Goff has a blog post about the inside story on Christian Gomez. Apparently he wants DP money $500k/year and DC aren't going for it. My idea is that the Quakes pick him up as their DP for a couple years, sell him on, and then come up with a really big name DP in time for the Epicenter opening. Gomez is a solid player, and although I don't think he's the kind of star like Beckham or Blanco that puts butts in the seats by name recognition alone, he would make the Quakes a much better team to watch overall. OK, it's not my wallet, but I think it's worth Beane's time to calculate the relative value using his magic soccer money ball spreadsheet.
CG would be a good pick up for the Quakes, regardless of the price. He's a good player. I've seen him a few times here in DC and he's the type of player who could have a cult following, if he played for the right team.