PBP: FAC: Final Manchester City v Manchester United Sat 25 May 2024 [R]

Discussion in 'Manchester United' started by Sofabloke, May 21, 2024.

  1. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

    Jul 23, 2015
    Independent Republic of the Bronx, NY
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Go on Son!!
    CybrSlydr and SF19 repped this.
  2. JamesA

    JamesA Member+

    Dec 7, 2004
    Manchester United FC
    As a counter, the more shots you face, the increased chances of an individual keeper mistake.

    And we face a lot of shots. Every damn game. Including today.
  3. Chaz Striker

    Chaz Striker Member+

    Jul 26, 2005
    It’s not ass backwards. Somehow Alonso has leverkusen scoring 13 times in extra time this season. That’s not just down to player ability, it’s also down to his substitutions, tactical changes and instilling belief in his team. We allowed goals in extra time or just before in just as many games if not more. We allowed goals immediately after scoring goals in just as many games. I’ve been just as vocal about the dumb teenager level mistakes our players have made, but to pretend like a portion of it falls on ETH is ASS BACKWARDS. Especially since it was a common theme.

    Also, a formation is not a system. Congrats to ETH for sticking with a preferred formation the entire season. If high pressing was part of his system, then why were we so shit at it all year? Because we had rashford who wouldn’t run? Then why did he persist with rashford for as long as he did. Because we didn’t have the midfield players to press the correct angles as a uniform team? Then why did he persist with McT and Casemiro? If we couldn’t attack the way he wanted to, why did he persist with McT, Bruno and Rashford? Why did McT play at all, because he runs good? But then why couldn’t we press coherently, let alone efficiently. We all know the defense was compromised from the off, but the same ole question persists, why not play to the teams current strengths, make do with what you have? This system you and @Sofabloke keep referencing isn’t applicable to next year even if we have a stellar summer with all the right subtractions and additions. Because when you watch, the complaints are the same as they were in September. Why don’t these players look drilled? Why don’t they look like they’ve pressed together or trained together? Where are the neat crisp interplay passes that eth had at Ajax?

    Anyway, y’all enjoy it. I’m done talking about the same ole shit. @Sofabloke, I think you should know you’re lost by the company you’re keeping. See y’all at the transfer window.

    P.S. motherfvcker got REAL lucky finding mainoo this season. Saved his bacon, would’ve been 10th and trophyless without him.
  4. Sofabloke

    Sofabloke Member+

    Dec 24, 2003
    Manchester United FC
    If you go to a high-class restaurant where the head-chef gives you a pretty crappy meal, then for sure you can complain.

    However if you have spent the entire time studying the kitchen and seen that all the basic ingredients were unavailable and all the kitchen equipment is broken because the restaurant management have spent years not investing.

    For sure the chef made a few errors with the few ingredients he had but fundamentally he is still a chef suitable to a high-class restaurant when given proper ingredients.

    If you have lined up outside as replacement chefs a few grubby guys called Floppachinno, Harry Potter, Tommy Tickle and SouthHate who all failed at McDonalds and foreign Burger Kings that the restaurant owners were considering for head-chef.

    Then for sure some people would rather on the balance of things keep the chef and focus time (and money - you have to pay the chef off) to get some ingredients more suited to the supposedly high-class restaurant. If high-class restaurant remains the aim - still unknown with these restaurant owners.

    To keep saying "the food was bad, the food was bad" as if we don't know, while totally ignoring that we have discussed many times with you the state of the kitchen (which for some reason you are totally ignoring) is why you are getting heat.

    Particularly on a day when for once he was given some ingredients and delivered a killer desert :)
  5. Sofabloke

    Sofabloke Member+

    Dec 24, 2003
    Manchester United FC
    The intro to this with the fan reactions is the funniest thing I have seen in while :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    SF19 repped this.
  6. Ruud v.Nistelrooy 10

    Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2006
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    meant to get to this earlier but i do think Garnacho, Mainoo and Højlund were up to the level.

    they picked up the slack for several senior pros. if everyone else contributed or they were in a functional side their efforts would have been sufficient and most likely even more fruitful.

    they've put up similar numbers to players in teams above us. the difference is they have working systems and more contributors.

    given their ages and newness i was very impressed though i am certainly not a fan of the over reliance on them
    The Irish Rover repped this.
  7. Chaz Striker

    Chaz Striker Member+

    Jul 26, 2005
    Remember, the previous chef didn’t go to culinary school, had the same ingredients and actually made food I liked…
  8. Sofabloke

    Sofabloke Member+

    Dec 24, 2003
    Manchester United FC
    Fair enough :) Agree he was a better chef than many gave him credit for. Is also why I am kinda fed up changing chefs.

    Hadnt realised, but in addition to bumping Chelsea into Euro conference and bumping Newcastle out of Europe, we also bumped Arsenal out of the Community Shield.

    Had City won both, then 2nd team in Community Shield is EPL runner up. Now we are FA Cup winners it will be us against City again :)
    Chaz Striker and Deadtigers repped this.
  9. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

    Jul 23, 2015
    Independent Republic of the Bronx, NY
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:

    Lis has a Keane-esqe "quit ********ing about you ********s" about him. Lis should definitely be Vice Captain next season.
    benni..., SF19 and Sofabloke repped this.
  10. CybrSlydr

    CybrSlydr Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Sorry if we like something a bit more than chicken flavored ramen out of a Nissin bowl.
    The Irish Rover and Deadtigers repped this.
  11. Sofabloke

    Sofabloke Member+

    Dec 24, 2003
    Manchester United FC
    Howson called Martinez a 'force multiplier' - which is a military term for a piece of equipment which hugely increases the output of other pieces of equipment.

    Perfect term for Licha - as we are just so much better all around when he is in the team.
    benni..., The Irish Rover and JC7rox repped this.
  12. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

    Jul 23, 2015
    Independent Republic of the Bronx, NY
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Howson can be annoying but that is great term for Lis.
    The Irish Rover repped this.
  13. JC7rox

    JC7rox Member+

    Manchester United FC, LAFC
    Jun 11, 2004
    West Coast, Cali!
    Manchester United FC
    The same ingredients...

    SF19 repped this.
  14. The Irish Rover

    The Irish Rover Member+

    Aug 1, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Ireland Republic
    And when Anthony isn't . . .
    benni..., Sofabloke and JC7rox repped this.
  15. Father Ted

    Father Ted BigSoccer Supporter

    Manchester United, Galway United, New York Red Bulls
    Nov 2, 2001
    Manchester United FC
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    Ireland Republic
    Love it when those Man Cheaters fans doing the poznan before kickoff. Fking idiots. Karma and all of that.
    SF19 repped this.
  16. The Irish Rover

    The Irish Rover Member+

    Aug 1, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Ireland Republic
    But it did enable us to, ahem, see the back(s) of them :speechless::speechless::speechless:
    Father Ted repped this.
  17. Ruud v.Nistelrooy 10

    Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2006
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    full match if you want to relive it

    SF19 repped this.
  18. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

    Jul 23, 2015
    Independent Republic of the Bronx, NY
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Can I get an Amen!?!

    benni..., SF19 and The Irish Rover repped this.
  19. The Irish Rover

    The Irish Rover Member+

    Aug 1, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Ireland Republic
    Nice one!!
    Deadtigers repped this.

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