2024 MLS Fantasy League: BigSoccer Crew

Discussion in 'Columbus Crew' started by TKyle, Feb 20, 2024.

  1. GoCrew1996

    GoCrew1996 Member+

    Jan 20, 2007
    Columbus Crew
    Your method in theory works, but its not the autoroo.

    The autoroo is pretty simple. You play 1 OR 2 players who you KNOW aren't going to play. In your scenario, it was Hall.

    If you had then played any of the following formations (including Hall in your starting 11), the best score of your 3 bench players would automatically subbed in for Hall.


    You can't do what you did and play a 3-5-2 or a 3-4-3 because it will ONLY select from your defender bench options as it can't start less than 3 defenders. Therefore, pantsil was completely worthless on your bench outside of price changes. It auto put in the best of your two defenders. I think doing it this way is wasting money UNLESS you are simply going for a price rise out of pantsil (he's pretty expensive to just be going for a price rise, though).

    I think you're confusing scrubbing players with the autoroo. They go together sometimes but not always. You want to have your EARLIEST game players on the bench if you are going to go for a switcharoo and a scrub. If you are ONLY doing a switcharoo it matters less.

    Let's say you have 3 players from a 3PM game on the bench. A defender, a midfielder, and a forward. Let's also say your starting lineup is the following:

    4 defenders (1 which is a 4.0 bye player, 3 real starters)
    4 midfielders (all legit starters)
    2 forwards (all legit starters)

    3 bench in this scenario are all legit players who you want to potentially play for you if they do well.

    After the 3PM game you have multiple options depending on how your bench does.

    Lets say 1 bench player does great and 2 do terribly. You can do nothing and let that 1 great player score auto sub in for the defender you had at 4.0 on bye (Autoroo)

    Let's say 2 bench players do great and 1 does terrible. You can scrub another one of your starting 11 so that TWO bench players go in (in this example, let's say its your D and F who do great - you'd leave the 4.0 bye in on D and you would sub out one of your two forwards for a 4.0 bye player) (this is an autoroo and a scrub)

    Next, lets say all 3 of your bench players do great. You can then put 3 4.0 bye players into your starting lineup and all 3 of your bench players will autoroo (autoroo and a scrub).

    Lastly, lets say ALL 3 of your bench players do terribly. You can (if you have the money) get rid of your 4.0 bye defender and substitute in a real starters knowing that your autoroo options are terrible.

    My example includes 3pm games, but the idea works on any time change games. I often put my 730 3 worst starters into my bench and then purposefully select 1030 or sunday games in my starting lineup so that I can autoroo/scrub as needed.

    At the most basic level of FMLS, unless you are going for all price rises on your bench (a different strategy which I can explain if you want), you should always do the 3 for 1 or 3 for 2 swap. It gives you more options to hit winners as its always better to try to take scores from 3 instead of 2 (or 1).

    Hopefully that didn't confuse you more.

    First, if two of the 3 have great scores, you can keep the 1 bye defender in, and then SCRUB one of your mid
  2. Ch(Elsey)

    Ch(Elsey) Member+

    Columbus Crew
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    @GoCrew1996 - Oh crud. We have not been doing the autoroo. And I think it stems to me misunderstanding how the bench works.

    1 - Thank you for your detailed post. Your post coupled with a video on the autoroo let me know that clearly we have not been employing the autoroo.

    I think what we have been doing are switcharoos/scrubs? This strategy of an autoroo will make us rethink some things...

    2 - So here is my question to make sure I fully understand the autoroo - I am looking at your lineup last week - With your BYE player Halliday - your autoroo came in with Druissi's points, right? If that is correct, and I think it is correct by calculating the points, I really was not understanding the bench. I thought only defenders could be roo-ed in for defenders, midfielders for midfielders, etc.

    This part about formations is what I am going to need to study as well. I am not sure if I like starting three defenders. Clean sheets are harder to come by this season (according to statistics). And that seems to be where defenders are going to earn the points..

    Again, thanks so much for your patience and time put into explaining. I owe you a Kyle Brew at this point.

    Also, my apologies to my fellow MLSF Bigsoccer Crew players. I will try to get our team to be a bit more competitive with this newfound knowledge.
  3. GoCrew1996

    GoCrew1996 Member+

    Jan 20, 2007
    Columbus Crew
    To answer your question, yes, I did a 3 for 1 autoroo. Halliday was automatically subbed out for my highest scoring bench player (in this case Druissi). I switch between 3 for 2 and 3 for 1s depending on how much budget I have (if I need more money, I put 2 4.0 players in the starting lineup, and if I need less, I only use one).
  4. Tobias C

    Tobias C Member+

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    Welp, forgot to set the team again this week, seeing as I just got lasik surgery yesterday and literally everything else kinda fell on the backburner....

    ....but with that said, having my vision given back to me without corrective eyewear is slightly more relevant than fantasy soccer (no offense).

    I think if I forget to set my team much more, this season will for sure be a wash and I may fade out of the picture completely lol. Well see...
    LaMacchia repped this.
  5. TKyle

    TKyle Moderator
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    So, can you read this?
  6. DrunkandDisorderly

    Mar 17, 2008
    Columbus Crew
    Wait, you people change your rosters every week?
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  7. Tobias C

    Tobias C Member+

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    I can!
    TKyle repped this.
  8. Ch(Elsey)

    Ch(Elsey) Member+

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    Dude. Thank you for this week. At one point last night, Markus said: “We better not lose to (your name). He is not even playing anymore. He still has Cucho and Darlington in his lineup. But he captained Messi. I am worried.”
  9. Ch(Elsey)

    Ch(Elsey) Member+

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    FYI - for all you roster checkers - MLS dot com was wrong on Chicago’s lineup last night.


    I was at Timo’s rock show (happy face) and not with Markus (sad face). We were doing our best to follow lineups. Last night was another lesson in the books. I am going to check the MLSF Discord for the lineups because they amalgamate all the lineups together in a feed/channel. The lineup from Chicago had Herber’s starting. MLS dot com’s lineup did not.

    Just a heads-up for all our fellow Crew friends and fellow fantasy players.
  10. GoCrew1996

    GoCrew1996 Member+

    Jan 20, 2007
    Columbus Crew
    I am 65th in the Fantasy Champs League qualifying for round 2. I need to make up 15 spots in the next 3 weeks (which is only 3 total points right now).
  11. LaMacchia

    LaMacchia Member+

    Jul 12, 2008
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    Got absolutely rocked (again) by @Ch(Elsey) and Marcus. Much like Caleb Porter's teams my guys played well but were simply unlucky.
  12. speedye1

    speedye1 Member+

    Dec 31, 2002
    I was so pleased with my 80 score, by far the best yet. Then I end up with a tie against some DC United goon.
  13. TKyle

    TKyle Moderator
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    You forgot to throw one of your players under the bus.
    LaMacchia repped this.
  14. Ch(Elsey)

    Ch(Elsey) Member+

    Columbus Crew
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    @DrunkandDisorderly - On Sunday, Markus told me that he thinks you are still playing.. and I think he felt bad that he thought you were not. I am sending apologies from him.

    Dude, Inside Man. That is awesome.

    Hey, Tall Chris. Keep your eyes on the prize - getting into Champions League during the third window or the fourth window.

    80 is great!

    Alex Roldán? ::ducks::
    DrunkandDisorderly repped this.
  15. Ch(Elsey)

    Ch(Elsey) Member+

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    @GoCrew1996 - gg.

    I told Markus that losing to a great player is nothing to be discouraged about. We are still trying out ideas and plays as a fun way to tinker before the next Champions League window. Also, I showed him just how much that Cucho red card impacted our standings in the current window. He seemed in good spirits, all things considered.
  16. GoCrew1996

    GoCrew1996 Member+

    Jan 20, 2007
    Columbus Crew
    sorry I missed this GG. I am in 13th in the champions league window. Just have to have a good 12th week and I'll make it for the 3rd straight year (don't ask me how it went once I was in it).
  17. Ch(Elsey)

    Ch(Elsey) Member+

    Columbus Crew
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    Good luck this week!

    I am glad this week is closing out the current Champions League window. We started talking about the matchups, and I was not too high on most of the matchups. The third window opens during a huge two-games week. It should be wild with points (hopefully).

    And thanks for always taking my line outside of here. Oh – and you changed your team name. Markus went looking for you. If any of you ever want to shoot the MLSF talk, I am usually around somewhere. As I have mentioned upthread, having Markus to talk about this dorky stuff has provided mostly joy.

    What a weird week in fantasy. Messi – what a MLSF god. Does it feel weird that he is an automatic spot on the roster? And automatically takes up the C?

    We had two players with OGs. The backline (GK and D) mostly showed up. Though, I went back and looked at the last 3-4 Dream Teams – many of those players (GK and D) were away. I am still trying to tinker with away versus home team players. Our overall team value rose incredibly this week – this week was the first week (I think) that all of our players went up (who were not on BYE). Though, I feel we may still be budget-constrained.

    Markus is going to set the lineup today after taking a hiatus of setting the lineup for many weeks. We have been so busy. And I have taken the lead. We talked over the matchups yesterday so we discussed a possible framework. I am excited to see what our Monday lineup looks like.

    Even with us being busy, he caught that Evander was not playing a few weeks ago. I was gearing up everyone for bed, and he came into the living room and said: “Evander is not playing. We need to change up our lineup.” So we did.

    I am still listening to both podcasts most weeks, and I keep a very close eye on the Discord. All of the above have been helpful. Last week, one of the podcast hosts had nearly the exact same lineup that I had set on Monday, which was weird. I guess. I ended up tinkering with the backline on Saturday (which was a good thing). I am not sure if I want to ride the Walker Zimmerman roller coaster again so soon. What a wild ride.

    Thanks again goes to @TKyle for starting this thread and providing the push to do MLSF this year.

    We were roasting ourselves over the weekend because Messi (as C) scored more points this last week than our whole team did a week or two early in the MLSF season. We have come along way. Thanks all.
    Ball Kicker and TKyle repped this.
  18. GoCrew1996

    GoCrew1996 Member+

    Jan 20, 2007
    Columbus Crew
    I like to change my name weekly to shit talk members of my main league. Stinky pigs FC is my rival
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  19. Ch(Elsey)

    Ch(Elsey) Member+

    Columbus Crew
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    Yikes. I had no idea that people (FB login?) had (have) issues logging into MLSF last round (still this round?).
  20. Ch(Elsey)

    Ch(Elsey) Member+

    Columbus Crew
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    This massive next game week seems like the week to try the autoroo. Or not? I think?

    Can you even do scrubs with switcharoos? Is a keeperroo even worth it?

    So can someone confirm:
    4 D
    3 M
    3 F

    That is viable for an autoroo?

    One scrub? Is any team on a double BYE week? SOS. Need help. Thanks in advance.

    Or just put out your best lineup?
  21. Kryptonite

    Kryptonite BS XXV

    Apr 10, 1999
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    I'm not sure, but here's a kangaroo:

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  22. TKyle

    TKyle Moderator
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    No problem! I wanted to see the BS Crew league (and the weekly anguish) continue. Sadly I can’t find the time to do proper updates and standings (hopefully standings will be posted soon), and I certainly don’t have the skills for home-made memes.

    I’m hoping that next February, with more lead time and the assistance of Commissioner-on-Sabbatical @SLSHOT01, we can have private BS H2H and Open Leagues again.

    As for this week, wow. Seven road teams won their matches. Seven. That put a big dent in the “select from home sides” wisdom this week. And only two clean sheets amongst 28 teams.
    And lastly, after his points-olazo last week (and I think I was the only person who didn’t select him as captain), who’d of thought that Miguel Berry would have more fantasy points this week than Messi? LOL
    Ch(Elsey) repped this.
  23. Ch(Elsey)

    Ch(Elsey) Member+

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    (Anxious) Bump.

    @chr1st AKA sunglasses Chris or tall Chris @LaMacchia - What are all possible formations for the autoroo? I think the autoroo is the best possible option for this week. I might start cold calling (messaging) y’all. These Wednesday night games are going to come very quickly…

    No double BYE week teams. Though two teams only playing once - I think LAFC and SKC? I think?
  24. LaMacchia

    LaMacchia Member+

    Jul 12, 2008
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    So I usually go with 5 in the back featuring 2 scrub defenders. This gives me 3 starting and 2 sub midfielders and 2 starting and 1 sub forward. The thought being that mids generally score more than defenders.

    But you can also do 1 scrub each DEF & MID - that gives you a bench with one of each position.
  25. chr1st

    chr1st Member+

    Jan 19, 2011
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    I'm the wrong person to ask about this. Set it and forget it, bay-be!

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