Not a true Christian: Debate Christianity and Religion's role in Politics

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by Deadtigers, Sep 6, 2023.

  1. dapip

    dapip Member+

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Not truly a policy violation:

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  2. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    It's not really church if there isn't any singing.
  3. dapip

    dapip Member+

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Deep pocket catholicism is basically evangelical with a flag:

  4. song219

    song219 BigSoccer Supporter

    Apr 5, 2004
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    Unfortunately American Evangelism doesn’t affect just American Protestants.
    soccernutter, dapip and Sounders78 repped this.
  5. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
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    A nonbeliever who had a near death experience describes that experience and his thoughts about it. Pretty cool.

    I think the main point, and a new insight to me, is that near death experiences happen in all kinds of different cultures, but no matter the culture, only the near-dead see dead people. Obituary else does.

    tl;dr is that he can’t explain what happened by rational means. He’s not a believer but he takes a few baby steps toward wondering if there’s an underlying unity or connectivity in the universe.
    luftmensch repped this.
  6. roadkit

    roadkit Greetings from the Fringe of Obscurity

    Jul 2, 2003
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    Or his brain could be creating a dream-like state based on a lifetime of hearing stories about near-death experiences.
    fatbastard, Auriaprottu, stanger and 6 others repped this.
  7. Sounders78

    Sounders78 Member+

    Apr 20, 2009
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    While not the point of the article, the science is rather lacking:

    Natural selection is completely irrelevant here, there doesn't need to be a Darwinian reason because this has nothing to do with survival into reproductive years.

    I'm not a psychologist, so not my area of expertise, but it seems fairly logical to me that if someone is dying their mind tries to process it by looking for examples from their own life, which would be close relatives who have died.

    I've encountered numerous stories of living people who "see" or interact with their spouse after they die. When I lived in Wyoming my landlord said her dead husband would often take walks with her. I'm also not accepting the "around the world" part as a blanket statement.

    Perhaps because the person at the point of death is not wanting to die, so again the brain is reacting to death by trying to make sense of it by conjuring up close relatives who have already died while "rebelling" against the notion that the person is about to die as well.
  8. argentine soccer fan

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    I talk to my brother. I know it's strange, but sometimes he is present and we discuss issues from my life. or issues involving family members, mutual friends etc. It's not an everyday thing, he comes sporadically, when I seem to need that interaction. We don't talk about the other side, if there is one, but when he comes I converse with him as when he was alive, seek his opinions and reactions, and he seems to respond.

    I don't know if he is somehow present in what we may define as "the spiritual realm", or if - having been so close to him - my mind can recreate him and interact by realistically predicting how he would react to situations in my life that I discuss with him.

    To me what is important is not whether it's his spirit, or whether it's his memory living within my brain. What matters is that he's there and I can converse with him, and the interactions have a clear feel of being real and are helpful.
  9. Pønch

    Pønch Saprissista

    Aug 23, 2006
    Donde siempre
    Not having a rational explanation for something does not automagically makes it supernatural.
  10. ElNaranja

    ElNaranja Member+

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    Jul 16, 2017
    What? Dark energy isn't a sign of God's magical abilities? [\s]
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  11. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
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    Did you read the article? I’m betting no. At least not to the end. The article moves from his personal experience to a broader discussion of the commonalities among different cultures.
  12. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
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    You guys are overconfident in our/your ability to understand the deepest, most vexing questions. Where is everyone’s sense of mystery and wonder? None of us “knows” this stuff, yet the responses aren’t that different from the handwaving people of faith give me when I point out nobody knows they’re going to heaven, they only believe. To me this stuff is still in that category of things we don’t know. Take it as such.

    Supernatural literally means not natural. What I liked about the article was IMO arguably the main theme is that we have a lot to learn about “nature” which in turn means we have a lot to learn about what is and isn’t natural.

    My argument is that there’s a space where we don’t know anything yet and we should respect that.
    Dr. Wankler and luftmensch repped this.
  13. Sounders78

    Sounders78 Member+

    Apr 20, 2009
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    That's being quite generous to say it did "a broader discussion of the commonalities among different cultures". What other cultures were specifically mentioned or addressed?
  14. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
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    If you read the article you’d know the answer. Just like if you read the article you’d know it wasn’t just about this one man’s experience.
  15. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
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    Just to clarify…that article isn’t about ME. I’m not the guy who almost died. I read it and thought it had some good insights. I shared information. “Listen with the intent to understand, not the intent to reply” is terrific advice, and applies to how one reads as well.
  16. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    Somewhat related...several years back, when I was in a classroom, it was a time when I would consciously meditate every day. One of the effects of this, to me, was that I was able to pick up "energy" coming off my students. One day, as I walked into class in the morning, I could feel this wave of negative energy. It was so strong to me that it was very uncomfortable to be in the room, and my interpretation was that something bad was going to happen if nothing was done about it. So I walked down to the other building to find Preacher (he was/is a reverend). I explained the situation, asked him to say a prayer to "cleanse" the "energy" that was infesting my room, and when he finished, it felt much better. Not totally at peace, but felt like a substantial positive change.

    I bring this up because when we are not cluttered with other distractive thoughts, we seem to be able to pick up things which are like that described in the article, or in these two examples.
    luftmensch and argentine soccer fan repped this.
  17. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    It was about one man's experience, and how he tried to extrapolate it onto the whole world.
    xtomx, Auriaprottu and Sounders78 repped this.
  18. Sounders78

    Sounders78 Member+

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    You do realize I read the article, which is how I was able to quote it in multiple places and respond to those quotes. It's also how I know that they didn't actually do a cross-cultural comparison.
    xtomx, Auriaprottu and soccernutter repped this.
  19. Auriaprottu

    Auriaprottu Member+

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    We really need some link reviewers around here. Rep to the both of you for the effort. I now know I don't need to waste my time.
  20. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
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    If you knew the answer, why did you ask a question? Weird.
  21. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
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    The more things change….
  22. Sounders78

    Sounders78 Member+

    Apr 20, 2009
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    Now you know how the rest of us feel when you do it.
  23. Auriaprottu

    Auriaprottu Member+

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    Amused? I mean, that's almost always my take. I certainly hope he isn't negatively affecting you.
  24. Sounders78

    Sounders78 Member+

    Apr 20, 2009
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    Louisiana could become first state to require display of Ten Commandments in classrooms.

    Which version do you think they'll post: the Protestant or the Catholic (they are different)?

    xtomx and superdave repped this.
  25. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
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    Maybe they’ll follow the guidance from the Treaty of Westphalia, which, like Eugene Debs’ presidential run, is suddenly and unexpectedly relevant again.
    Deadtigers, Dr. Wankler and song219 repped this.

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