LDU Quito, Part 3 (r)

Discussion in 'Ecuador - Clubs' started by Gourcuff_07, Nov 26, 2010.

  1. javer

    javer Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Liga de Quito
    Dam I really dont understand why our dirigencia is like this. Rodrigo Paz was literally hurt that Zubeldia didnt renew the last time he was with Liga and now that he is back and brought us back to glory and wants to stay with the team we let him go on a simple request ??? Dam wtf. Who are we going to bring in now to replace him we hit a long list of coaches who where absolutely dreadful before we got back on track with Zubeldia. He was a coach that could of easily brought many more years of success to Liga.

  2. LDU4ever

    LDU4ever Moderator
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    Liga de Quito
    Nov 21, 2004
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    Liga de Quito
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    Exactly. Big time bush league behavior from the directiva. These guys have such massive egos and are control freaks- what are they gonna do now? Dismantle the team and build up again? We have a recopa in the wings, libertadores, and the interamericana...plus the Copa Ecuador (coming back next year) along with the LigaPro.

    The players and fans deserve better.

    There is clear and present rot in that directors pool. I wish someone would just come in, buy the club outright, and run it on an even-keel, but that's just a pipe dream. What a mess.
  3. The Machine

    The Machine Member

    Oct 19, 2009
    Emelec Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    Losing Zubeldia will be a big blow to Liga.
  4. LDU4ever

    LDU4ever Moderator
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    Liga de Quito
    Nov 21, 2004
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    Liga de Quito
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    The IDV model of ownership makes SO much more sense than what Liga, Barcelona, El Nacional, and Emelec currently have. The consolidation of power and influence to steer in one direction in perpetuity makes IDV, despite being runners up in the league this year, still the cream of the crop from a governance and operations level.
  5. The Machine

    The Machine Member

    Oct 19, 2009
    Emelec Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    Zubeldia is a player’s coach. Players are loyal to him. I can’t think of a case where he’s feuded with a player or anything like that. Not publicly at least. Having players that buy into a coach’s vision is not something money can buy or is easily replicable. With Zubeldia at the helm Liga would have been the favorites to repeat as champions. If they maintained their base and brought in some reinforcements they were candidates to make a deep run in the Libertadores.
  6. javer

    javer Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Liga de Quito
    Edgardo Dominguez has been the first rumores name to replace Zubeldia. If I am not wrong he was linked with us before. An interesting name tbh. If we don't renew with Zubeldia I hope these are the kind of coaches we are linked to.
  7. javer

    javer Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Liga de Quito
    I really hope that Alcacer manages to be successful in Liga some how. I really like what I am seeing from Bermudez in the pre season. If Alcacer manages to do well and all our youth players blow up this season and carry the team I think we will be ok. Zambrano, Gonzales, Bermudez, Charcopa, Macias even Daykol Romero can blow up this season.
  8. javer

    javer Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Liga de Quito
  9. LDU4ever

    LDU4ever Moderator
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    Liga de Quito
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    Liga de Quito
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    I was floored when I read that.

    It's just one of those "lack of due diligence" issues that come up and make you wonder. What are these guys thinking? LMAO.

    If you want to hire those kinds of coaches, ok, but do the work to get their paperwork in order ahead of time. Don't hire and then inconveniently find out 2-weeks before the game that he might not make it in time to be on the pitch. If he's not present, he shouldn't get paid for that day of labor. Alvarez should forego a month's worth of pay for bad management.

    We basically start the 2024 season with a big game on the line, and there's some f**kery afoot. No haran quedar mal, lol.
  10. javer

    javer Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Liga de Quito
    I'm pretty sure we have to submit our roster soon for recopa. Alvarez is really depending on FEF to fix this for them. I can't imagine this being done in time. It would take a miracle for it to happen.

    To make it worse we let go of our youth Coaches. Rodrigo Garcia and everyone else under him. I'm pretty sure we don't even have Damian Manso or Franklin Salas either. So who are we going to send if Alcacer can't coach the team.
  11. The Machine

    The Machine Member

    Oct 19, 2009
    Emelec Guayaquil
    Nat'l Team:
    IDV went through this with Paiva a couple of years ago. At the moment it seems like Alvarez didn’t do his due diligence.
  12. LDU4ever

    LDU4ever Moderator
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    Liga de Quito
    Nov 21, 2004
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    Liga de Quito
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    One can only hope this is just a small bump on an otherwise smooth road.
  13. LDU4ever

    LDU4ever Moderator
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    Liga de Quito
    Nov 21, 2004
    Miami, FL
    Liga de Quito
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  14. javer

    javer Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Liga de Quito
    Man BSC really out played Liga yesterday. Holan defense locked down Arce and Estrada we couldnt do anything offensively. It seems that all the hype around him might actually be true. I hope he leads BSC to a deep run in Copa Sudamericana.

    Alcacer has failed in Re Copa, Libertadores and Failed to win Primera Etapa. He has 2 Liga pro matches & one Copa Libertadores match left. It clear this guy doesnt fair well against experienced coaches. Even Fabian Bustos out matched him with a weaker team. Our board of directors still support him tho and its amazing when he has failed in all aspects and has fans asking for him to leave.

    I hope next semester we pick up Ruben Dario Insua who has already been Linked by fans to Liga and is a free agent or Edison Mendez or Gabriel Di Noia(currently in teams but not in first division). Or a long shot a top named coach like Juan Carlos Osorio. Fun Fact my neighbors went to get their Coaching license with this guy. They always said he was too serious and never liked to be friendly with the rest of the guys in their class. They called him El Amiguito lmao. Other top coaches available are Guillermo Barros Schelotto, Alexander Medina, Diego Cocca.

    Our team also seriously lacks depth. We can never count on the players on our bench to improve or turn around a game. We need to sign full backs. Jonnathan Mina, Josue Cuero are on the top of my list. There is a chance we can sign Mauricio Martinez back to the team if we cant get him we should go after Jhonny Quinonez. There were rumors about Renny Jaramillo But Id rather go after Jhonny. Villamil & Marco Angulo arent turning out to be as solid as we hopped they would Gonzalz has had injuries and Zambrano still has the dopping case be so it would be good to have a reliable top midfielder. We should also try to signing Oscar Quinonez & Erick Ferigra. Ade is getting up their with age and Facundo Rodriguez has had some inconsistent moments this season.

    For forwards we should give Jarion charcopa more minutes and incorporate Michael Bermudez to the first team. Sadly with Alvarez in charge I dont think we will be seeing anyone make the jump to Europe in this transfer season.


    Ferigra, Ade, Rodriguez
    Quintero, Martinez, Piovi, J. Mina
    Estarada, Arce

    Alternate XI:
    Cuero, R. Mina, O. Quinonez, L. Quinonez
    Estupinan, Angulo, Zambrano, Gonzalez, Alvarado
  15. javer

    javer Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Liga de Quito
    Another interesting thought is the Idea of Insua Coming to Liga and Bringing his son Rodrigo Insua. Very Interesting Left Back. If we cant get Jonnathan Mina he would be a great option for Liga. Or any Liga pro team TBH. IDV, BSC or Emelec.
  16. LDU4ever

    LDU4ever Moderator
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    Liga de Quito
    Nov 21, 2004
    Miami, FL
    Liga de Quito
    Nat'l Team:
    Thank goodness.


    Liga de Quito oficializa la salida de Josep Alcácer

    Después de malos resultados en LigaPro y la derrota ante Barcelona SC, la directiva encabezada por Isaac Álvarez decidió que el cuerpo técnico del profesor Josep Alcácer de un paso al costado.

    Mediante un comunicado oficial, Alcácer fue revocado de sus funciones por mutuo acuerdo con la dirigencia de Liga de Quito tomó la decisión.

    Liga Deportiva Universitaria informa a toda su afición, socios y a la opinión pública en general que, de mutuo acuerdo, ha finalizado la relación laboral con el Director Técnico Josep Alcácer Alcocer. La institución le agradece por su trabajo durante su tiempo en el club, deseándole éxito en sus futuros proyectos profesionales.

    De la misma forma, queremos anunciar que el profesor Patricio Hurtado estará a cargo del equipo de manera interina. Confiamos en su capacidad y experiencia para asumir este importante reto.

    Estos son los datos de Alcácer al mando de la U:

    20 partido
    Ganó 10
    Empató 3

    Goles a favor 28
    Goles en contra 22

    Serie A 13 Partidos
    Copa Libertadores 5 Partidos
    Recopa Sudamericana 2 Cotejos

    13 Partidos en LigaPro
    Ganando 8
    Empató 2
    Perdió 3
    Goles/Favor 23
    Goles/Contra 14
    Pts 26

    Fecha3 LDUQuito 1-2 Aucas
    Fecha9 Orense 1-0 LDUQuito
    Fecha13 Barcelona 2-0 LDUQuito

    LDUQUITO 2024
    Ganando 2
    Empató 1
    Perdió 4
    Goles/Favor 8
    Goles/Contra 5

    Universitario/Perú 2-1 LDUQuito
    LDUQuito 1-0 Botafogo
    Atl. Júnior (Col) 1-1 LDUQuito
    Botafogo 2-1 LDUQuito
    LDUQuito 0-1 Atl. Júnior

    LDUQuito 1-0 Fluminense
    Fluminense 2-0 LDUQuito
    javer repped this.
  17. javer

    javer Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Liga de Quito
    Gabriel Heinze, Nicolás Larcamón, Renato Paiva & Sebastián Beccacece have been linked to Liga. Lets hope one of these options starts to get rolling. These are good names so far.
  18. javer

    javer Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Liga de Quito
    Eduardo Dominguez was also mentioned. These are the names we should have looked at before signing Alcacer.
  19. LDU4ever

    LDU4ever Moderator
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    Liga de Quito
    Nov 21, 2004
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    Liga de Quito
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    Lol- agreed.
  20. LDU4ever

    LDU4ever Moderator
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    Liga de Quito
    Nov 21, 2004
    Miami, FL
    Liga de Quito
    Nat'l Team:
    Liga saves face by beating Universitario quite easily and gets the consolation berth in the Sudamericana.

    What's most interesting about this win-
    -We beat Fabian Bustos who has been somewhat of a Boogeyman for Liga
    -The team had a different attitude today even if there were a few miscues
    -The scoreline could have easily been 4-0 if not for a marginal offsides call and Choclo interference on a goal scoring opportunity
    -Estrada, even if he's getting goals disallowed, is finding the net, and his positioning is good enough to make defenders open other spaces we can take advantage of
    -Arce scores in tournament play. He's making noise in LigaPro, but has been generally quiet in the Libertadores. Hopefully this boosts confidence for the Sudamericana.

    Tactically, how much of a difference was there compared to other match days? Not that much, but it was pretty clear that the players just didn't buy into Alcacer's system and they just looked so much more focused tonight.

    I'm still pissed about that group because Junior was a totally beatable opponent in Quito. IF that happened, we'd be looking at Round of 16 CL action instead, but now we're running for title defense in the Sudamericana.
    javer repped this.
  21. javer

    javer Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Liga de Quito
    I really thought Estradas 2nd offside goal was going to be valid after the var revision. It was very Close. If he keeps playing like this and improving his form he will definitely be scoring those kind of goals soon. Im so glad we have three friendlies before CA. This match plus those three friendlies could get him in the form we need.

    Arce had a miss from a clear header. Even commentators were surprised he missed that chance because he usually always nets those. I agree he been somewhat quite in Libertadores. Hope fully a new coach can come in and improve that.

    It wasnt just the game vs Junior that screwed us over it was also the first match vs Universitario which was supposed to be a very winnable game. I think I am more mad about that one tbh.

    Also we can scratch Nicolás Larcamón off our potential list of coaches he was just announced for Independiente de Avellaneda.
  22. javer

    javer Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Liga de Quito
    One Signing I really hope gets linked to us is Tomas Veron from Racing. That dudes a baller. His Price tag is a 1mil. I hope we have funds to bring in a good coach and a top signing. Leo Realpe wont continue in his team so that an options that should be easier to sign over Erick Ferigra who was previously linked with us. If his team gets promoted to 1st division and he gets promised playing time it will be hard to get him.
  23. LDU4ever

    LDU4ever Moderator
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    Liga de Quito
    Nov 21, 2004
    Miami, FL
    Liga de Quito
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