during a convo about the third kits with the dynamo rep for sponsorship relations (or some such title) I brought up the avoidance of using the columbia blue color in any way. I was told the dynamo will probably/certainly never use that color because it's an official color in the Dash scheme & is used for their purposes. so that's super neat
One thing of note from yesterday, the pitch at Shell Energy Stadium is still in excellent condition despite so many games.After Paraguay’s final group game there will have been 8 matches played in less than a week! pic.twitter.com/7L1lSWPiuX— Ralph Hannah (@paraguayralph) February 26, 2024 Hope this doesn’t come off as being an FO shill. But I figured that it’s worth a little reminder that there is *some* capacity within the organization to do things exceptionally.
Since I was castigated for suggesting this turn of events in reply to your previous post on the matter, and castigated by the smartest most reliable and rarely wrong poster on all of Bigsoccer, let me just revel in some degree of vindication.
It has been mentioned before but I think deserves wide recognition. You are very right and the turn around to world class pitch conditions from what went before has been fantastic.
I don't know if it was me who castigated you but I hope so just so I can start demanding ya'll call me "the smartest most reliable and rarely wrong poster on all of Bigsoccer"!! In fairness, that label could apply to quite a few of us around here so I'm gonna nab it until further notice. LOL
this is correct, that pitch would get torn up like hell and was actually a bit hard, now it looks like carpet. Groundskeepers have really turned it around from 1st 5-6 years at the stadium
The rebrand made it clear that both our Dash and our Dynamo are now a unified club. The rebrand informed us that we are now an FC on our name. A Football Club since before when Ching and Stuie and Mullan played our team was no club. More over that before the rebrand both teams had different crests yet the same color scheme. Now we are informed that as one club, they both moving forward will not share the same colors. Check! Got it.
Two pork belly sandwiches, 4 egg rolls and chips at Houston Dynamo (@HoustonDynamo)💵 $54 (£42.50) pic.twitter.com/nKFyFHoO2I— Footy Scran (@FootyScran) March 6, 2024 Footy scran is an account that showcases food you can get at soccer matches around the world. The main duality of the account is mostly Americans being disgusted by British food, and British people being offended by how much Americans get charged for food at matches. The Dynamo have been on this account before this but this post today about their Vietnamese offerings I thought was interesting for the replies. I don’t really have a point I’m trying to make here but I thought some were funny. “Oh my days that's the most expensive Banh Mi I have ever seen in my life and I bet it probably doesn't even taste that good....” “If you do it per meal pricing it’s on par or cheaper with much higher quality then typical us stadiums although I still would prefer much cheaper food options” “Just to break it down, that’s $18 for a sandwich, $18 for a sandwich, $18 for 4 egg rolls + chips & 2 sauces. Wild. Could get a whole second ticket for that” “we're getting priced out of live sports in a country where 'take me out to the ballgame' is a backup national anthem” “Pretty much explains One ends up spending $200 to watch a team like Houston Dynamo. I just watched PSV against Dortmunt in Eindhoven for $76 , including transportation. ♂️” “If City wanted to hide financial discrepancies they'd simply charge American stadium food prices.”
Food has been ridiculously expensive at stadiums since I was a kid. It's as American as apple pie. I just refuse to buy it anymore. I take the kids to McDonald's before the game, 20 bucks for all 3 of us.
Maybe the most successful club, business wise, in MLS is Atlanta. If not the most successful they must be in top 3. Their approach to concessions pricing is totally opposite. God forbid the Dynamo consider using a strategy used by a very successful business wise team.
Yes, their concessions model differs from industry norms and, as such, has been heavily reported upon: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jefffe...ta-falcons-games-cost-just-2/?sh=74f9a78c150f
Prices all come from the owner. Obviously Mr. Blank doesn't care if he makes money on concessions. As a fan, I would certainly appreciate that. To me though, growing up, food at the stadium was never really an option. We went for the game, and the game only. We ate before. I can remember my mom putting snacks in her purse for movies. That was just how I grew up. I buy a water, and a soda for each game and that is about it.
For me, the big thing is to invest in building a culture, a "club" atmosphere, a large loyal fanbase that is deeply invested in your team. Do all the things to make the fan experience better. Stop trying to nickel & dime short-term revenue and expenses. You can always enhance your monetization after you have a real fanbase. Moreso, the real monetization comes with media rights that needs full raucous stadiums to put on a good show for TV.
So while I would never tell someone how to run a business, this would seem to me to be the best option. Build the biggest fanbase you can and then reap the rewards. These owners are in a whole other league than we are. Their idea of expensive doesn't even compute to us.
I can understand buying the soda, but you know that water comes out of the water fountains around the stadium for free. Just take in an empty clear bottle...I do.
Jeez. There’s no one here tonight. It’s Robertson Stadium US Open Cup light. We indeed have an attendance problem.
It is an early season/short notice/weeknight/non-STH game so I am not surprised. But while "announced" attendance first two regular season games was not bad, butts in seats show an issue. I think some of the previous comments on food & drink costs, parking, etc. all contribute to folks staying away. Yes, I know you can eat before game, etc., but the overall "overhead cost" to attending contributes to folks not bothering to show up on a weeknight game.
I purchase hot dogs and beers at Astros games. Enjoy sitting down and taking in the eun of play and the grub. Baseball works well this way. All other sports I do not bother.
you can't use the color because the related women's team uses it? really? it's not like dallas up the road in deep southern oklahoma is using it. this is our other half......
Portland game announced attendance - 16,003. I did not go but on Tv it did not look horrible. what is horrible is those STH gifts they gave out this year. Cheap looking and lame. Sorry, they were a lot better in the very early years.