2023/2024 Off-Season Catch-All Thread

Discussion in 'Colorado Rapids' started by Quinn 33, Oct 22, 2023.

  1. Quinn 33

    Quinn 33 Member+

    Apr 25, 2003
    Denver, CO
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Counterpoint: We could have Abe *AND* Beaudry as the backups for a fraction of the cost of Ilić, and still have enough leftover to pay for a starting quality keeper at the #1 spot. Not signing Ilić in the first place means you're not forced to even make that kind of decision, and can instead spend the time and effort on fixing parts of the roster that actually are broken.
    Sports Yak repped this.
  2. rapidsmarc

    rapidsmarc Member

    Colorado Rapids
    United States
    Nov 20, 2019
    Thanks for the comments above that have cleared us some of the questions I had regarding continuing contracts. That Cabral and Priso are on this roster (or any roster north of the USL) is still inconceivable to me, but so it goes...
  3. JasonMa

    JasonMa Member+

    Mar 20, 2000
    Arvada, CO
    Colorado Rapids
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    United States
    Cabral is under contract through 2025 :(
    Sports Yak, AlbertCamus and rapidsmarc repped this.
  4. unkiemark

    unkiemark Member+

    Dec 23, 2003
    This is a large obstacle to the attempt to rebuild. All the players listed are internationals and of course Cabral a designated player spot as well as salary.
  5. unkiemark

    unkiemark Member+

    Dec 23, 2003
  6. unkiemark

    unkiemark Member+

    Dec 23, 2003
    Quinn 33 repped this.
  7. unkiemark

    unkiemark Member+

    Dec 23, 2003
    Needless to say, this pod takes place this afternoon. I appreciate watching DNVR pods live as they can be interactive.
    Quinn 33 repped this.
  8. JasonMa

    JasonMa Member+

    Mar 20, 2000
    Arvada, CO
    Colorado Rapids
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    United States
    This is a bad look:
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  9. jrowe13

    jrowe13 Member

    Jun 14, 2006
    I can't think of a set of tweets that epitomizes the Rapids organization more than this.
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  10. Quinn 33

    Quinn 33 Member+

    Apr 25, 2003
    Denver, CO
    Colorado Rapids
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    United States
    For as often as Padraig seems to throw former coworkers under the bus, I wish more of them would return the favor.
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  11. COMtnGuy

    COMtnGuy Member+

    Apr 5, 2012
    Higher than you
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    Heck people in here bought his stuff hook, line & sinker. How many players were let go traded and rumor's all over in here they were a "bad apple/ problem"
    Sports Yak repped this.
  12. Riccardo55

    Riccardo55 Member+

    Mar 11, 2001
    Colorado Rapids
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    United States
    I continually ponder if we just advance the Rapids 2 team and let them grow for a year if that would be better than the current plan....BTW if there is a current plan, can someone help me with *what* our current plan is?

    rapidsmarc repped this.
  13. spot

    spot Member+

    Nov 29, 1999
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    This feels muddy to me. Doesn't fit Armas' system of play. Was Armas brought in for his system of play?
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  14. m vann

    m vann Moderator
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    Better question…… Armas has a system of play?
    COMtnGuy repped this.
  15. unkiemark

    unkiemark Member+

    Dec 23, 2003
  16. Quinn 33

    Quinn 33 Member+

    Apr 25, 2003
    Denver, CO
    Colorado Rapids
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    United States
  17. fischerw

    fischerw Member+

    Sep 15, 2004
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  18. m vann

    m vann Moderator
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    Yuck. Steffen is a shell of his former self - which to be honest wasn’t all that great - after battling injuries. He’s also battled some mental health issues which shouldn’t be taken lightly, obviously. Maybe a change of scenery is desperately needed but if the past 2 years is any indication…. he’s not that good and will cost a decent chunk of change. We wasted an intentional spot on Illic, just go with him.
    JasonMa and TheWarmBurger repped this.
  19. therapidsnumbernine

    Colorado Rapids
    United States
    Jul 16, 2019
    I'm not opposed to this entirely, but the reaction on Twitter/X seems to be universally praising this move and I don't get it.
    • There are much bigger holes on our roster than goalkeeper. Yes, Ilic is terrible, but that doesn't mean spending huge money to grab someone at that position (which we will almost certainly have to do with Steffen). Domestic-based backup goalkeepers jonesing for a spot in a starting lineup are a dime a dozen. That seems like a far better use of our limited resources.
    • Steffen is injured all the time and is coming off a bad one - he had knee surgery in June and was originally slated to be out a maximum of 4 months. We're 6 months after surgery and he hasn't played since May 17. I'm very concerned that he might show serious signs of regression. He was already starting to show poorly in WCQ'22 - I remember him being very poor against the Ticos... their attack is far worse than most MLS squads.
    • Assuming it's a DP deal (which doesn't look to be confirmed in Bogert's article), I'll be pretty cross about it. I would have thought the club learned their lesson after Howard. Yes, StL proved it's not impossible to succeed with a DP keeper, but I think we can all agree Burki is a much better keeper even now than Steffen has ever been.
    safcfan, JasonMa, Banter and 2 others repped this.
  20. TheWarmBurger

    TheWarmBurger Member+

    Colorado Rapids
    United States
    Aug 7, 2018
    Speaking of Ilić -


    What a well run organization we are. Drop “well over” a half a million on an unproven international GK, when your current GK is doing just fine by MLS standards. And then that international GK doesn’t really work out, so you go out and drop another huge chunk of change on Zach Steffen (reportedly) who is an absolute shell of his former self

    Meanwhile, you cut the GK who has earned the respect of his teammates and the fan base - all because Steffen has name recognition with the USMNT - and then also bump the international GK to the sidelines because he didn’t cut it.

    Do they honestly think we’re that stupid???

    If we sign Steffen and he’s our “big splash” then I don’t think this club will ever recover. There’s just no way to compete in this league anymore pulling crap like this.
    Sports Yak, AlbertCamus, safcfan and 6 others repped this.
  21. TheWarmBurger

    TheWarmBurger Member+

    Colorado Rapids
    United States
    Aug 7, 2018
    By the way, while we’re talking about spending money on a guy like Steffen - did anyone else notice in the Jack Price exit interview that he said the contract offer they gave him felt like “a kick in the nuts”?

    And that they “couldn’t offer him any more money”.

    So either we have a tight purse string - or we don’t, as long as we spend money on goalkeepers…which in MLS history has been the best position to get quality players at discounted numbers.
  22. unkiemark

    unkiemark Member+

    Dec 23, 2003
    Can't believe the Rapids or any other MLS side would seriously consider bringing in Steffen at this point.

    If it does happen it would indicate to me that the Rapids are not serious about building a competitive roster.
    rapidsmarc, safcfan and JasonMa repped this.
  23. Quinn 33

    Quinn 33 Member+

    Apr 25, 2003
    Denver, CO
    Colorado Rapids
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    United States
    Wasting resources on another goalkeeper and ignoring the numerous other positions of need is a very Padraig thing to do.
  24. TheWarmBurger

    TheWarmBurger Member+

    Colorado Rapids
    United States
    Aug 7, 2018
    And even if they don’t sign him and it turns out to be just talks - it’s still nothing more than a waste of time and effort that they could’ve been using elsewhere. Every phone / zoom call they make with Steffen, Steffen’s agents, and with City equals less time on the phone with other players, agents, and teams.

    Not to mention the ire they are continually causing in the fan base.

    Subtraction by addition.
    AlbertCamus, JasonMa and COMtnGuy repped this.
  25. JasonMa

    JasonMa Member+

    Mar 20, 2000
    Arvada, CO
    Colorado Rapids
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    United States
    Also now that Garber has announced there will be no 4th DP the only way to sign Steffen to a DP contract (and I doubt he’d accept anything less) is to spend even more of our xAM to buy down either Maxso or Cabral (I believe Navarro makes too much to be bought down). So that’s even more resources to be spent to make this deal happen.

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