9/6/02: Big Apple

Discussion in 'MLS: News & Analysis' started by GPK, Sep 6, 2002.

  1. retnicf

    retnicf Member

    May 7, 2001
    Mount Vernon, NY
    NY/NJ Press too busy, I guess, to bother writing about the Metros today. It not like it was an important road victory inching the team closer to the playoffs, or anything like that :rolleyes:.
  2. Brownswan

    Brownswan New Member

    Jun 30, 1999
    Port St. Lucie, FL
    I watched the end of the 3rd and all of the 4th qtrs of the NYG-SF game after Metros-Dallas. I've been watching so mcu soccer for the last 7 years I had forgotten how frustrating an NFL game can be. They break for commercials at the drop of a flag, so its really a series of plays looking for a highlight. A quarterback sack gets the kind of celebration normally reserved for a touchdown -- or a goal in soccer.

    I can't watch this stuff anymore, but that's just me. The packed stadium just shows how removed I am from American pop culture. I feel like Seymour in "Ghost World."

    All I need is Thora Birch. :)

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