2010 Nutrilite Canadian Championship Thread [R]

Discussion in 'Toronto FC' started by atlanticTFCfan, Feb 1, 2010.


Should TFC wear a star on its kit for the 2010 Nutrilite Canadian Championship matches?

Poll closed Apr 28, 2010.
  1. Yes - they do have a Canadian championship to their credit

    0 vote(s)
  2. No - only domestic league championships warrant a star on your kit

    0 vote(s)
  3. I don't care one way or the other

    0 vote(s)
  1. Blizzard

    Blizzard Member

    Jun 25, 2002
    Toronto FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: 2010 NCC Announcement coming on Thursday

    This year will be the ninth Voyageurs Cup and so, while it is a bit of a stretch as non-league matches were never played before 2008, I do consider the tournament to be now in its ninth year.

    The Voyageurs Cup was alive pre-TFC.

    .... and as for changes to the current format, if another Canadian team should end up playing in the USL or NASL in 2011, there would be no grounds for keeping them out of the competition as long as Montreal (of the USL) continues to play in the tournament.

    There is a precedent. Back in 2002 and 2003 there were four teams in the competition - Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Calgary with Edmonton part of the equation in 2004.
  2. Breakwood

    Breakwood Member

    Mar 23, 2004
    Toronto, Canada
    Re: 2010 NCC Announcement coming on Thursday

    No, this is only the 3rd year. It doesn't matter that the trophy has been handed out 8 times before. Back then it was just an accumulation of points based on league games. Now it's a separate competition from all teams league matches.
  3. atlanticTFCfan

    atlanticTFCfan BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 14, 2007
    Sydney, Nova Scotia
    Toronto FC
    Nat'l Team:
    A good question raised by the It's Called Football crew.

    The question was raised of whether or not TFC wear a star on its kit for the Voyageurs Cup games?

    Duane Rollins says yes, Ben Knight says no, Ben Rycroft was indifferent.

    What do YOU think?
  4. Polygong

    Polygong Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Toronto FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Forgive my ignorance, but what does the star represent?

    Edit, never mind, just read the poll options.
  5. atlanticTFCfan

    atlanticTFCfan BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 14, 2007
    Sydney, Nova Scotia
    Toronto FC
    Nat'l Team:
  6. TFCguy

    TFCguy New Member

    May 18, 2007
    there will be a star...the attachment is from the preseason photo gallery on the tfc site...Paul Beirne with the design. not sure from the labelling if that refers to it only being on the NCC jerseys or all jerseys to represent the NCC win.

  7. crazypete13

    crazypete13 Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 7, 2007
    A walk from BMO
    Toronto FC
    Pretty sure it's just being worn for the NCC games to represent the win in the tournament last season. So we'd wear it all of four times.
  8. Polygong

    Polygong Moderator
    Staff Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Toronto FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Did Montreal wear one last year?
  9. FutebolDeResultado

    Feb 8, 2008
    We R canadian champions...

    we should wear it all season... IMO
  10. atlanticTFCfan

    atlanticTFCfan BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 14, 2007
    Sydney, Nova Scotia
    Toronto FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Yeah, but the three stars they had on their kit were for their league championships. Ditto for Vancouver.

    Regarding their Voyageurs Cup title, no.
  11. atlanticTFCfan

    atlanticTFCfan BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 14, 2007
    Sydney, Nova Scotia
    Toronto FC
    Nat'l Team:
    I don't agree. The NCC is the only time TFC should do this.

    I doubt that any club worldwide would wear stars on their kit for anything else outside of a domestic league championship during league play. If it pertained to that specific tournament where they have won a title, then I have no problem with that.
  12. ArteEtLabore

    ArteEtLabore Member

    Dec 16, 2006
    Toronto FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: 2010 NCC Announcement coming on Thursday

    Voyageurs Cup yes. Nutralite Canadian Championship No. That was my point.
  13. Blizzard

    Blizzard Member

    Jun 25, 2002
    Toronto FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Re: 2010 NCC Announcement coming on Thursday

    It's the same thing IMO. The only difference is that the CSA managed to get a sponsor.
  14. Blizzard

    Blizzard Member

    Jun 25, 2002
    Toronto FC
    Nat'l Team:
    I have to agree with Atlantic. If we win the MLS Cup this year, then perhaps we can wear something on our regular season uniform next year.
  15. Keystone FC

    Keystone FC New Member

    Apr 10, 2007
    Kettering, OH
    Toronto FC
    I know in Italy the champion wears a 'roundel' for their Coppa Italia victory but I think they can wear it for the entire season when they won it:


    But I do agree that the NCC star should only be wore for the NCC. It would be different if TFC was playing in the Canadian Pro Soccer League and not MLS, but look at it this way...any US club that wins the US Open Cup has nothing to put on their kit the following season. All they have is a trophy (which their fans may or may not know that they have won) and a stat in the record books.
  16. crazypete13

    crazypete13 Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 7, 2007
    A walk from BMO
    Toronto FC
    Same with the supporter's shield.
  17. nfitz

    nfitz Member

    Aug 20, 2007
    It was our domestic league championship ... the only problem is our domestic league only has 3 teams ... so we have to play 30 international games a season to fill the schedule. :)
  18. deepm

    deepm Member

    May 13, 2009
    Toronto FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Isn't it the CSA who came up with the idea of wearing the star?

    If this idea was thought of last season and Montreal wore a star above their logo, then I doubt this would even be an interesting topic of discussion.

    This really needs to be cleared up, since it is really making TFC look like an egotistical team.

    MLS wouldn't even allow wearing the patch in league play it since the patch has nothing to do with the league.

    Does the MLS Cup champion even wear a patch indicating their championship?
  19. deepm

    deepm Member

    May 13, 2009
    Toronto FC
    Nat'l Team:
    The NCC considered a domestic cup...not a domestic league.
  20. FutebolDeResultado

    Feb 8, 2008

    Major League Soccer's previously informal system, one star per MLS Cup title, was standardised in 2006, with the exception that defending champions will wear the MLS Scudetto, like the Serie A system, for one season before adding a new star.

    thats the little bit they had on MLS....

    but if you read the entire article it's pretty established worldwide...

    as far as the NCC being a cup or league... its the ONLY NATIONAL competition for CANADIAN clubs... we r canadian Champions.. I think we should use it all season long...
  21. deepm

    deepm Member

    May 13, 2009
    Toronto FC
    Nat'l Team:
    The star is meant to recognize the champion of the NCC...it has nothing to do with MLS.
  22. TopDogg

    TopDogg Member

    Jan 31, 2000
    Toronto FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Yes, and yes.
  23. atlanticTFCfan

    atlanticTFCfan BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 14, 2007
    Sydney, Nova Scotia
    Toronto FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Exactly, and wearing a star on your kit for something that has nothing to do with the MLS during the MLS season makes it look like a joke.

    I'm guessing the Impact might also do the same with the one star for their Voyageurs Cup title in 2008 during their NCC run, while maintaining their three-star kit for regular league play.
  24. nfitz

    nfitz Member

    Aug 20, 2007
    People keep telling me that if I use a smiley then it indicates I'm making a joke ... and I keep saying there is no point, because if someone is humour-impaired they just ignore the smiley on the rare occasion I put one in.
  25. deepm

    deepm Member

    May 13, 2009
    Toronto FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Ahhh...I overlooked your smiley...my apologies :)

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