1/29/08 - Never give up! Never surrender!

Discussion in 'MLS: News & Analysis' started by bbsbt, Jan 29, 2008.

  1. bbsbt

    bbsbt Member+

    Feb 26, 2003
    UCSC Notebook: Slug soccer star Smarte gearing up for Earthquakes training camp - Santa Cruz Sentinel
    Revolution's Valentino puts heart into defending - The Boston Globe
    Major League Soccer: RSL loads up on young talent - The Daily Utah Chronicle
    Sports Briefs - Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
    The only soccer-related blurb in the article: If things don't get straightened out soon, PAETEC Park might wind up a worse white elephant than the high-speed ferry. At least we could sell the boat. ... Was it only eight years ago that Rochester was gung-ho about joining Major League Soccer and building a new stadium? Not granting a franchise to "Soccer Town USA" is looking like one of the best moves in MLS history.

    Revolution a team in transition - Attleboro Sun Chronicle
    Knibbs commits to play at Rutgers - Times Herald-Record
    Weekly Soccer Column: Expansion is not always a good idea - Daily Breeze
    Midfielder picked in MLS Draft - The Daily Aztec
    The College Draft Doesn't Make Much Sense for MLS - The NY Sun
    Super Sunday for Former Jet Involves All Types of Football - The NY Times
    DC United add midfielder Gallardo, goalie Carvallo, defender Peralta - The Examiner
    Capello makes Beckham sweat - The Daily Mail
    Houston likely to lose another striker to Austrian club - The News & Observer
    United sells Arguez to Hertha Berlin, opens preseason camp - The News & Observer
    Former Billiken Remains With National Soccer Team - Saint Louis University
    CONCACAF launches new club championship - The Olympian
    Impact in three-way battle for CONCACAF club spot - Montreal Gazette
    Caps bid for Champions League spot - Vancouver Sun
    CONCACAF retools Champions Cup - San Francisco Chronicle
    Format unveiled for CONCACAF Champions League tourney - The Miami Herald
    Local ref goes big-time - Appeal Democrat
    RSL players aiming to be fitter and better this season - Deseret Morning News
    United sign Gallardo, Carvallo, Peralta - The Boston Herald
  2. DoctorD

    DoctorD Member+

    Sep 29, 2002
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    This is why MLS has its $30 million (or is it now $35 million?) join-up fee. To ensure that all franchises are financially solvent and worthy of "first division" status.
  3. bbsbt

    bbsbt Member+

    Feb 26, 2003
    Canadian soccer on its way to qualifying for FIFA - Times Colonist
    FC Dallas wins 2007 Frisco Business of the Year award - The Pegasus News
    Goats' Guzan has overseas options - The News & Observer
    Beckham to open third soccer academy - The Boston Herald
    CONCACAF Announces New Champions League - 90 Minutes Soccer Magazine
    Major League Soccer Comings and Goings - 90 Minutes Soccer Magazine
    Pressure's on Mexico when it tackles U.S. - The Houston Chronicle
    Tourney set for launch - The Houston Chronicle
    Dynamo forward Jaqua signs with Austrian team - The Houston Chronicle
    Derby taken over by American consortium - The Boston Herald
    Olympic soccer qualifying tickets on sale Wednesday - The Daily News Journal

    Super Bowl XLII Versus The Economy -
    "And though soccer has often been touted as the sport of the future, it has yet to make its mark in the U.S., despite the hype surrounding the Beckham phenomenon," said Mr. Van Horn. "Even the cities with a franchised soccer team are struggling to fill stadiums, and their balance sheets look bleak."
    He added, "...the soccer craze with children doesn't seem to translate into a financially viable franchised sport, at least not in this country, and not for the foreseeable future."
  4. Beech

    Beech Member

    Jul 26, 2001
    Kansas City
    Kansas City Wizards
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    "I have one job on this ship. I don't like it but that's what I do." - Sigourney Weaver

    Barrillium Sphere's anyone?
  5. IHateDC

    IHateDC Member

    Sep 22, 2004
    It would be cool if the kid from UCSC makes it. Imagine, the announcers get to refer to the "former Banana Slug . . ."
  6. ButlerBob

    ButlerBob Member

    Nov 13, 2001
    Evanston, IL
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  7. keem-o-sabi

    keem-o-sabi Member

    Sep 7, 2005
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  8. RSwenson

    RSwenson Member

    Feb 1, 2000
    slight correction... this is why MLS requires that ownership groups command
    billions of dollars in assets... if the $30 million is not pocket change, don't come calling... what a change, huh?

    If Rochester had the stadium built 3 years sooner and if Duross and Donnor had borrowed $5 million more for an entry fee (why not, they haven't paid back what they have borrowed up to now), they would have been in the league...
  9. bshredder

    bshredder BigSoccer Supporter

    Feb 23, 1999
    Millwall FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    And how long would it take for Derby USA to kick the real Derby's ass?
  10. Etienne_72772

    Etienne_72772 Member+

    Oct 14, 1999
    So he has seen the balance sheets? That would be the first question I ask would him. While MLS still is not up there with the most profitable leagues in this country, it has never been healthier!

    The guy is talking out his a$$ because he knows nobody really has the information to refute him.
  11. Chowda

    Chowda Member

    Sep 13, 2004
    Rhode Island
    New England Revolution
    Because a simple audit would cost $30,000,000.01?

    Seriously, it's there to add working capital to the single entity structure. St. Louis has the dough, but they are holding off on their group because they don't have enough backing to meeting MLS's approval.
  12. DoctorD

    DoctorD Member+

    Sep 29, 2002
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    they should put it in Kentucky.

    Maybe I was off by $50 million or so, you all get the idea. :)
  13. mbar

    mbar Member+

    Apr 30, 1999
    Los Angeles, CA
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Did anyone guess the movie quote yet? I can't think of it but it's bugging me to know because I know it's a movie I've seen...

    Part of me thinks it's Gladiator or something similar, another part of me thinks it's a Pixar film like Toy Story.
  14. Easton FC

    Easton FC Member

    FC Dallas
    United States
    Jul 18, 2007
    Dallas, TX
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The quote actually reminds me of Sean Connery in "First Knight" as Malagant is forcing King Arthur to give up Camelot... I could be horribly wrong, but it's the only guess I have...

    DCU is starting to look scary with its new acquisitions... Heh, what do I know?

    "CAMELOT LIVES!!!!" OK, not really...
  15. garbaggio

    garbaggio Member

    Jan 3, 2001
    I thought it was the one featuring Sigourney's Berylium Spheres....
  16. Dave Brull

    Dave Brull Member

    Mar 9, 2001
    Mayfield Hts, Ohio
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Without Googling, Galaxy Quest
  17. VioletCrown

    VioletCrown Member+

    FC Dallas
    United States
    Aug 30, 2000
    Austin, Texas
    Austin Aztex
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Clearly there are no longer just nerds following soccer.

    However, I'm clearly still a nerd.

    For the ones that haven't figured it out -- Galaxy Quest.
  18. CACuzcatlan

    CACuzcatlan Member

    Jun 11, 2007
    San Francisco, CA
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Staggering? HAHAHAHAHA

    I'm sure the Champion's League final is at least double that.
  19. Kosh

    Kosh "We are all Kosh"

    Aug 1, 2006
    Harrisburg, PA
    Whoever wrote this episode should die!!
  20. Mighty!

    Mighty! Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    DC United
    it is!!!!!!
  21. mbar

    mbar Member+

    Apr 30, 1999
    Los Angeles, CA
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Right right. Sorry, I didn't quite get that reference in the earlier post. I have seen Galaxy Quest, pretty good flick.

    And I am a nerd, I used to follow STTNG and ST TOS pretty closely.

    (See Nerd abbreviations :) )
  22. bbsbt

    bbsbt Member+

    Feb 26, 2003
    *sigh* :(
    Yeah,that's it.

    You're the first to post it, so you get the rep.
  23. peteo

    peteo Member

    Jun 19, 2002
    Daly Citay, CA
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Does s/he have 298 more guesses? ;)
  24. mbar

    mbar Member+

    Apr 30, 1999
    Los Angeles, CA
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I wouldn't have expected the rep if it was either guess...
  25. DoctorD

    DoctorD Member+

    Sep 29, 2002
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I'm just glad bbsbt didn't have to start the autodestruct sequence before someone got the movie.

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