Random European country elections

Discussion in 'Elections' started by ceezmad, Mar 15, 2021.

  1. PuckVanHeel

    PuckVanHeel BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Oct 4, 2011
    Yes this has happened (1973-77, 2010-12) and in the Senate governments often don't have a majority (the Senate can dismiss a government too, if they want).

    It has also happened that a government gets voted down after one day in office (in 1939, dismissed on the first day).

    I don't think though Wilders can form a minority government, let alone one where he has the majority of ministers. His pro-Russia stance and links are seen as too dangerous. Netherlands is a fairly big supporter in Ukraine aid (6th, 7th overall) and Wilders wants to scrap this entirely (all others want to maintain/increase commitments). Besides, he doesn't have the competent people for this. His list is full with street thugs and scum. The experience as alderman or administrator is almost zero.
  2. I think it's dangerous to make it impossible for him to run the government. About 10 seats he won came in the polls after he declared to put his points of division and in conflict with the constitution (ban of islam/qoran/nexit etc.) on ice. So alot of people want his other points, which he has in common with other parties, to be realized.
    About 50% of the VVD voters want their party to go into a coalition with Wilders. So there's a danger that making it completely impossible, just by blocking him, to govern, in the end might get people from other parties a reason to vote for him next time.
  3. PuckVanHeel

    PuckVanHeel BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Oct 4, 2011
    I don't think that will be credible in the long run (if the media does their job... the tv is awful). His spokesman is already tweeting stuff about cleaning the streets from muslims, Wilders attending asylum centers, Wilders tweeting Palestine is located in Jordan. 'Milders' lasted 72 hours. Someone who is 60 years old cannot suddenly put things on ice.

    Besides, entering government as a bland and moderate junior partner has serious electoral risks. There is the risk the center-right will be overtaken by the radical-right (like in Sweden, Switzerland, Italy). Where Wilders is even more extreme and also dangerous because he is literally a dictator (in his own party).
    bigredfutbol repped this.
  4. The long run should be the test for those willing to give him a chance.
    I personally think it would be a very short run. Barking from the sideline hasnot grown experience in governing/running national/international level matters. I wonder about local levels, as there seems to be some in governing jobs.
  5. Well, this doesnot bode well for the chance Wilders might be PM.
    Trust is a key part in a coalition, especially for one with the PVV.
    So it's Wilders shooting in his own foot by violating the confidentiality of talks between party leaders and him. He spoke about what has been said in the talk with Omtzigt, the leader of the NSC.
    Omtzigt is a leader with a notorious reputation as being someone of ultra integrity. So to do this to him, while you need him for becoming PM, shows you're not fit for governing. How can you trust not being surprised, while in a coalition with him, with leaked information?
  6. PuckVanHeel

    PuckVanHeel BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Oct 4, 2011
    #131 PuckVanHeel, Dec 7, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2023

    Most likely scenario is now a Wilders government based on 44 seats (of 150 in total) and 20 in the Senate (of 75 in total). Outgoing PM party VVD is willing to tolerate for the time being, and NSC will likely follow that stance (after two days of talk with Wilders, entering the cabinet itself hasn't become one inch closer, it is said). Farmers party BBB will join Wilders. Wilders has probably not the personnel and staff for filling all jobs, same for BBB (though they are with 7 seats smaller and thus fewer jobs to fill).

    The left, liberal and christian opposition will try a no confidence vote on the first day.
    Brilliant Oranje repped this.
  7. Very important election coming up in the EU in June 2024.
    400 million EU citizens from 27 countries are going to vote for the European Parliament. The fascists are hoping to gain on the wave of anti-immigration rethorics. They have to gain alot though.
    Currently the rightwing nationalists have about 23% of the EU seats.
  8. PuckVanHeel

    PuckVanHeel BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Oct 4, 2011
    #134 PuckVanHeel, Mar 13, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2024
    After four months it has become certain, Wilders will not become prime minister. He will not be the Orbán of Western Europe.


    "It is an open secret that VVD and NSC had no acceptance for a premiership of the highly controversial Wilders at home and abroad.
    Other parties are already warning administrators not to do business with an extra-parliamentary cabinet that leans on the PVV. D66 leader Rob Jetten says he cannot imagine that there are party members who want to work with the PVV. As far as he is concerned, those who do can immediately surrender their membership. PvdA members and GroenLinks members [including the current chief negotiator - PvH] cannot remain party members if they become directors in a cabinet to which the factions are in opposition, a spokesperson says.
    In addition, trust between the four parties is still fragile. Parties exchanged sneers at each other in public and behind the scenes. Especially after Omtzigt's sudden departure in February, harsh accusations were made against the NSC leader. Wilders called him a runaway. De Telegraaf then quoted anonymous sources who stated that it was impossible to cooperate with Omtzigt and that scenes between the four at the negotiating table had been 'horrific' and 'gruesome'.

    That the parties are now continuing the talks at slow pace is mainly due to the lack of alternatives. According to the right-wing parties, a cabinet 'on the left' with GroenLinks-PvdA leader Frans Timmermans as prime minister would not do justice to the election results. No one wants new elections."

    edit: according to De Telegraaf they have already asked individual (ex-)politicians from the Socialist Party, Labour Party, Christian Democrats and Liberal Democrats whether they want to sit in a cabinet. But all those parties have already said any will immediately lose their membership when they are going to sit in a cabinet with involvement from the PVV (i.e. Wilders).
  9. ceezmad

    ceezmad Member+

    Mar 4, 2010
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    Greece also had an election, I just saw the headline, I guess the conservatives won.

    Or is that old news.
  10. European parliament elections signal right-wing surge
    [​IMG]Gulf News|8 hours ago
    The June 2024 European elections are poised to bring about significant changes, impacting key policy areas such as climate action, migration, security and the rule of law. While the grand coalition may retain a majority, the increased presence of right-wing MEPs will pressure mainstream parties to shift their positions.
  11. American Brummie

    Jun 19, 2009
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    c-c-c-combo breaker
  12. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    I have heard in several places that nearly half (or over half) of the world's population will be heading to the polls this year to elect new leadership.
  13. Fake news;)
  14. Yoshou

    Yoshou Fan of the CCL Champ

    May 12, 2009
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    Sunak has announced that the UK's general election will happen on July 4.


    Labour is heavily favored to take Parliament and to do so in convincing fashion. There's even some speculation that the Conservatives could end up in third behind LibDem.. That is not entirely likely, but the Conservatives are extremely unpopular right now.
    American Brummie repped this.
  15. American Brummie

    Jun 19, 2009
    There Be Dragons Here
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    Random? The UK is no random European country! How dare you!
    Dr. Wankler repped this.
  16. Yoshou

    Yoshou Fan of the CCL Champ

    May 12, 2009
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    Sorry. the UK became a random European country when it left the EU.
    American Brummie and Dr. Wankler repped this.
  17. A ranks splitting row unfolded in the far right wing of the EU parliamant.
    The French party of Marine Le Pen doesnot want to cooperate with the German Afd anymore.
  18. Belgian guy

    Belgian guy Member+

    Club Brugge
    Aug 19, 2002
    Club Brugge KV
    We have federal, regional and European elections here on the 9th of June.

    Probably going to end up in a situation where the far-right party Vlaams Belang will be the biggest (in Flanders) and the second biggest party likely will be the Flemish nationalists. If they combine for more than 50% (in Flanders), things might get really messy. The dream of both parties is to force a separation of the country and they would declare as having a mandate if those are the election results (if they get more than 50% of the votes combined). The practicalities of an actual dividing of the country are too insanely complex for them to (likely) succeed, but it will almost certainly create an era of political instability that will make our 500+ days of formation look like a picnic.
    soccernutter and Sounders78 repped this.
  19. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    I suppose the "When Will Belgium Form a Government" thread needs to be updated.
  20. Belgian guy

    Belgian guy Member+

    Club Brugge
    Aug 19, 2002
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    Looks like the polls will have been right and we will end the day with Vlaams Belang as the biggest party in Flanders and by extension Belgium.
  21. Sounders78

    Sounders78 Member+

    Apr 20, 2009
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    Not good. What is the likelihood of VB and the nationalists getting over 50%?

    It looks like the entire EU will be in for some rocky times as well.
    Belgian guy repped this.
  22. Belgian guy

    Belgian guy Member+

    Club Brugge
    Aug 19, 2002
    Club Brugge KV
    They have a chance to get a majority in Flanders. It was always a non-starter nationally.
    In the Flemish parliament, they are now projected to get 63 out of 124 seats. With around half the votes counted.
    So a very narrow majority (even if it swings one or two more seats in their favor) and considering the shakiness that such a coalition would already entail, probably not one that could last very long.
    They would also probably struggle mightily to get a third party on board to make it a more solid coalition.
    I'm going to guess that NVA might try to form a center-right coalition with CD&V and VLD in Flanders, only they probably would need one more party. Most logical choice would be Vooruit. I think De Wever might actually do it, him and the former leader of the Flemish socialists are strangely close considering their respective ideologies, but it would be a very hard sell for the right-wing of his own party.
    superdave and Sounders78 repped this.

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