2023-24 Borussia Dortmund General Season Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Borussia Dortmund' started by BVBFNM, Jun 10, 2023.

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  1. BvB_Peon

    BvB_Peon Member

    Apr 14, 2016
    Borussia Dortmund

    Hell Yeah Bring Kloppo back home!!! Let it be a Waztke good move before he retires and Kehl takes is place and we finally move on to the next level and win something!!!
  2. astrophyz

    astrophyz Member

    Sep 23, 2016
    Boston, USA
    Borussia Dortmund
    Nat'l Team:
    We should definitely start the conversation with him! If the new crew is more ambitious, we can make it happen. Maybe it's a good thing that he's taking a year off, this way when our new leadership is in place, we can make a move. But I'm just worried that we get a Watzke 2.0, especially if Watzke is involved in the selection. If that happens, then forget about Klopp.
    BVBFNM repped this.
  3. hava

    hava Member+

    Apr 30, 2016
    Borussia Dortmund
    Reyna gone on loan, Haller apparently refused a loan and Blank who just recently had a promising debut was sold to Salzburg.

    Haller seems to turn out like one of those bad investments.
    I assume we didn't have much choice with Blank as he only had a contract till 2025 but I thought his basics looked good and I like defenders with his kind of smooth movement. I'd bet in a few years he'll be someone who could have really improved us.
  4. Arlo

    Arlo Member

    Nov 9, 2005
    Dublin, Ireland
    Borussia Dortmund
    rijkoff to ajax as well. losing a lot of talent
  5. podrinje

    podrinje Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 10, 2013
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    Alemannia Aachen
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    They included a buy-back clause of around 10M.
    hava repped this.
  6. Arlo

    Arlo Member

    Nov 9, 2005
    Dublin, Ireland
    Borussia Dortmund
    Ricken our new CEO, if true i dont know how i feel bout it. He seems too young and inexperienced for the role
  7. hava

    hava Member+

    Apr 30, 2016
    Borussia Dortmund
    #82 hava, Apr 22, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2024
    Yeah, we'll have to see. It feels like a gamble but he always seemed to be one of the smarter players. He's not only an ex-player but someone who has been working at the club for a long time at the youth level, including in a leading position for the last years so while surprising, it's not like he came out of nowhere.
    Mislintat will come back, too, who also worked many years for us.

    Together with Kehl and Terzic, we have a lot of guys at the top that are through and through BVB which I like. Rather sooner or later they'll need the results obviously.
  8. TimBenneth

    TimBenneth Member

    Borussia Dortmund
    May 10, 2017
    Thank God... this idiot can finally retire!!! And put us out of our missery by not having to deal with the moronès incompetance.

    i like Ricken, youth development manager, letès hope heès not like terzic, who we unfortunately do have to still put up with. I was hoping atletico would beat Dortmund, that way they can finally cut that clueless clown loose, but clearly i was asking for too much. Sahin and Bender have saved Terzicès job, so we still have to deal with the stupid player selections, the backroom drama, the phassing out of players who call him out on his incompetance (reus, dahoud... or are just plain disenfranchised for whatever brain dead reason, moukoko, JBG).

    Man this management are so stupid, they refused a 30 mil Pound buy clause in Maatsen's contract, and so he renewed with a 35 mil Pound contract, and will be 5 mil Pounds more expensive to buy, basically almost pricing themselves out of that deal. I swear, these idiots!!!

    BVBFNM Member+

    Apr 3, 2016
    Borussia Dortmund
    You wanted Atletico to knock us out? I'm sorry, but losing to Spanish opposition is a major no-no in my book no matter the circumstances.
  10. HockeytownHeel

    HockeytownHeel Member+

    United States
    Jul 23, 2018
    We get that because you tell us every single day.... pfffffftt
    astrophyz, TimBenneth and BVBFNM repped this.
  11. TimBenneth

    TimBenneth Member

    Borussia Dortmund
    May 10, 2017
    LoL, yes, sorry BVBFNM... it was for the greater good! : )
    astrophyz and BVBFNM repped this.
  12. TimBenneth

    TimBenneth Member

    Borussia Dortmund
    May 10, 2017
    Looks like Besiktas are in for Sahin as head coach... and it seems he is willing to take the leap to head manager rather than play second fiddle to a clueless and vindictive coach like Terzic.

    I feel if Sahin leaves, it will again expose Terzic for the incompetant fool he really is. And then we can finally be rid of this guy. I place a lot of the credit for the season's turnaround at the feet of Sahin's tactical nouse, it was likely him who came up with the idea of inverting Maatsen, and closing up the spaces when playing from the back, and so allowing for better transition lines.

    God speed Sahin! Maybe come back in 2 years when Terzic has finally run his course, and take on the manager role! Long game.
  13. hava

    hava Member+

    Apr 30, 2016
    Borussia Dortmund
    Not the biggest surprise but nethertheless the end of an era: Reus will leave at the end of the season. Hopefully he gets one last big final.
  14. BVBFNM

    BVBFNM Member+

    Apr 3, 2016
    Borussia Dortmund
    New Season General Discussion thread is up.

    @MatthausSammer please close this thread.
  15. MatthausSammer

    MatthausSammer Moderator
    Staff Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Borussia Dortmund
    Nat'l Team:
    Thread closed.

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