MLS WPL Table for games through September 1, 2002. There were 31 active participants this week. The median score was 5 out of a possible 19. Scribe and Son was the only participant to correctly predict LA's blowout of the Metrostars. The Weekly Cup - guinho becomes our fourth two-time cup winner of the year, adding this week's cup to the victory back in Week 10. It's likely that guinho would be near the top of the First Division if it hadn't been for some sporadic mid-season absences. IASocFan, DenverFan and empennage, our top 3, continue their seemingly obligatory appearances in the Weekly Cup. 1. guinho................................11 2. IASocFan..............................10 3. DenverFan1, dred, Scribe and Son.......9.5 6. sljohn.................................9 7. Up The Metro...........................8.5 8. empennage, NNCRed......................7.5 10. NateP, soccertom, themrs., WildKitten..7 . . The First Division - The WPL has experienced its 10th lead change in 24 weeks. For the third time this season, IASocFan has taken the lead (in part because of the spectacular collapse of last week's leader). The tight grouping of the top four posters has eased dramatically, as there are now 7 points between first and fourth. With time running out in the 2002 campaign, it now appears that we are down to three legitimate contenders for this year's crown. IASocFan, DenverFan1and empennage all made the Weekly Cup this week, and seem poised to battle it out down the stretch. dred has eased past soccertom for fifth spot (despite soccertom's cup appearance), and FlashMan has, at least temporarily, acheived his stated objective of regaining the top 10. Scribe and Son and NNC Red also performed well this week to move up the table. Congratulations to quicksand, who moved back into the First Division. . 1 (2) IASocFan 10 150 2 (4) DenverFan1 9.5 148 3 (3) empennage 7.5 146.5 4 (1) jlo 2 143 5 (6) dred 9.5 130 6 (5) soccertom 7 129.5 7 (8) sljohn 9 126.5 8 (8) Northside Rovers 4 121.5 9 (12) FlashMan 6.5 120 9 (7) The Perfesser - 120 11 (15) Scribe and Son 9.5 119.5 12 (10) Hal 4.5 119 13 (10) Fanaddict 4 118.5 14 (14) babytiger2001 2 115 15 (12) JBlazini24 - 113.5 16 (16) scaryice - 109.5 17 (17) Whirlwind 4.5 108.5 18 (20) NNCRed 7.5 108 19 (22) quicksand 5 105 20 (19) tolbuck 2 104.5 . . The Second Division - Five posters in the Second Division made this week's Weekly Cup. Congratulations to Guinho, our Cup winner, NateP, WildKitten, Up The Metro, and themrs. . 21 (18) hornonmyankle - 103.5 22 (20) MadSirAlexxx 2 102.5 23 (24) Out of Touch 6.5 102 24 (25) NateP 7 100 25 (29) guinho 11 99 26 (23) SocrStopr13 - 96.5 27 (25) Alf - 93 27 (25) Jacen McCullough 0 93 29 (28) MetroFanCP - 92 30 (30) goatnutsgoal 4 91 30 (31) WildKitten 7 91 32 (34) Up The Metro 8.5 90.5 33 (31) goyette82 5 89 34 (33) LMoroney 4 87 35 (37) dawgpound2 4.5 78.5 35 (35) Port Qaz - 78.5 37 (36) MajikMouse - 75 38 (40) themrs. 7 70.5 39 (38) encinitas - 67.5 40 (39) deimos - 66 . . Lower Divisions - Jose L. Couso now carries the banner for the lower divisions alone. He'll need a late season surge to make up the 11.5 point difference between him and the bottom of the second division, but there is still time. . 42 (42) Jose L. Couso 4.5 54.5 ... ... ... Honor Roll: 2002 Weekly Cup Winners: 2 Cups: DenverFan1 (6; 15); dred (12; 14); empennage (10; 16); guinho (10; 24) 1 Cup: Hal (Week 1), IASocFan (2), kennytt (2), Fanaddict (3), encinitas (4), Northside Rovers (4), The Perfesser (5), NateP (6), scaryice (7), Ffan (8), NNCRed (9), tolbuck (10), MetroFanCP (13), WildKitten (17), JBlazini24 (18), jlo(19), quicksand (20-21), goatnutsgoal (22), Out of Touch (23) 2002 Standings Leaders: Week 10-15, 17, 24: IASocFan Week 5-9: The Perfesser Week 19-21: DenverFan1 Week 2-4: Scribe Week 22-23: jlo Week 16, 18: empennage Week 2: socrstopr13 Week 1: Hal
The pro-dred hooligans are trashing local drinking establishments claiming their side actually earned a share of the weekly cup with 11 points! Rumours of referee conspiracy and kickbacks abound, they are calling for action from FIFA president jlo!
Well, isn't this embarassing? dred actually got 11.5 points last week, not the 9 that I reported and not the 11 he asked for. That means that dred is actually the Weekly Cup winner outright, rather than guinho. I regret the error. Corrections will be made in next week's table.
For those of us with a weak memory, can you please repost the point system again? I'm thinking perhaps I should check my score as well...
sljohn: Here's the point system: 2 points for a correct result (win or tie) half a point bonus for correct goal difference 1 point bonus for exact score Also, there is the blowout rule. A blowout is defined as a victory by 3 or more goals. If you correctly predict a blowout, you get a 1 point bonus. This bonus is cumulative with the exact score bonus, but replaces the goal difference bonus.
In reviewing ALL of my picks dating back to March, I believe I'm owed EXACTLY 30.5 points as a result of "discrepancies", which, by my calculation, would put me squarely at the top of the table. I will gladly and patiently wait for the reposting of the table until next week.