S-league will remain with the same 12-team league for 2009 Local clubs - Balestier Khalsa - Geylang United - Gombak United - Home United - SAFFC (Double Champions) - Sengkang Punggol - Tampines Rovers - Woodlands Wellington - Young Lions Foreign clubs - Albirex Niigata (S) - Dalian Shide - Super Reds The S-league is starting in Feb & expected to end by Nov Also any person wanting to know more about S-league history can looked here (but 2007 & 2008 articles nt out yet)
SAFFC will compete in the ACLQ The schedule are here from my site Home United will compete in the AFC Cup The schedule are here (nt yet updated & still AFC Cup 2008) from my site Also any person wanting to know more about S-league adventure in Asia & even those from the beginning (NFL & SPL days) can looked here There is also the data on head to head against other league here
For the National Team, they will compete for the next 2 years in the ACQ 2011 against Iran, Jordan & Thailand The schedule are here from my site Also any person wanting to know about last year & go back up to 2000 internationals caps for Singapore players can looked here
thoughts on Singapore fans....anyone? The top of the picture is copy of yesterday's "Mypaper" and the mid portion to bottom (with the masthead - MY SAY) of it being the one I picked up just now. At least, there's some sort of balance here as two different schools of thoughts were given adequate coverage here on this free handout. The previous day's edition highlighted the frustration and criticism from fans, who posted on net forums, whereas on the feedback pages today, some loyal supporters jumped into the Lions' defence and blasted those comments made by those "fair-weather" fans (as one writer labelled them as) . A friend of me has this to say, "simply put an article with net forum's quotes as its headline, is unacceptable." "if a mainstream paper can get quotes out of the net, then we no need reporters" Which is why they need a blogger eh, for this instance? hahahaha http://www.bolasepako.com/2008/12/balanced-view.html
thoughts on Singapore fans....anyone? The top of the picture is copy of yesterday's "Mypaper" and the mid portion to bottom (with the masthead - MY SAY) of it being the one I picked up just now. At least, there's some sort of balance here as two different schools of thoughts were given adequate coverage here on this free handout. The previous day's edition highlighted the frustration and criticism from fans, who posted on net forums, whereas on the feedback pages today, some loyal supporters jumped into the Lions' defence and blasted those comments made by those "fair-weather" fans (as one writer labelled them as) . A friend of me has this to say, "simply put an article with net forum's quotes as its headline, is unacceptable." "if a mainstream paper can get quotes out of the net, then we no need reporters" Which is why they need a blogger eh, for this instance? hahahaha http://www.bolasepako.com/2008/12/balanced-view.html
thoughts on Singapore fans....anyone? The top of the picture is copy of yesterday's "Mypaper" and the mid portion to bottom (with the masthead - MY SAY) of it being the one I picked up just now. At least, there's some sort of balance here as two different schools of thoughts were given adequate coverage here on this free handout. The previous day's edition highlighted the frustration and criticism from fans, who posted on net forums, whereas on the feedback pages today, some loyal supporters jumped into the Lions' defence and blasted those comments made by those "fair-weather" fans (as one writer labelled them as) . A friend of me has this to say, "simply put an article with net forum's quotes as its headline, is unacceptable." "if a mainstream paper can get quotes out of the net, then we no need reporters" Which is why they need a blogger eh, for this instance? hahahaha http://www.bolasepako.com/2008/12/balanced-view.html
What i meant is new teams to replace the old ones. The chinese has been sending some poor teams here, not sure why we are still letting their clubs in the league. I also feel Albirex Niigata should revamp their team(like how Super Reds did) to at least challenge for the top 4 spot. They have been pretty poor in their last 2 seasons.
What i meant is new teams to replace the old ones. The chinese has been sending some poor teams here, not sure why we are still letting their clubs in the league. I also feel Albirex Niigata should revamp their team(like how Super Reds did) to at least challenge for the top 4 spot. They have been pretty poor in their last 2 seasons.
Wht is there to say There will always be a section of the fans who r glory hunters & they r nt really there to support through thick & thin That why they were once Balckburn & Newcastle fans in S'pore before but nearly wiped out already Also I always beleievd; no need for SPH reporters as they seldom write their own articles (as I touched on before already) Their best writers r punters & I fear SPH standard for YOG when they write odds instead of report & let the whole wrld see
I've been following the scene for a while now, and I think there's a shocking number of people who are in it more for the spectacle than for truly supporting the team. One defeat, and they can't wait to jump onto the team and rip them to shreds with negative, unconstructive remarks. It's good that the paper has an entire page raising this problem up.
sorry for the duplicating posts.. I guessed i hit the "submit reply" too many while the browser hang.. anyway to remove duplicated posting??
I would say that "mypaper" BOTHERS to put up readers' feedback on this issue on their "my say" (feedback) page RATHER than It's good that the paper has an entire page raising this problem up (as it's not as if the paper, itself, being the one raising the issue but the readers).
it still looks a better article than the tosh served up by the new paper who said the fans were awesome http://jakartacasual.blogspot.com/2008/12/wheres-your-famous-kallang-roar.html
Didn't Super Reds go against there ethos altogether and bring in 'ringers', older experienced guys, rather than the previous team of youth? Albirex will only use the young guys as a feeder team for there J League side, which isn't a problem. If they can't mix it in S League, then no way can they move on higher
As I finished my session at the side of the platform and proceed to take train to somewhere else, I passed by at probably the most valuable green belt of this island - Padang (below). http://www.bolasepako.com/2008/12/back-to-platform-but-denied-from.html
I was invited to Geylang United's pre-season seminar, held in their clubhouse, on the first sunday of 2009. http://www.bolasepako.com/2009/01/geylang-utds-pre-season-seminar-2009.html
I came across this well-written article by chance. It was written by a lady named Aishah Hamza and starkly titled, "Why Singaporeans Don’t Watch S.League". As the name implied, she gave a good account from her own perspective why she felt as what her article suggested. More inside this entry