2024 MLS Match Day 9 Referee Discussion

Discussion in 'MLS Referee Forum' started by ManiacalClown, Apr 10, 2024.

  1. GlennAA11

    GlennAA11 Member+

    Jun 12, 2001
    Arlington, VA
    a bit different to the one in Austin last week which was much farther from the goal. Did they come out say that should have been a red last week? [at the time I thought it should have been]
  2. ManiacalClown

    ManiacalClown Member+

    Jun 27, 2003
    South Jersey
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Not in any public statement, no, but that was the final verdict, yes.
    MassachusettsRef repped this.
  3. ManiacalClown

    ManiacalClown Member+

    Jun 27, 2003
    South Jersey
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Pair of reviews involving red cards just before HT. Ian Harkes (NE) sees a RC for SFP dropped to YC after review. Meanwhile, Boiko has upgraded a Andres Reyes (RBNY) YC to RC for violent conduct. No argument on either, I think.
    MassachusettsRef repped this.
  4. ManiacalClown

    ManiacalClown Member+

    Jun 27, 2003
    South Jersey
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Nice feel good moment in KC as Rivas gives a great advantage to lead to Miami's 18' equalizer after a foul near the touchline.
  5. soccerref69420

    soccerref69420 Member+

    President of the Antonio Miguel Mateu Lahoz fan cub
    Mar 14, 2020
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    That is an incredible call to get 100% correct in real time. And to not be fooled by the trailing defender because the sideways touch has him facing goal in between both of them. Wow

    After watching Freemon have VAR show him multiple replays and angles of a nearly textbook simulation and he still doesn’t call it, it’s even more impressive to see a ref get this right in real time. Just wow
    rh89 repped this.
  6. SouthRef

    SouthRef Member+

    Jun 10, 2006
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Both Szpala and Rivas seem much more aggressive when dealing with player confrontations. Szpala with some very aggressive body language (head down, advancing on players) and Rivas poking players in the chest with his fingers.

    I mean, don't do this at home kids, but if it works for them, it works.
    RefIADad and frankieboylampard repped this.
  7. GlennAA11

    GlennAA11 Member+

    Jun 12, 2001
    Arlington, VA
    that was very strange. He stopped play and then restarts with a drop to Miami? No misconduct for Alba?
  8. SouthRef

    SouthRef Member+

    Jun 10, 2006
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    wow - didn't see the restart. Not even a foul ?
  9. MuchoTakeItEasy

    MuchoTakeItEasy Member+

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    Offside called on the field which overturns a Touchan penalty call. The fouled player was in an offside position when the pass was made. After some discussion with AR, the original PK was reversed. No VAR intervention since the on field call (eventually) was correct.
  10. MassachusettsRef

    MassachusettsRef Moderator
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    Apr 30, 2001
    Washington, DC
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    United States
    Chapman's very late 2CT was certainly in the DOGSO vicinity. Wonder if the decision would have been different had the context been different.
    StarTime repped this.
  11. rh89

    rh89 Member

    Sep 29, 2015
    I just want to shout out this team for getting it right live.
  12. StarTime

    StarTime Member+

    United States
    Oct 18, 2020
    This isn’t DOGSO for me. Likelihood of the ball is a big question mark. That touch the attacker takes before the foul is pretty big and towards some defenders.
  13. incognitoind

    incognitoind Member

    Apr 8, 2015
    Stop it at the moment of contact. That’s a controlled touch and those defenders are 7-8 yds away
  14. ManiacalClown

    ManiacalClown Member+

    Jun 27, 2003
    South Jersey
    Chicago Fire
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    United States
    Pineda looked hot at the HT whistle. Was looking for someone, but an assistant coach grabbed him and turned him around towards the tunnel.
  15. ManiacalClown

    ManiacalClown Member+

    Jun 27, 2003
    South Jersey
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I wonder if he was upset that José Martínez was not issued a second caution in minute 39.
  16. GlennAA11

    GlennAA11 Member+

    Jun 12, 2001
    Arlington, VA
    very tight offside decision on what would have been Philly's 3rd goal. Looked pretty even from the angle they showed us
  17. ManiacalClown

    ManiacalClown Member+

    Jun 27, 2003
    South Jersey
    Chicago Fire
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    United States
    I think it's off, but it's tight and difficult to say from the 18.

    Final whistle was awkward. Philly had the body language of just playing out the clock for a bit, but then put together a pretty decent-looking attack right as Freemon blows for time.
  18. SouthRef

    SouthRef Member+

    Jun 10, 2006
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I think this quote from Jim Curtin will go down as one of the best on this subject.

    “What does clear and obvious even mean? What’s clear and obvious to me might not be to the next human. Millions of people watch Two and a Half Men and I think it’s the dumbest show ever. It’s clear and obvious to me that it’s terrible.”
  19. Sport Billy

    Sport Billy Moderator
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    May 25, 2006
    #44 Sport Billy, Apr 14, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2024
    Ted Unkel had a great game in St. Louis today.

    He had a great advantage call and one of those there was contact, but light foul, whistle to lips, ball heading out, wait to see who last touched it, it was the fouled team's ball, go with the throw. it was beautiful. No complaints from players.

    The 4O, Abdou Ndiaye, bumbled a few substitutions.
  20. StarTime

    StarTime Member+

    United States
    Oct 18, 2020
    The assertion that the defenders are 7-8 yards away at the moment of contact is simply false; they are almost exactly 4 yards away based on the penalty arc. They’re also running at full speed directly towards the location where the ball goes.
  21. Sport Billy

    Sport Billy Moderator
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    May 25, 2006
    It is irrelevant as there's not a chance any of those defenders are stopping the opportunity.
    Screenshot 2024-04-15 at 7.12.16 AM.png

    Also, the ball is at his feet until the keeper wipes him.
    Screenshot 2024-04-15 at 7.16.02 AM.png
  22. RedStar91

    RedStar91 Member+

    Sep 7, 2011
    FK Crvena Zvezda Beograd

    Jon Freemon seems to think that the clock in soccer is the same as in basketball or in college soccer. Once it hits zero, you must blow to the exact millisecond.

    He did that in New England either last season or the season before as one of the teams earned a corner kick at like 96:01 and he didn't let them take it which in turn invited a ton of unnecessary dissent.
  23. StarTime

    StarTime Member+

    United States
    Oct 18, 2020
    This photo is before the touch that sends the ball away.
  24. ManiacalClown

    ManiacalClown Member+

    Jun 27, 2003
    South Jersey
    Chicago Fire
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Went and re-watched this, and I can definitely understand if he thought he was getting "game's over let's go home" vibes from the Union in the moments leading up to that play, but once the attacker makes such an effort to keep the ball on that run down the touchline I think you gotta let it play. If time was up before the move started, you'd be blowing the whistle already once Carranza gave up and cycled it backwards.
    It's not relevant to this particular situation, but I would note that PRO does have very particular instructions on when they want their referees to blow for time when there's a *corner kick* involved, which is essentially if there was time on your watch when the ball went out, allow the corner and only the corner, but if time was up before it crossed the line, end the half/match. Simple to understand and keep consistent, especially in this day and age of having someone in a darkened room somewhere help count up all the lost time down to the second.
    StarTime repped this.
  25. Sport Billy

    Sport Billy Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 25, 2006
    But that touch occurs after contact from the keeper so is not part of the equation.

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