Man U sets 2nd U.S. tour-Chicago Tribune MLS expansion may require tweaking-Dallas Morning News Added Time: Some say Euro championships offer more quality than World Cup-Dallas Morning News Q&A on the Wizards-KC Star Wizards' Wolff available-KC Star Manchester United Sets U.S. Return-LA Times Manchester making return tour to the U.S.-NJ Herald News Howard at home away from home-NJ Herald News End of the line here for Mathis?-NJ Herald News MetroStars: Mathis a goner, but won't say it-Star Ledger Mathis looks to Europe-NY Daily News Manchester United to Tour U.S. Next Year-NY Times(AP) Nicol lets Revs go with the flow-Boston Herald Injury trips up Franchino's travel plans-Boston Herald Moore had more to offer-Boston Globe Mathis Unsure of Return to MetroStars(AP) A rally rich in good fortune-SJ Mercury News Before his winning goal, a tough season for Faria-SJ Mercury News MLS Down To Final Four-Hartford Cournat Visitors to take field on hot streak-USA Today
Fire only Chicago Team playing Winter Ball - Chicago Sun-Times Soccer needs Shorter Year - Chicago Tribune
The SJ Mercury News article called "A rally rich in good fortune" was one of the best post-game descriptions of a game yet here in the US.
The Merc has good writers . . . What's a shame is that they often don't cover the Quakes. Course, it's like taking a pound of flesh from Grahme Jones to have him even mention MLS, let alone cover the Galaxy regularly.
Chicago Press It really seems like the Chicago papers are talking up the game this week. How is it in the local tv news? Any idea on what the attendance will be like on Friday?
Re: Chicago Press Local news has been pretty good. The local Fox affiliate covered the game Sunday in great detail, with a reporter shooting a lot of footage at the Barnburner tailgate as well as in Section 8. Don't know when that's airing, though. I would imagine tonight or tomorrow, in advance of Friday's match. We definitely seem to be benefitting from the taste of success the Cubs had this season, plus the futility of every other Chicago team right now. The city wants a winner more than I think they have in the past. Estimates for Friday have been anywhere from 15K to 30K to even more than that, but regardless, you can sorta feel the groundswell of support. Later, COZ
Re: Re: Chicago Press That is awesome. I can't wait to watch and more importantly, hear, such a crowd in Chicago.
Isn't there some sort of standard of journalism that hacks must loosly adhere to? Isn't it usually a requirement to have some base knowledge of a topic before writing an article? This guy should either change careers or dive head-first into the nearest iced over river. I'm hoping the editors just allowed the submission to be printed to teach him a lesson.