Two sandmen remain accounted for. I’m getting ready to send a two-ton block of sand to their addresses to remind them that the Sand division needs them (and it is widely known as the best of the three divisions)
Luckily I don’t have to send this to any Dust division members since it doesn’t exist anymore, a two-ton amount of dust would be a logistical problem for sure Hoping someday the dust league returns, it was cool having the four leagues (in a game of thrones kind of way, minus the dragons)
OK. We just have three teams needing to confirm. Small Rocks Journeymen - IN Keysersoze Wanderers - ____ blechs_dawgs - IN Top Shelf - IN Sasha Juniors - IN Real Newark - IN Aviators - Promoted from VSR - IN ColdDogSoup - Promoted from VSR - IN Very Small Rocks Glorydaze - Relegated from Small - IN FC St. Pauli - Relegated from Small - IN Living in Dreamland - IN Tangers FC - IN Borussia DaMarcus - IN Morning Glory - ____ REVEALED: Starboy XI - Promoted from Sand - IN FC Epikoinis - Promoted from Sand - IN Sand Lokomotiv Lewisham - Relegated from VSR - IN_ Kopite Juniors - Relegated from VSR - IN Parraraiders - IN Stormin Gunners - IN Bigger Boat - IN Soccer Steve - IN Ziko Freako FC - ____ The Javelinas - IN
If Zico Freako doesn’t return, is there someone else that can join Sand? My son Quinn could be a backup option if need be, he’s only 8 but likes fantasy sports (also has one of the coolest team names that he already uses in MLS fantasy: Mighty Quinn FC) If needed he can play and can go through my email address to make his picks/changes. By the way, he’s also playing goalie for our township and will be the next Tim Howard
I don't have a problem with that - it would complete the Sand league and allow us to set a start date and draft order
I'm interested and would like to join. I've been very active and am currently sitting second in the MLS league. Let me know! I'll send my info to Tarv.
Note that we are still missing Keysersoze in Small, although he always like the late, grand entrance so presumably will arrive eventually... But if he were to drop out, there would be a shuffle with next in line in each division moving up. I believe Living in Dreamland and Parraraiders are the teams that are on deck if the spot opens and a shuffle is needed.. That said, probably no harm in running the draft order if everyone wants to start getting situated. If a spot does open, I do vouch for DizzyandDaffy, who has been very active in managing his MLS team.
Good to have all of the Sandies back, since there are two players who want to join All-Rocks and there are no available spaces, maybe we can consider resurrecting the Dust league? Just a thought, I know it’s close to drafting time but maybe there are those in all-rocks that know someone who might be interested. Looks like we have DizzyandDaffy and MightyQuinn already in the queue…
I bet that out of the full 23 members in all-rocks that we can combine efforts to find six more managers to fill the Dust league (I’ve already done my part to help) If there’s not enough time to do this to make the draft time that’s no problem, but figured I’d throw the suggestion out there to all rocks. It would be cool to have the four divisions going again, sandies won’t have it easy anymore to avoid relegation but that’s ok
Blech did his part too, c’mon All-Rocks let’s do this! Otherwise the dust devils will haunt our sleep for all eternity…
Hey all, its looking like we are going to try to get a Dust league going. Please send any candidates our way.
Keysersoze confirmed last night. So, everyone in Small, VSR, and Sand reconfirmed. All divisions ready to go. We do have 2 more in the queue. We need 6 more to relaunch Dust. Anyone know anyone who may be interested?
Some rule changes this season. Looks like you can save up to 5 transfers instead of just 2 now. Plus a mystery chip. How's that one going to fit into our game?
C’mon All-Rocks team, let’s get 6 more to resurrect Dust. Mention to someone you know who likes soccer that there’s a solid gold trophy involved when the Dusty Cup is resurrected too (I can run the Dusty Cup as well as the Sandy Cup when Boxing Day comes, since I’m already in the thick of this). However you don’t have to mention that it’s made with gold-colored marker and maybe some gold-colored dust as well, gold dust will add a nice touch to the trophy