans are fat.
    2:50 - Ate a lot of cookies.
  10. DeGregorus

    DeGregorus Member

    Oct 24, 1999
    Seis Esquinas

    No. Hamburger comes with purchase. Draft is one ticket. Bottle beer or shots is two tickets...oh never mind :)
  11. HalaMadrid

    HalaMadrid Member

    Apr 9, 1999
    No, no Cam:

    I live in Lincoln Park, Abby lives in Old Town, you live on a boat.


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