I am starting up a roto fantasy EPL league on Fantrax.com (just made available). PM me if you are interested and I will give you the League ID and password. Please make sure you are serious about participating in the league for the long haul before you join. The draft is Monday night at 8:00 PM ET.
This site looks interesting: http://www4.fantrax.com/showPage.go?page=features I'll be looking at it more closely when I get back from Budapest later this evening. As for the draft, is that everyone online at once or a dragged out affair? When will scoring start, as the league kicks off on Saturday (tomorrow) I'm in Central Europe.
The draft is everyone online at once, it should take a couple of hours. All scores this weekend will be counted retroactively, so everything this season will count. For those who are interested, here is a copy of the league rules. And here is a link to the league sign up page. League ID: hal9ssdrh5xinr2i Password: nottscounty
Well, you are welcome to pre-rank players, auto-pick and manage your team throughout the season if you like.