2023 Dynamo Off-Field & Business Thread

Discussion in 'Houston Dynamo' started by Westside Cosmo, Feb 13, 2023.

  1. Westside Cosmo

    Westside Cosmo Member+

    Oct 4, 2007
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    was actually expecting a leak from the San Marcos outlets store instead of what is probably Galleria
  2. Westside Cosmo

    Westside Cosmo Member+

    Oct 4, 2007
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Preach on!!!
  3. Westside Cosmo

    Westside Cosmo Member+

    Oct 4, 2007
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Ok so our 2023 jerseys will be Orange primary and Purple secondary? No black, is that correct?
  4. newtex

    newtex Member+

    May 25, 2005
    Houston Dynamo
    That is correct.
    Westside Cosmo repped this.
  5. DonJuego

    DonJuego Member+

    Aug 19, 2005
    Austin, TX
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Of course they could. No one suggested otherwise. They could also use green, or dark blue, yellow, or fuchsia or any color in the rainbow. Light blue used to be a part of the teams color palette. It is not now.
  6. newtex

    newtex Member+

    May 25, 2005
    Houston Dynamo
    OK. I read your reply as saying that since light blue was no longer part of the palette it wouldn't be used. My mistake.
  7. Westside Cosmo

    Westside Cosmo Member+

    Oct 4, 2007
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I saw this posted elsewhere - but the 2010 ASG jersey they wore at NRG Stadium was a great space city blue color. I have the jersey t-shirt on that still I think for Davis (maybe Ching?). Anyways, that was a sweet jersey
  8. DonJuego

    DonJuego Member+

    Aug 19, 2005
    Austin, TX
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The original question was why refusal to have a light blue alternate kit. I was pointing out that because of the rebrand light blue is no longer a part of the color scheme, implying its like all other colors. I was taking the opportunity to take a gratuitous shot at the rebranding exercise.
  9. CeltTexan

    CeltTexan Member+

    Sep 21, 2000
    Houston, TX USA
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    That ASG jersey worn down at NRG versus Man Ure. was ideal for a similar kit for our Dynamo. Space City Blue might have been removed, doesn't mean it cannot return in fine form. Beats TCU purple and red we are now witnessing!
    DonJuego repped this.
  10. DonJuego

    DonJuego Member+

    Aug 19, 2005
    Austin, TX
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  11. DonJuego

    DonJuego Member+

    Aug 19, 2005
    Austin, TX
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Orlando drank too much orange juice.

    PS. I'm not really all that serious about criticizing it.

    Its a shirt. It says Dynamo. i'll wear it.
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  12. Westside Cosmo

    Westside Cosmo Member+

    Oct 4, 2007
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Upon review, I don't hate the jersey but it just seems a really odd forcefit. I like the "Screw" marking Houston in the Texas patch.

    They have some other non jersey stuff which frankly looks better
  13. Westside Cosmo

    Westside Cosmo Member+

    Oct 4, 2007
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    From Reddit:https://www.reddit.com/r/dynamo/comments/1arztx6/dear_dynamo_houston_is_more_than_rap_lean_rims/

    Dear Dynamo, Houston is more than rap, lean, rims and drugs.

    I’m tired of this desperate attempt to link dynamo to the “Houston rap scene” via your marketing outlets.

    I grew up with an extended family that was real ghetto/ into that scene: low rider Car meets, Drugs, lean. They were the whole “Houston rap scene” stereotype in the 90s/ early 2000s. Let me tell you it’s not something that should EVER be glorified.

    I have cousins who have died, are deep into drugs or are in prison because of the glorification of this type of thing. I made myself hate it because honestly I didn’t want to grow up like that. I didn’t want to join those gangs. I resisted the influence all that had on me. I thank God that he gave me the strength to reject all of that.

    I remember getting a call the day my cousin was shot and killed by cops. Of course he was doing things he shouldn’t have been doing. He was rushed to the hospital where they attempted to save his life. I remember vividly being in the room when the doctor came up to ME to let me know he didn’t make it. My aunts and grandmother were already hysterical and I had to relay that info. I was 19. This is the result of this type of “Scene”. This is what happens to many families in Houston because many young people think it’s cool to be a apart of that. And this is the kind of thing you are glorifying.

    In the end we couldn’t have a proper funeral for him because it turns out he also pissed off some dangerous people (also in the scene) and we were warned by investigators that there might be gang members trying to kill some of his family members.

    So when you put out those cringy ads with the font, rims and the ode to the “Houston rap scene” just know that this is the type of thing that you glorify: and ultimately I don’t want to be a part of something I worked so hard to get away from.

    Houston deserves a better soccer team than one that reduces it to just its vices.

    8m ago

    This poster is probably going to get downvoted to heck but I too have been uncomfortable linking the purp jersey to the syrup. Yeah yeah the team press release says it’s an homage to the slab culture but then puts a screw as in DJ Screw on the jersey. For those who don’t know Screw died of a codeine overdose among other things.
    luvwatchingsoccer repped this.
  14. quiznatodd_bidness

    Houston Dynamo
    United States
    Apr 14, 2020
    Yea I saw that post as well. Will be interesting to see the reaction tomorrow when more people read it. From what I’m seeing elsewhere on social media though it seems like the response is over 70% positive. I’ve seen at least 5 people giving the Dynamo credit for being the first Houston team to do this. End of the day it’s about clout chasing and the more people talk about it the more of a success the Dynamo will see it as.
  15. DonJuego

    DonJuego Member+

    Aug 19, 2005
    Austin, TX
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Question. What is slab culture? My only reference is to think of the slabs you put bodies on in the morgue.
  16. DonJuego

    DonJuego Member+

    Aug 19, 2005
    Austin, TX
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    BTW. The Reddit post right now is massively upvoted.
  17. newtex

    newtex Member+

    May 25, 2005
    Houston Dynamo
    It is a style of car customization. But also the culture around that.


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  18. quiznatodd_bidness

    Houston Dynamo
    United States
    Apr 14, 2020

    Texans subreddit commenting on the Dynamo jerseys. Sort of comparing them and the Texans using similar styles on apparel. Someone talked about getting tired of the space and street themes in jerseys and to come up with other ideas that represent Houston. I found a reply funny, “Humidity, potholes, #1 city for sex trafficking the list goes on”
    DonJuego and Westside Cosmo repped this.
  19. Westside Cosmo

    Westside Cosmo Member+

    Oct 4, 2007
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    As long as Sylvia Garcia doesn’t get upset it will probably blow over! It does seem a bit ironic that a team that had its original numerical-based name scrapped due to a perceived slight or offense to Hispanics now is shifting part of its branding to an urban/mostly minority subculture that is known for violence and drug use. Just . . Interesting

    BTW, some of the non- jersey merchandise is pretty cool
    Ethos and quiznatodd_bidness repped this.
  20. CeltTexan

    CeltTexan Member+

    Sep 21, 2000
    Houston, TX USA
    Houston Dynamo
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    United States
    Often those that never got invited to the "cool" people's house party will look to appear as cool as possible via clothes, cars and speech in the desperate attempt to be accepted.

    I have always taught newbies to the beautiful game that the sport spread so rapidly for the very reason it was so cheap and accessible to the common man. As cities grew the sport that requires so a large playing surface kept growing in the most urban of areas. The sport can be played in small concrete patches. So the street and urban side to soccer is generations old. However, when looking to pull in urban imagery and culture to make soccer be more liked just rings of the American soccer guys that are trying to more accepted.
  21. Ethos

    Ethos Member+

    Houston Dynamo
    Apr 28, 2019
    It's not that I don't like the jersey, it's a nice looking one. It's that purple has never been a Dynamo color. It was a teacher workday today, and us soccer coaches had a meeting, all of us are Dynamo fans and we were all confused by the choice. Nobody hated it, just seems off. I get that the marketing department must try new things, but I doubt this will do much. I will not be buying one.
    Westside Cosmo repped this.
  22. Ethos

    Ethos Member+

    Houston Dynamo
    Apr 28, 2019
    And if they wanted to cheekily tie the jersey to a drink, they should have thought about it more. Orange, orange juice, screw, DJ Screw, Screwdriver.
  23. 7seven7

    7seven7 Member+

    May 5, 2008
    Houston Dynamo
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    United States
    ATX putting an armadillo on their jersey seems to hit the mark more than this romanticizing of a criminal sub culture.

    I can't wait to see what they come up with next year.

    They should just do an orange barrel campaign so everyone can agree on it.


    "Still Holdin??? That's the slogan they choose. Still Holdin?? What is next year---"Still continuing to down hold??"
  24. quiznatodd_bidness

    Houston Dynamo
    United States
    Apr 14, 2020
    Idk on broader social media the jerseys seem to be pretty well received. I’d say it’s a net positive reaction so far. Like the discussion we’ve seen on Reddit hasn’t really been replicated that much anywhere else.
  25. DonJuego

    DonJuego Member+

    Aug 19, 2005
    Austin, TX
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    CeltTexan repped this.

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