2024 Concacaf Champions Cup [R]

Discussion in 'New England Revolution' started by NFLPatriot, Dec 11, 2023.

  1. teskicks

    teskicks Member+

    New England Revolution
    United States
    Jan 14, 2002
    Wrentham, MA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    It was annoying but to be honest it is not easy doing the entire game solo with no one to interact with.
    firstshirt, patfan1 and NFLPatriot repped this.
  2. patfan1

    patfan1 Moderator
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    Aug 19, 1999
    Nashua, NH
    New England Revolution
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    United States
    Completely agree and I noted that to some that were complaining last night. And I'll add one more thing ... so many announcers in the US take themselves too seriously, I thought he was having some fun. He also had no problem mocking himself and it made me laugh a few times. He wasn't great, but from reading some comments from people, you'd think he was the worst thing to happen to soccer in years.
    Feldspar, teskicks and NFLPatriot repped this.
  3. BERich

    BERich Member+

    Feb 3, 2012
    New England
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    A few random thoughts:

    I was quite pleased the way they played. First game out in Central America, playing in a tournament that they never put much effort into in the past, I wasn't expecting too much. I was happy that they tried to quickly move the ball down the field. And I was glad that I didn't see a lot of passes between the CBs and goalie.

    I didn't have a problem with that no-call on the second yellow. You see that all the time where a ref gives a player a pass on a pale yellow foul.

    I had the volume on the TV fairly low and wasn't paying too much attention to the announcer. But I got a chuckle out of his describing the Panamanian league with their East and West conference as unique among soccer leagues. East and West conferences like the NBA. Hello....and the MLS.
    pwykes repped this.
  4. NFLPatriot

    NFLPatriot Member+

    Jun 25, 2002
    Foxboro, MA
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Agree with pretty much everything that has been posted here so far.

    Happy with the win, encouraged with how they controlled the game, still worried about the #9. Vrioni had 3 or 4 chances where the ball fell near him, and a toe-poke would have resulted in a shot on goal, but he either didn't see it or was too slow to react.

    MAK frustrated me the same way he did last year: great at intercepting/stealing the ball, but turns it back over way too easily. Pharrell, er, Farrell puts out fire after fire, but had a few dangerous turnovers as well. Mitt's distant cousin was a rock, as usual. DeJuan battled all game.

    Ravas was good, never really tested, but clearly a step up from Edwards and Jackson.

    Lima was solid, good addition after the Bye injury. I liked what I saw from Esmir, he may be more important than Buck this year.

    Porter used all 5 of his subs. With 4 games in 12 days, this is critical. It will be interesting to see who starts vs DCU.
  5. NFLPatriot

    NFLPatriot Member+

    Jun 25, 2002
    Foxboro, MA
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  6. mefster

    mefster Member

    Jul 31, 2007
    East Cambridge, MA
    New England Revolution
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    Is that stat in the Revs write-up correct? Revs 135 fouls Independiente 11??!! Welcome to MLS amigos.
  7. NFLPatriot

    NFLPatriot Member+

    Jun 25, 2002
    Foxboro, MA
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Ha, too funny!

    Concacaf site has 11 to 10, so I don't know where 135 came from.

    It also has slightly different numbers for passes (541-220), but either way the Revs passed a lot more than CAI did, and it was noticeable during the game.
  8. Tea Men Tom

    Tea Men Tom Member

    Feb 14, 2001
    He actually got a lot of positive feedback from Revs fans on X post game. He kind of grew on me a bit as the game moved along.
    teskicks repped this.
  9. teskicks

    teskicks Member+

    New England Revolution
    United States
    Jan 14, 2002
    Wrentham, MA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I actually liked what he did it just got annoying hearing the same things repeatedly. I think if he had a partner it could have been great.
  10. Argyle

    Argyle Member

    Jan 31, 2002
    Plymouth, MA
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I, on the other hand, watched the second half with the sound off.
  11. NFLPatriot

    NFLPatriot Member+

    Jun 25, 2002
    Foxboro, MA
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Does... not... compute...
    patfan1 repped this.
  12. Feldspar

    Feldspar Member+

    Nov 19, 1998
    Boston, MA
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I did find it interesting that the pbp guy's mispronunciations/name choices seemed to be thematic. Andrew Pharrell, (The first) Noel Buck, Emmanuel Boateng. Very much the House of El.
  13. rkupp

    rkupp Member+

    Jan 3, 2001
    They did a pretty nice job of stringing passes together - and seemed more willing to go forward than recent years.

    The Gil brothers continue to have good chemistry and that makes it a good idea to have Nacho on the field. He seems to regularly be able to get the ball to his bro in dangerous positions.

    Esmir definitely looks like he's got something extra this year. His progression is starting to remind me of how Tajon broke out.

    We easily could have won that one 3 or 4-0. I expected more out of Independiente. Wonder if they'll show more fight up here.

    I'm torn over whether Chancalay intentionally bounced his shot into the turf - it certainly looks like he hit it like intended. OTOH, it would be quite the bit of inspiration to choose that shot at that time.
  14. teskicks

    teskicks Member+

    New England Revolution
    United States
    Jan 14, 2002
    Wrentham, MA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Based on how badly he missed his previous chance I doubt it. I think it was a luck mis-hit.
  15. Minutemanii

    Minutemanii Member+

    Dec 29, 2005
    Abington MA
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I dunno, a skilled footballer has the bounce volley in their bag of tricks when shooting at the goalie who is already beginning to lineup in position for the save. The bounce sometimes can negate that and the ball can find its way to the back of the net.
  16. NFLPatriot

    NFLPatriot Member+

    Jun 25, 2002
    Foxboro, MA
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  17. Feldspar

    Feldspar Member+

    Nov 19, 1998
    Boston, MA
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  18. NFLPatriot

    NFLPatriot Member+

    Jun 25, 2002
    Foxboro, MA
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Updated forecast for Thursday:

    Rain overnight Wednesday night, followed by a temperature drop. High of 35 degrees at noon on Thursday, down to upper 20's by game time.
  19. NFLPatriot

    NFLPatriot Member+

    Jun 25, 2002
    Foxboro, MA
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  20. Steve_R

    Steve_R Member

    Feb 25, 2001
    Somerville, MA
    They get the one cold day this week - Thursday will be sandwiched by warm temps tomorrow and Friday :cool:
    pwykes repped this.
  21. patfan1

    patfan1 Moderator
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    Aug 19, 1999
    Nashua, NH
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    More proof that Revs fans can't have nice things.
    rkupp repped this.
  22. Minutemanii

    Minutemanii Member+

    Dec 29, 2005
    Abington MA
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  23. NFLPatriot

    NFLPatriot Member+

    Jun 25, 2002
    Foxboro, MA
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    But I thought we wanted cold weather, for the psychological advantage over CAI? ;)
  24. Minutemanii

    Minutemanii Member+

    Dec 29, 2005
    Abington MA
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Yeah, I mean, half the price of my ticket was worth just seeing the look in Independiente's faces when they walk out of the tunnel into the lovely New England winter air!
    pwykes and Steve_R repped this.
  25. Tea Men Tom

    Tea Men Tom Member

    Feb 14, 2001
    I got the sense watching that game that Independiente wasn't exactly all in. They used a lot of subs and it seemed like they were just trying to get through the game without anyone getting hurt. Hopefully they get one whiff of the cold air Thursday and say screw it - 2 hours and we get on a plane back to Panama.
    Minutemanii repped this.

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