In our little corner of Washington state, Obama cleaned up. 50 to 16 edge in Whatcom County Precinct 121, a 41-11 edge in 123 and a 20-8 win in my precinct, 120. The final delegate tally was 8-2 in 120, 6-2 in 123 and 6-3 in 120. From what it looks like, we were not alone.
My wife just got back form our caucus on Beacon Hill ( I had baby duty and fortunately Barca vs. Sevilla was on) and Obama cleaned up and apparently it wasn't even close. Also everything I'm hearing is that turnout has been heavy across the city.
This guy had a funny line...... Clinton versus McCain. That will be about as interesting and exciting as watching two retirement homes in Florida battling it out over a game of shuffleboard.
Thank god because I wasn't able to get to the caucus and would have felt terrible if it had been close.
Louisiana GOP primary "too close to call" edit: looks like Huckabee might win another one!
I have no idea what that word means. Too early to call in Louisiana, tho Obama leads "by a substantial margin" in the exit polls.
CNN had 54-37. Not sure what % they've got in. They're also reporting that there are problems in Orleans Parish which has 11% of the state's population.
Change fellas. I'm running for President. And let me tell you what I believe in. I believe in CHANGE. Send your donations my way.