2023 Crew Ticket Exchange

Discussion in 'Columbus Crew' started by SLSHOT01, Jan 25, 2023.

  1. Meddlin' Truckstop Owner

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Aug 21, 2022

    Let this beautiful moment blossom.

    I have lurked long enough to know that, eventually, everyone here goes through all phases of: F@ck. Marry. Kill.
  2. chr1st

    chr1st Member+

    Jan 19, 2011
    Columbus Crew
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    United States
    Do me a favor and skip to the kill bit.
  3. TrueCrew

    TrueCrew Member+

    Dec 22, 2003
    Columbus, OH
    Columbus Crew
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    Thanks for that, and that is all well and good. Couldn't agree more. More a few pages back you were ranting about Nordecke overlords screwing over regular fans and such. That was not OK. Not cool. Not helpful.

    Again, I get people are pissed. And rightly so. So I am trying to give folk some grace and space. But your other post made that difficult.
  4. GoCrew1996

    GoCrew1996 Member+

    Jan 20, 2007
    Columbus Crew
    Maybe @LaMacchia can confirm but it is my understanding that the tickets we are arguing about being taken back and given to the Nordecke are all located in the Nordecke. It does seem to make sense to me that they would release those specific tickets to the Nordecke group to distribute amongst their people. If they are taking regular seats outside of the nordecke and letting them distribute them, that would be a much larger issue.

    What I am mostly upset about is that they didn't revoke EVERY single 23Sponsor purchase but appeared to pick and choose what was revoked. The fact that there are 8 seats together in multiple areas of the stadium for resale while STMs who want tickets couldn't find any is bullshit.
    soccerncbus, Pauncho, TKyle and 15 others repped this.
  5. TrueCrew

    TrueCrew Member+

    Dec 22, 2003
    Columbus, OH
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    All fans are not equal. Period. Not that it is some kind of qualitative statement about someone's inner fandom or love of the team. But reality in terms of how things operate for ticketing purposes. By your reasoning, should Crew fans get priority over LAFC fans? Or soccer fans in general? Why have tiers at all? It is utopian non-sense. What you are bitching about was never on the table, has never been on the table, and will never be on the table. And has nothing to do with what happened this week.

    You pay money to join a club to pre-board at the airport so you don't have to wait in line. You pay a fee to join a club that the general public cannot come to. You pay union dues to get benefits non-union shops don't get. Welcome to earth, man.

    Of course Crew fans should get priority over LAFC. STH should get priority over non.. Full over partial. In my mind, length of time should play a factor, but did not here. And yes, Nordecke should get some priority. You want the game to have no drums and a subpar atmosphere? That's nuts.

    Look, I am sorry that you and yours got shut out.

    You want to bitch about Nordecke about not considering length (or amount) of tickets? Yep, I am with you. Want to bitch about letting folks join Nordecke and be lottery eligible AFTER we beat Cincy? I am with you. That was bullshit. But that latter option was making things MORE open, not less.
    TracieB and hangthadj repped this.
  6. Ch(Elsey)

    Ch(Elsey) Member+

    Columbus Crew
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    May 2, 2003
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    Well said, Inside Man.
    TRUJDUB21 and GoCrew1996 repped this.
  7. TrueCrew

    TrueCrew Member+

    Dec 22, 2003
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    This 1000%.
  8. Paul171121

    Paul171121 Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Dec 14, 2018
    This part of the stadium has always had an empty row or a row filled with away fans all year. Not sure how a STM scalper could have been very quick to purchase these, but it might be possible with bots. Screenshot_20231206_103516_Chrome.jpg
  9. boomshea

    boomshea Member

    Columbus Crew
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    Aug 22, 2018
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    There are multiple seats in the stadium that are probably owned by scalpers. In my section there is a full row that is up for sale on Ticketmaster every match.
    Kyle Crew and Kryptonite repped this.
  10. Ch(Elsey)

    Ch(Elsey) Member+

    Columbus Crew
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    May 2, 2003
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    For those fans at LDC this Saturday, I hope you take the stress and the anger from this week and you bring the noise all game long.

    23sponsor clap clap clap.
    Ueberjames, catfish9 and Minnman repped this.
  11. Sagz

    Sagz Member+

    Jun 20, 2005
    I'd love to know why it looks like not all tickets using the code werent revoked by Ticketmaster. Stubhub support said they need to verify with each seller that had the tickets voided. Then they will rely on the seller supplying new tickets or stubhub acquiring new tickets. In my case they said the seller has a good reputation with them (which means its a known ticket bot enterprise), so they hope to have it resolved by...the day of the game. If they cant acquire tickets I will be issued a refund.

    As of right now I have no clue if I have a ticket or not and wont know till Saturday. I did need to submit screenshots to prove I got the ticketmaster cancellation email and the voided tickets. Some sellers are disputing the tickets were transferred so the transaction was complete. Stubhub said they cant see if the tickets are still valid on their side so each case needs investigated individually.
  12. Kryptonite

    Kryptonite BS XXV

    Apr 10, 1999
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    #937 Kryptonite, Dec 6, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2023
    Officially now, the game is sold out and it's truly a seller's market.

    Don't even look at resale prices until Friday night.

    This gives me desire to want to watch from home.

    I went in 2015. I didn't go in 2008 or 2020...and yet @Ch(Elsey) feels sad for me not going in 2023.
    TRUJDUB21 repped this.
  13. Kryptonite

    Kryptonite BS XXV

    Apr 10, 1999
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    #938 Kryptonite, Dec 6, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2023
    As said, keep in mind that the Nordecke is also a group of people who can sit anywhere in the stadium they want...if they even go to the games. I'm fairly sure the Nordecke has members as far away as each coast. You can be a 100% Nordecke member and have seats in any section. "Do you want to contribute to the tifo displays? Pay the small fee and if you don't want the swag, pay even less."

    Up until the lotto closed, anyone could have spent $30 at most to contribute towards tifo and had a chance at tickets.

    If this is exclusionary/exclusive, I'm really not sure how.

    The marketing team is also going to gravitate towards the atmosphere...which is just common sense.
    catfish9 repped this.
  14. speedye1

    speedye1 Member+

    Dec 31, 2002
    Isn't it the Columbus Crew Fans Council who should be advocates for all fans? They have clearly not been around nearly as long as the Nordecke and do not have the pull the Nordecke does. Arguing that the Nordecke is worried about it's own (STH's and members) is well, what I would expect.
    catfish9 and Kryptonite repped this.
  15. Bill Archer

    Bill Archer BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 19, 2002
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    Absolutely so.

    But it raises the question (I'd say "begs" the question just to get a rise out of @Timon19 but I have enough people riled up at me today):

    If these were all Nordecke tickets then why would it be necessary to have the lengthy, extensive "collaboration" meetings that their notice describes. Who the hell else were they going to give them to, the Little Sisters of the Poor or the Newark Area Soccer Association?

    Or is this just a case of them doing a victory lap about something that fell into their laps? As you say, they're Nordecke tickets, they would normally go to Nordecke control anyway.

    Color me confused.
  16. speedye1

    speedye1 Member+

    Dec 31, 2002
    I am going to guess the collaboration was as more tickets got pulled back from the code, more Nordecke tickets became available. I highly doubt Nordecke is giving out non Nordecke tickets in the lottery.
  17. west ham sandwich

    Feb 26, 2007
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    There's a 3rd part American Airlines supporters club group that people can join to get extra benefits with American Airlines? I've never heard of such a thing.
  18. Hamburgler03

    Hamburgler03 BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 31, 2000
    Columbus, OH
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    Generally speaking, the media isn't all that bright and generalizes anyone who is a rabid fan to just be in the Nordecke. It's no different than national team games that all anyone talks about is AO and even worse, anyone who is in the supporters sections is AO while ignoring other groups or other fans outside of those sections who also are there to support the team.
    WhiteHartShame, foozer, TKyle and 3 others repped this.
  19. west ham sandwich

    Feb 26, 2007
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    That would be fine if each Season ticket holder got their seats for the game. But that didn't happen. Everyone is displaced.
    Bill Archer repped this.
  20. Kryptonite

    Kryptonite BS XXV

    Apr 10, 1999
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    #945 Kryptonite, Dec 6, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2023
    It's my understanding that the Nordecke exec board buys 400 season tickets that they re-sell on their site for $30 each per game/ticket.

    These tickets everyone seems to be worried about are exactly those 400...and apparently more, but the "more" also is part of the Nordecke (section.)

    Anyone buying a ticket via their lotto system would have a ticket for the benches behind the north goal.
    MLSinCleveland repped this.
  21. Kryptonite

    Kryptonite BS XXV

    Apr 10, 1999
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    #946 Kryptonite, Dec 6, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2023
    Delta has a club. I'm not sure of the exact details, but I once paid $50 for a day pass when I had several hours to kill in Boston Logan. Various people with enough cash to spend don't have to spend the $50. It pays if you fly Delta enough.

    It came with lunch, beer (two different Sam Adams, IIRC) and enough ports to plug into for me to watch the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

    I'm sure American has similiar.

    United's priority is incredible. If you fly enough, you can get bumped to first class and you have a dedicated phone number to help with whatever situations. Fly even more (think media who has to travel at a moment's notice) and not only does that dedicated phone number become a dedicated person, but you also get a nice chauffered vehicle to whisk you to your connecting flight...and I've even heard the second flight can be held.

    People who fly United have reported announcements like: "We have a VIP guest. Please allow them to deboard before beginning the deboarding process."
  22. west ham sandwich

    Feb 26, 2007
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    you are paying the airline for those. You are not paying an unaffiliated 3rd party club for those perks.
    Kryptonite repped this.
  23. Ch(Elsey)

    Ch(Elsey) Member+

    Columbus Crew
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    May 2, 2003
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    How in the flying ******** are STANDING ROOM ONLY being listed on resell sites? The very least the two organizations AKA single-entity organization could have done is hold back those sort of tickets to assuage screwed over season ticket holders. My word.

    What will be the price on resell tickets come Friday night? Ugh. I hated even typing that question.

    P.s. I am eternally grateful for all of the blessings in my life.
    cleazer, stanger, TracieB and 1 other person repped this.
  24. catfish9

    catfish9 Member+

    Jul 14, 2011
    Columbus Crew
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    United States
    Excellent Analogy! Well played.

    However - Rumor has it Snoop has given up smoking. I personally don't believe it and frankly hope it's not true...for a variety of reasons.
  25. DrunkandDisorderly

    Mar 17, 2008
    Columbus Crew
    I'm guessing he's about to announce Snoop brand edibles.
    TRUJDUB21 and Kryptonite repped this.

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