Jan 3, 2007
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Shay Z

Shay Z

Moderator, Male

Staff Member
    1. 9Qui
      It's nice to stop by and say hi to everyone again. :) I miss some of the old regulars and the times had here, but then I start reading a random thread and realise it's still just 99% fighting and bitching. :D
    2. Zidane05
    3. natenate101
      How's everything bro? Long time no Shay.
    4. 9Qui
      I hope you're okay, Shay :)
    5. Complex23
      Shay, i remember you posted this great article about the financial status of both Real Madrid and Barcelona, any chance you still have it somewhere? writing paper on it and would like to reproduce some of the images.
    6. LosMerengues89
      <-- Terrible photoshop
      1. Shay Z
        Shay Z
        Bugger off LM89. :)

        My photoshop skillzzz.... she's not so good.
        Jul 5, 2012
    7. zizou555
      Man, i m pissed for CR!
      and i have a feeling that the world's need for a Maradona(whom they criticized when he played) is leading them to blow the ....of Messi.
      this both disgusts me and saddens me,poor CR is getting shafted and his luck today didn't help him.
    8. zizou555
      Bitch respond to my post on the movies thread!
    9. mymy33
      He won't give me a prescription for the Clindamycin :mad:

      He told me to "man up" and go to the dentist and that he doesn't want to see my face in his office again about "your damn tooth" unless it's a life threatening emergency. I told him I wasn't going to pay to be denied access to medical care and he told me he doesn't want "money from wussies" anyway :D

      What Iz gonna do? I'm really scared of the dentist now :D
    10. mymy33
      I was on plain, ole amoxicillin and how the Hell should I know what the infecting organism was?

      Was your date Korean? Mmmm bibimpap...I had kimchi and eggs for breakfast but now I want me some of what you had :D
    11. mymy33
      Alright, you'd think for someone who perfromed surgery on themselves I'd be a bit more resilient :D

      I just thought they would've done the job by now is all, is that too much to ask? If this doesn't work though I'm going back for the big guns...Clindamycin :D
    12. mymy33
      Fcuk resistance! I finished my first round yesterday.

      That dentist did me wrong Shay Boy, he just did me wrong and I had never been afraid to go the the dentist before :D
    13. mymy33
      Because I feel like the infection hasn't gone away and I had a harrowing trip to the dentist and now I'm afraid to go back :D
    14. mymy33
      Will I die if I do a second round of antibiotics? Out of curiosity :D
    15. mymy33
      A bit of a tosser is name calling and personal attacks now? You're getting soft.

    16. mymy33
      The good news? I can see out my right eye again and the pain is greatly reduced. The bad news? My face is still swollen :D
    17. mymy33
      OMG! I should be an effing surgeon! :D

      I sterilized a safety pin in alcohol while I prepared a large cup of hot salt water. I then numbed my mouth with 5% Lidocaine I had on hand for use before cosmetic procedures (don't ask) and then I washed my hands, took the safety pin and went to work.....

      At first I was being a real p****y about it but then I said, "the Hell with it" and jabbed that piece o' metal into my gumline. It hurt like Hell bitch, quite frankly I thought I was going to faint in my bathroom and my shrieks and screams bought the dogs running :D

      When I regained my composure I realized there was a foul, putrid taste in my mouth and so I bent over the sink and spat a bloody, **********, saliva coated chunks. And I did that a couple more times and then I rinsed my mouth with Listerine and I almost fainted again and then followed up with salt water.
    18. mymy33
      What do you want from me? I'm dying here dammit! I can take it anymore, I just want to see out my right eye again, to put on face cream w/o wincing in pain and be able to open my mouth wide enough to enjoy an ice cream sandwich? Or a spoonful of Haagen Daz. Or not have to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich only after it's been smooshed and broken into a thousand pieces. Or a grilled pork chop. Is that really too much to ask?

      Fcuk you then, you insensitive bastard!
    19. mymy33
      The pain is still the worst part, I've been consulting Dr. Google DMD and I think I'm going to try to bust this thing open to get some relief, the Vicodin and vodka didn't work either :D
    20. mymy33
      If, or should I say when I die tonight promise me you'll take care of Abby, she's too pretty to go to a shelter and my kid, sisters and parents hate her :D
    21. mymy33
      This morning I woke up and both sides of my face were swollen, I couldn't even go grocery shopping because overnight I've gone from Quagmire to Quasimoto :D

      The dentist had no sympathy for me since it's only been 36 hours and told me to give it another day or two for the antibiotic to work. The Vicodin still isn't doing jack. Maybe if I crush it and dissolve it in a glass of vodka? I might need to after this game :D
    22. mymy33
      No Ben and Jerry, I'm doing Bassett's all the way :D

      I've never heard of Voltaren, is it some new fangled narcotic that you kids use recreationally at parties?
    23. mymy33
      What part of, "Vicodin doesn't do sh*t" don't you understand? I'm leaving the office anyway because this is just getting too unbearable at this point...I hope I can drive, lol! I'm going to stop and get some ice cream and peanut butter because I think a diet of exclusively 'soft' foods will be necessary to fully heal :D
    24. mymy33
      And now I was just called Quagmire :mad:

      When I regain my full vision I intend on firing everyone who mocked me today! And i'm glad as my Interwebz kindred spirit you recognized it only truly became dire when I realized I couldn't eat :D

      I have 600mg Motrin pills, I'm supposed to take one every 8 hours and I have Vicodin but like I said it didn't do jack.
    25. mymy33
      They're calling me "Baseball Face" at work :(:D

      This pain is so intense, the left side of my face hurts, my ear is hurts to open my mouth which means I can't eat, I've really never experienced anything like this and I gave birth w/o pain meds :o
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    Jan 3, 2007
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