2005 Season Ticket info.

Discussion in 'Columbus Crew' started by 10 fan, Dec 5, 2004.

  1. 10 fan

    10 fan New Member

    Mar 21, 2004
    United States
  2. Kryptonite

    Kryptonite BS XXV

    Apr 10, 1999
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    There's some interesting stuff on that list.

    Monthly E-mail newsletter --- It seems like I already get 2 or 3 email letters and it's all the same stuff rehashed. This will be interesting.

    Priority Access to Crew Stadium Viewing Parties -- I wonder what this will be? Let those people in 5 minutes early to get a prime spot? This will be another interesting one to see how it develops.

    Postgame Press Conference Question Opportunity -- Hmm, anyone wanna take this? Apparently if you buy full season tickets, you get an opportunity to ask Greg a question. Is there an option to block the exits?
  3. Bill Archer

    Bill Archer BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 19, 2002
    Washington, NC
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Does the post-game question for Greg allow you to chase him into the locker room and dig him out from under the pile of dirty towels?

    Does it come with a small-print disclaimer saying "In the event that the Coach is reduced by the game to a whimpering, sobbing little girl who "just can't talk now" this offer is null and void"?

    In that event, do they offer to pass out "Greg the Bearded Vagina" dolls with little pull strings that make him say things like "The soccer gods were against us today" and "Nobody stepped up and got the job done" and "We still haven't gelled yet"?

    Is the right to ask him a post-game question still valid two months later if he still hasn't publically discussed the game? Are you then given permission to stalk him in grocery stores or follow him around in his car until he runs out of gas?

    Clearly, this is a clever ploy on the part of the front office: no more freebies for the "media". If they want to actually ask the coach a question after the game, then they better have a ticket stub.

    Guess we've heard the last of Aaron Stollar. See? There's a bright side.
  4. Grouchy

    Grouchy Member+

    Apr 18, 1999
    Canal Winchester
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Coach. Coach...
    Question for bigsoccer forums. Question. Coach...

    Do you give your wi-fuh fuh fuh, anal *ack* afterlosinganimportantgame or j-j-just *gak* on special *snggggh* occasions?


    Who...ooo.ooo... *ghschik* ismorehunginthelockerroom?
    I have t-tuh-towels youcanhideunder... *gkkkk*
    Big fan.


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