15, 2012 Salary Information - By Club.pdf First number is 2012 Base Salary, second is 2012 Guaranteed Compensation. Salary cap hit tends to be somewhere in-between the two numbers. COL Ababio Eddie D $ 44,000.00 $ 44,000.00 COL Akpan Andre F $ 57,200.00 $ 57,200.00 COL Amarikwa Quincy F $ 44,100.00 $ 44,100.00 COL Armstrong David M $ 44,100.00 $ 53,564.29 COL Cascio Tony M $ 44,000.00 $ 77,750.00 COL Casey Conor F $ 400,000.00 $ 400,000.00 COL Castrillon Jaime M $ 50,000.00 $ 68,375.00 COL Ceus Steward GK $ 44,100.00 $ 44,100.00 COL Cummings Omar F $ 90,492.00 $ 99,242.00 COL Freeman Hunter D $ 105,000.00 $ 110,792.50 COL Henao Harrison M $ 44,004.00 $ 44,004.00 COL Hill Kamani M $ 44,004.00 $ 44,004.00 COL Joyce Ian GK $ 44,004.00 $ 44,004.00 COL Kimura Kosuke D $ 71,466.00 $ 71,466.00 COL LaBauex Ross M $ 51,150.00 $ 51,150.00 COL Larentowicz Jeff D $ 200,000.00 $ 206,000.00 COL Marshall Tyrone D $ 90,000.00 $ 93,250.00 COL Mastroeni Pablo M-D $ 240,000.00 $ 245,000.00 COL Moor Drew D $ 230,000.00 $ 247,188.89 COL Mullan Brian M $ 152,000.00 $ 160,335.00 COL Nane Joseph M $ 44,100.00 $ 44,100.00 COL Palguta Scott D $ 63,670.00 $ 63,670.00 COL Pickens Matt GK $ 178,538.00 $ 181,038.00 COL Rivero Martin M $ 50,004.00 $ 50,004.00 COL Schmidt Luis Eduardo M-F $ 120,000.00 $ 139,458.33 COL Smith Jamie M $ 148,992.00 $ 158,992.00 COL Thompson Wells M $ 87,188.00 $ 95,313.00 COL Wallace Anthony D-M $ 63,394.00 $ 63,394.00 COL Wynne Marvell D $ 250,000.00 $ 326,666.67 COL Yamada Kohei M $ 33,750.00 $ 33,750.00 COL Zapata Luis D $ 65,460.00 $ 69,043.33
For comparison to last year (using Guaranteed numbers only): Cummings: +10K Freeman: -50K (He was with Houston) Joyce: -26K Kimura: +8K Larentowicz: +41K Marshall: +10K Moor: +71K Mullan: -40K Pickens: -24K Smith: +12K Thompson: +10K Wynne: +25K
I can't believe Castrillon, Rivero and Hill all make less combined than Mullan. I'm not saying to try to suggest Mullan is overpaid - actually I think he's paid just right. I'm just shocked at the bargains we got for the other 3.
And top 10: Casey - 400K Wynne - 326K Moor - 247K Mastroeni - 245K Larentowicz - 206K Pickens - 181K Mullan - 160K Smith - 159K Edu - 139,5K Freeman - 111K Everyone else is guaranteed less than 100K this year.
Bottom 10 (which are the 10 players most likely not counting against the cap): 44K: Ababio Amarikwa Armstrong Cascio Ceus Henao Hill Joyce Nane 34K: Yamada
I look at lists like this and have a couple of thoughts. Great fodder for fans to talk about. What's the best way to evaluate? I'm thinking relative to one another within the team as opposed to others throughout MLS in the same position. How do you factor in injuries? I'm glad such a list never existed where I worked. I'd like to see peoples lists of those players they don't like who they feel are underpaid and vice versa. I've thought about this and am struggling with it.
Do you suppose Cummings is actually higher now since he re-signed last week? You figure there had to be a significant salary increase in those negotiations. Also, that we brought in those midfielders for that little money shows some nice fiscal prudence on the Rapids part. Nice to see they'll have to prove themselves before getting huge salaries which is not how it seemed in the past.
What about other new contracts, memory has deserted me this week. But I thought JL signed new contract too, soo maybe his is "off" too?
His signing was long enough ago and his number is 41K more than last year so I think its reflected. Cummings number is only 10K more which may reflect a new contract or may just be a graduated climb built into his old contract.
Rivero and Castrillon are shocking if accurate. Since Rivero is on loan is there a chance this is not reflective of his actual compensation?
Possible, but given the relationship between Rivero, Rosario Central, and MLS, I highly doubt Rosario Central is paying Rivero anything at this point.
Could be deal like Seattle (Rosales) had last year, prove you belong and we will give you new deal next year. Of course, Rivero did come from lower level and I think could be accurate. But if we buy him out I am sure it will be $100K plus.
salary cap is $2.81 anyone add these up to get aprox cap number* I know with allocation, and salary range per player it will not be exact.
I'm a bit surprised to see Pickens taking a cut; he's been keeping this team in the game a lot, both this year and last. I'm betting Cascio and Hill are on the list of big upward moves next year (though Cascio's young and surprising things happen with youngsters). I do agree with Edu and Freeman being overpaid, but they're new acquisitions and I guess they should be given a some time (particularly Edu) to adjust.
Total salary for all 31 players: 3.195M Base/3.431M Guaranteed Total salary for 20 players likely to count against the cap: 2.765M Base/ 2.958M Guarenteed Total salary for all 20 players likely to count against the cap minus the 65K in allocation money to get Casey down to the salary max: 2.7M Base/2.893M Guarenteed Since the cap number of a player is generally between the Base and Guaranteed number we're essentially at the cap, minus any allocation money used for players other than Casey.
Nice work, I know we got some Allocation money from Vancouver when we traded them one of our International slots we could really use right now.
So, how does the "guaranteed compensation" work for a given year, again? I think I knew some time in my life....not anymore. Cascio, for example, gets a guaranteed salary of $77.5k but "base" is $44k. What is his real income for 2012 going to be? Will it be anywhere between those two numbers, or definatley the guaranteed number or base number...? Does it reflect a bonus for the contract? Hill must have been willing/desperate to play with a team for that salary. Seems he had minimal success in previous leagues to hang his negotiating hat on. Definatley a deal. I'm guessing that Rivero's salary is low because he was in a tough situation in Rosario, being in a lower league, and having not been paid regularly or on time (i.e., not pushing negotiations and happy to leave Rosario). Would be good to see these guys plus Zapata and Castrillon get a bump in salary in the coming years. Edu is the biggest surprise for me. Seems high for sure, but I hope OP and management have confidence in him.
no wonder there has been a run on south american players. they come cheap -- at least initially. would be interesting to know average pay in colombia, argentina, etc. and i gotta say that I love seeing players making "average person" salaries -- the $44,000 types. i get so sick of the NBA/golf/NFL/MLB mega salaries