'24-25 Sheffield Wednesday / League Championship

Discussion in 'League Championship' started by pookspur, May 24, 2024.

  1. pookspur

    pookspur Moderator
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    Nov 3, 2001
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    Starting the new season's thread with some good news; German media sources are stating that Danny Rohl has signed a new deal, committing to Wednesday until 2027.

    He'll've had options, so you've gotta think he's gotten some assurances from the chairman or he wouldn't have signed. Brilliant news, and will calm some nerves after Wednesday's 'last' summer.

    Kudos to the chairman. Earned.

    IvanIV repped this.
  2. IvanIV

    IvanIV King of all He purveys

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  3. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

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    First page. What the hell, sign me up for another year of Agita!!
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  4. pookspur

    pookspur Moderator
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    Barry Bannan and Liam Palmer have both signed new contracts, according to the club's website.

    Palmer doesn't really convince me at the Championship level, if I'm honest, but 'in Danny we Trust', eh? Both loyal servants to Wednesday and nice to see they're in Rohl's plans. Better still, good to see them getting business done quickly.

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  5. IvanIV

    IvanIV King of all He purveys

    Apr 8, 2006
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    phew... Bannan is only 34... maybe old to some but not to me.

    402 appearances for us with 31 goals.

    I wasn't sold on him at first but I went all in a while ago. @pookspur loved. him from the get go I do believe...

    Palmer is 32, again a prime age to me.

    432 appearances with 10 goals. He's been a fave of mine for a while now.
  6. pookspur

    pookspur Moderator
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    When Chansiri first bought the club, in the early (Carlos) days, the quality of players at Wednesday really elevated. Players like Bannan, Wallace, and Fostieri were head and shoulders above the quality of what had been at Wednesday in the 5 or 6 years (or more) prior. It wasn't so much that I loved Bannan, but you could just see his quality. When promotion never came and money got tight, most of that quality went away; but Bannan has stayed on and continues to make a fist of it for Wednesday. He's not the player that he was five years ago (nobody that age is), but I've grown to like (maybe 'appreciate' is the better word) him more over the last few years than I did in the early days. But yeah, I've always rated him. He's quality (even if he's not as great as some Wednesday fans seem to think).

    'Only 34', though ... :unsure: ... well, he can still do a job (if Rohl thinks so, so do I), but he can't do what he was doing five years ago. Playing him in a 2 is asking for trouble, but (unlike some others) it seems clear enough that Rohl knows that.

    Palmer's 32 is not as harrowing, of course ... but the clock is ticking for him, too. But again, in Danny we trust.
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  7. IvanIV

    IvanIV King of all He purveys

    Apr 8, 2006
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    I miss Ross Wallace...


    Cheeky lad, him...

    He is currently "First Team Coach" at Fleetwood Town...
  8. pookspur

    pookspur Moderator
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    According to Joe Crann (of the Sheffield Star), Cam Dawson will be leaving the club this Summer. There's interest from other clubs and he's said he wants to go. Probably for the best, but it's always a little sad when a youth system product that's made an impact in the first team moves on.
    IvanIV repped this.
  9. IvanIV

    IvanIV King of all He purveys

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  10. pookspur

    pookspur Moderator
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    Er ... no?
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  11. IvanIV

    IvanIV King of all He purveys

    Apr 8, 2006
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    Just thought we should have a look at the son of a former great...

    Gotta wonder what we're going after this off season...
  12. pookspur

    pookspur Moderator
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    Nov 3, 2001
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    With so many loans and players out of contract, it appears their first priority has been tying down the players they want to keep, which they seem to be doing.

    But yeah, it'll be the additions that will be telling.
    IvanIV repped this.
  13. IvanIV

    IvanIV King of all He purveys

    Apr 8, 2006
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  14. pookspur

    pookspur Moderator
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    Nov 3, 2001
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    Beadle back to Brighton, then? Probably old news, but I haven't heard.
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  15. pookspur

    pookspur Moderator
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    Nov 3, 2001
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    The new home shirt:

    Owls reveal 2024/25 home kit! (youtube.com)

    Don't much like it, myself. White stripes wider than blue ... blue a bit too light (more like Huddersfield's blue) ... all white back ... not horrible, but not too good.
    IvanIV repped this.
  16. pookspur

    pookspur Moderator
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    Walkley's posted on OO that Dominic Iorfa is staying. No link, or anything, but whatever one thinks of Walkley, he knows his Wednesday. I typically take non-verifiable stuff with a grain of salt, but I'm buying - and liking - it.

    Dawson moving on has been confirmed. Rumors that it's to Rotherham have not, but that wouldn't shock, either.
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  17. IvanIV

    IvanIV King of all He purveys

    Apr 8, 2006
    Sheffield Wednesday FC
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    That's what it said on FB.

    The new shirt is ok.

    Agreed on your summation about it.

    I do like the WAWAW on the back though...
  18. pookspur

    pookspur Moderator
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    Nov 3, 2001
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    Wednesday have signed Svante Ingelsson, a Swedish midfielder, from Hansa Rostock. He's 26 years old and can play centrally or on the left. Beyond that, I don't know much of anything about him. But coming from Germany, it sounds like it's got Danny Rohl written all over it. If Rohl wants him, and Chansiri's gone out and gotten him, that's good news to my mind.

    Rumors that Ugbo is coming back, as well. Presumably it's just an extension of his loan, though I don't know. Either way, having Ugbo back can only be good news. That's the player from last year that I'd most wanted to see retained. Fingers crossed.
    IvanIV repped this.
  19. IvanIV

    IvanIV King of all He purveys

    Apr 8, 2006
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    Both are great news imho!
  20. pookspur

    pookspur Moderator
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    Alan Nixon of The Sun is saying that a deal is close to done to retain Beadle. I figured the Hamer signing meant Beadle was gone, but apparently not. Getting a lot of business done early. Even the most cynical Chansiri-haters have to admit that things appear to be going well.
    IvanIV repped this.
  21. pookspur

    pookspur Moderator
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    Nov 3, 2001
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  22. IvanIV

    IvanIV King of all He purveys

    Apr 8, 2006
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  23. pookspur

    pookspur Moderator
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    Nov 3, 2001
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    I thought you might not go for the collar, but I knew you'd dig the orange.

    Reminds me of the DiCanio/Carbone/Thome days (97? ... 98?). Last year's away kits were brilliant, as well. Those reminded me of the early 90s 'Harkes' days. I never buy replica shirts ... but I'm seriously thinking about one of those.
    IvanIV repped this.
  24. IvanIV

    IvanIV King of all He purveys

    Apr 8, 2006
    Sheffield Wednesday FC
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    United States
    I'm also considering one...

    I'd have love to gotten one of last years away kits as well...
  25. IvanIV

    IvanIV King of all He purveys

    Apr 8, 2006
    Sheffield Wednesday FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Iorfa has signed ...

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