Folks, Tomorrow's match against the MetroStars is going to be broadcast nationally on a 5 1/2 hour tape delay. So it's even more important than usual that we avoid spoilers. Before 7:30 EST I'll post two threads. One will be for discussion during the match and the other will be a post match thread. Let's try to keep most of the match discussion in those threads. And if you want to start another thread for some specific game related topic then please be sure to follow all the spoiler guidelines in the DCU FAQ. Thanks,
Damn skippy. There's nothing harder than trying to avoid a result on the tape delayed match. I just hope that ESPN 2 doesn't do something stupid like run the final score on the Bottom Line of the match that they're showing.
That's something I love my new Sony HDTV for. With a 4*3 picture in Full Zoom mode (stretched a bit sideways with a little of the top and bottom off the 16*9 screen), I can realign the picture so that the ticker is completely invisible! I do the same with FSW when it has the full width score-line and clock over the top of the screen. Wonderful technology. Of course I'd prefer a real 16*9 broadcast like HDNet ...
If you're planning on watching the Women's game at 7:30 I'd tape a piece of paper over the bottom of your screen to be safe. I'm totally serious. K
K is absolutely right. Strategically placing a bit of paper works well for those of us without fancy TVs. That has its limits too though. I'll never forget Sean Wheelock spoiling a tape-delayed DC United game when he was doing PBP for the US-Jamaica WCQ (I think) several years ago. Though I must say I thought it pretty classy that he sent me an apology after I bitched him out on the boards. And one thing I should have said above ... I quote from the DCU FAQ:
My approach to avoiding spoilers is this: to prevent myself from accidentally seeing the game result on this or any other website, I requested last Thursday that Pepco cut off electricity to my house until 6 PM this Friday. Much to my satisfaction, they have granted my request!!! Of course, I'm kicking myself now, because that also means that I can not watch the tape-delayed broadcast... I guess I should've thought that through a little...
ESPN2 will run the score, so beware. Also, avoid ESPNews as well. If you watch ESPN2 tonight, like K suggests, put some cardboard where they run the ticker to cover it up. Bill
This is ESPN we're talking about, right? They'll only show the scores of the WWC matches... not MLS. of course, to the cardboard might keep you from being distracted by the pointless baseball information during a soccer match or even a commercial (if they continue the ticker there)
Believe it or not, ESPN2 manages to get in MLS scores once or twice every hour or so on Saturday's when the endless ticker is running during college football games. Simple solution for me tonight is to hand the remote to my wife. We won't come close to seeing sports as long as she has the controller I'll tape the game and watch Friday evening. I'll try to stay away from the score but won't be too bummed out if I get it before I watch. I just want United to get at least 4 points from these two games. A road point tonight will be huge.
... bump ... So anyone care to guess how many people post spoiling threads despite this reminder? I say two.