How do I lose more weight?

Discussion in 'Player' started by andres_correa26, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. andres_correa26

    Jan 11, 2010
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    I have been playing constantly for the past three years. I go to play on a daily basis, and even when I dont go to play I do a lot of running. However though, I dont lose any weight. I am 5,9 and weight 190 lbs. My weight supposes to be in the 160 to 170. I eat less carbs and more veggies and still dont lose any weight.

    before I started to play again, I used to weight 240 lbs and went down to 180 and then went up to 190. Can anyone explain me, how can I loose more weight or if I am doing something wrong? Do I ahve to do force exercises (which I hate)? Or this is me, because of my body type?

  2. Italia56

    Italia56 Member

    Aug 10, 2007
    you seem to be doing everything right. Are u getting any slimmer? u could hav got to a stage where the amount of muscle u gain is the same weight as the fat u lose but idk

    also how do you run? if u jog long distances u burn fat but u also burn muscle. this can make it seem like ur not getting anywhere cuz ur not getting "cut" if u wanna get more cut try to do more sprints. wat i do is sprint for 1 min the jog for 1 min and do that for about 20-30 mins

    well idk ur exact situation. if i didnt help sry :)
  3. andres_correa26

    Jan 11, 2010
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    Thanks for answering. Whenever I dont play, I do about 2 miles on running distance and 5 to 6, 50 yards sprints. Someone has told me about the "cutting" thing. They told me that maybe if I do more of push-ups, situps, ect.. I might lose more weight and get leaner, but I have a routine now and I have seenthe results in my body, but not in my weight. Spriting for a minute might help too, I need to try that, because I do sprints of 50 yards, then I come back to my starting point Juggling, and then sprint again.
  4. rca2

    rca2 Member+

    Nov 25, 2005
    I would suggest instead of having a goal of "losing weight" you change your goal to getting match fit (meaning fit enough to play full out for 90 minutes). If you are match fit, you won't be carrying any extra weight. If you weigh 190 lbs and are match fit, then 190 lbs. is a good weight for you. If you have never been match fit, I can't see how you know what a good weight for you is. The workout you described now is not enough to replace a 90-minute game. I would suggest you add more interval training. Steady distance running or jogging is not as good at increasing your fitness level as fartleks or sets of wind sprints over varied distances.

    The most recent problem I ran into weight-wise was with gatorade. I was drinking more, and I started putting on weight. (It was the 2 for the price of 1 sales last summer that changed my habits.) I now drink less gatorade and more water.
  5. andres_correa26

    Jan 11, 2010
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    Thanks for your answer. So what you are saying is that I need more perhaps sprints. I can last the whole games and at times I feel likei need more, I just feel that I am pretty heavy when I run, but I have a ton of stamina and energy while I play.
  6. garethchelsea

    garethchelsea Member

    Jul 6, 2006
    Lewes, UK
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    I think the key thing that you are missing is that muscle is heavier than fat so even though you have lost all this weight, the extras training has built up ,muscle and so ding more wont make you much lighter because this will mean you will be building up muscle, most people have a weight that suits them and maybe this is yours. now you should be focused on being fit enough to play.

    I dont like the term match fit because if you were fit enough only to last 90 minute then when you play a game that lasts slightly longer either because it goes to extra time etc.. then you wont be able to play that so you should be fit to play or in others words fit
  7. Shinobu

    Shinobu Member

    Nov 6, 2009
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    get lots of sleep
    dont eat before you go to bed
    lift weights
    eat less calories
  8. andres_correa26

    Jan 11, 2010
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    So the last two answers what are you are trying to say is that I need to tune up my body more? Thanks for the help
  9. rca2

    rca2 Member+

    Nov 25, 2005
    Yes, and do fartleks instead of a steady 2-mile run. For the wind sprints do sets of sprints over varied distances, like 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 & 60 yards. With the fartleks and the sprints the session will better model game activity than running a 12 minute two mile. For someone just starting out, a steady run is good until they build up a fitness base, but for someone already fit you need intervals if you want to maximize your improvement. There are plenty of examples of fartleks on line. Just google it. I count paces or use telephone poles to measure my distances. If you are on a track, then its easy to judge distance.

    PS: Don't forget warm up and cool down. I like to work with a ball for my warm up and cool down.
  10. DudsBro

    DudsBro Member

    Jan 12, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    As others have said before me, a 2-mile run is next to useless to reaching match fitness once you have achieved a basic level of fitness. Soccer is all about recoverey time - how quickly your body is able to recover after a hard sprint, and how quickly you can get going again. The interval training is one of the best basic ways for this. Possibly using telephone poles as a guideline if you have nothing else to use. Sprint hard for 1/2 or 1 pole, and slow revovery jog for double the length. Then after a while, reduce the recovery time and go from there. No something that I've personally done lots, but it helps. I'm sure there are better ways out there though.

    Also, I can garauntee that muscle does not weigh more than fat. That's like saying which is heavier: 1 lb of lead, or 1 lb of feathers. They weigh the same. Muscle should be more dense than fat.
  11. CharlieMills

    CharlieMills New Member

    Jul 10, 2006
    Atlanta, Georgia
    uhhhh.... you're thinking about that incorrectly. The fact that muscle is denser means it weighs more. You're thinking of a popular brainteaser, but you need to think in volume. Ask yourself, what weighs more a quart of lead or a quart of feathers? Lead weighs more than feathers. Muscle weighs more than fat. Your body is vessel in a way, it can only hold a certain amount of volume. If you had two people with identical volumes and one was filled with muscle the other with fat, the muscular person would weigh more.

    As for the OP. Have you been counting calories? You can eat healthier (as you said you've done) but still be eating more calories than you burn. Or in your case, it would seem you're eating the same amount of calories a day that you burn. Which is one reason your weight would stay the same. If you want to lose more weight, or just burn more fat you need to exert more energy than you eat.
  12. illdthedj

    illdthedj Member

    Jan 15, 2009
    Bay Area, Ca
    AC Milan
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    i havn't read any posts lol, but i got done with a workout program called p90x which had a strict diet to follow on top of the exercise.

    basically, the gist of it is:

    Eat FIVE times a day. this boosts metabolism. if you eat only twice, your body thinks "i only get 2 meals, better hang on to it and not burn so much, maybe tomarrow ill only get 1 meal" whereas if you eat 5 meals, your body thinks "whoa im getting 5 meals a day, i better burn thru these meals in order to make room" probably way over simplifying it in a super non-scientific manner, but its definitely true, the more (smaller) meals you eat, the higher your metabolism will run. just google it.

    Eat TONS of LEAN protein, TONS of veggies, a good amount of lean dairy, and VERY LITTLE/TO NO CARBS. that and SUGAR. just dont eat it. even fruit and juice. if you are going to have fruit, have actual fruit, not juice (no fiber, you probably will consume more sugar thru juice than fruit), and only have it in the morning.

    now this was for muscle building (hence tons of protein) but i had a portions diet that looked like this: (this is each day) 8 portions protein, 4 portions veggies, 4 dairy, 2 carbs, 1 fat.

    drink TONS of water.

    dont eat at least 2-3 hours before bed.

    and it seems like you are exercising everyday already.

    its hard, but it can be done with will power.
  13. Dr. Boots

    Dr. Boots Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 15, 2002
    Manchester United FC
    I second the p90x for fat loss/muscle gain. For the money it is the best work out routine you can buy and much more effective than wasting time in a gym with no direction or understanding of a work out process.

    Aside from what you have been told to cut out of the diet (carbs, fatty foods, late night snacks and so on) I have to stress the NO SUGAR aspect, it is all empty calories that sit on your gut and under your chin. Also cut down if not totally out the alcohol you might be consuming. Not only is that a mega source of empty calories it leads to eating poorly because bar food sucks or late night drunk pizza runs. Also the next day usually includes eating crap food and laying on your couch doing nothing but wondering where your pants are and why (if you are lucky) there is a bra hanging from the ceiling...if you are unlucky you may wonder what that itchy rash is.

    All kidding aside, sugar is the worst thing for you. Also stay away from white stuff....White bread, white is stripped of its natural fibers and grains that in limited intake give you the carb energy you need.

    For lean protein treat meat as a side, not the main course. You don't need a 20oz steak when an 8oz is much more in line with what you should be eating. Try to stick with chicken or turkey breasts, skinless and grilled. Eat lots of fish but not fish and chips, I am talking sushi, grilled tuna, salmon things like that. Usually if its from the sea its healthy from a calorie and balanced diet aspect, as long as you done beer batter it then fry it.

    Use no calorie cooking spray, balsamic, cooking wines and low/no calorie seasons and sauces to add flavor to your meats and veggies. Stay away from butter, use no calorie butter spray if you must have the butter like taste.

    Also your body might just be stagnating because you need to change your routine of exercise. Again I suggest p90x, build some lean muscle and it will shred the fat.
  14. illdthedj

    illdthedj Member

    Jan 15, 2009
    Bay Area, Ca
    AC Milan
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    true....another reason p90x works is muscle confusion...

    and touching on what JC said about stagnation....p90x has you do a routine for 3 weeks....first week your body is getting used to the workout, the second it gets better at it, third it starts to master it. this is when your body starts to stop seeing benefits from the workout, because essentially muscle memory kicks in and instead of seeing gains (in muscle) or loss (in fat) your body plateaus. essentially, if you keep doing the same routine over and over, your body gets used to it and you wont see improvement.

    so after 3 weeks, there is a cool down week, then week 5 a whole new routine is introduced. this dosn't let your body get complacent with the same workout and plateue, so changing up the workout lets you keep seeing improvement.

    BASICALLY, are you doing the same routine over and over and over? perhaps think about switching things up!
  15. rca2

    rca2 Member+

    Nov 25, 2005
  16. Bronaldo

    Bronaldo Red Card

    Apr 8, 2007
    This is not true. There is no metabolic boost to eating more meals a day. There is no science backing it and there is plenty against it. I suggest you read some stuff by Alan Aragon and Lyle McDonald.

    There is nothing wrong with carbs. Provided you have the right amount of protein, eating more or less carbs will have little to no impact on fat loss (this is also assuming you are under your daily caloric requirement to maintain mass). Also, there is nothing wrong with eating fruit and veggies. Most fruit is calorie sparse and full of enzymes and nutrients.

    You can eat carbs whenever you want. Eating carbs right before bed will have absolutely ZERO impact on fat loss. There is no science backing it. It is bullshit.

    That is bullshit. You can eat at the exact instance right before sleeping and it won't make a difference.

    Most of your post is full of "broscience" and myths. I suggest you read more about nutrition before you give out advice.


  17. dejansavicevic10

    Jun 12, 2009
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:

    I would recommend you reduce your caloric intake by 300-500 calories everyday. Not carbs, calories!!!

    Focus on eating nutritionally dense, low calorie meals.

    Engage in a strength training routine, and finish your workout with cardio, working the different energy systems. Some days do interval workouts, other days, do a medium intensity workout challenging yourself but not as intense as the intervals. On days after a game, you can do a long slow distance workout.

    Bottom line is you need to put out more calories than you consume. With a caloric deficit of about 3000 per week, you will lose approximately a pound of fat.

    On the subject of more meals, I strongly disagree with the poster who says there is no basis to support eating more meals in a day,

    Your body is like a furnace, and you are better off putting some wood in the furnace every couple of hours, as opposed to eating 3 big meals. This will allow you maintain your energy throughout the day and keep your blood sugar constant, and also prevent you from overeating at your three main meals.

    For me personally, I eat three main meals, but make sure I snack in between breakfast and lunch, and lunch and dinner. Nothing too big, just a few nutritious snacks.
  18. dejansavicevic10

    Jun 12, 2009
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:

    You amuse me with your thinking, for crying out loud using bodybuilding forums as reference :) ROFL

    Bodybuilders were using steroids and every illegal drug known to man, as long as it got them the results. Give me a break!!!
  19. rca2

    rca2 Member+

    Nov 25, 2005
    You are making assumptions which do not apply to competitive soccer players. If he is training hard, he may be burning 4000-4500 calories a day on average, depending on what other daily activities he does and how long he trains. Normal weight reduction diets assume a sedentary lifestyle. Even if he has an otherwise sedentary lifestyle, his training will increase his calorie use above norm. If he is going to count intake calories, then he first has to count the calories that he burns so he knows how much he needs a day. If he doesn't get enough calories, he will lack in energy and performance will go down. If he doesn't work out every day, he may need an extra 500+ calories on days that he does.
  20. rca2

    rca2 Member+

    Nov 25, 2005
    If your physical activity has been constant for the last three years, the amount of calories you burned doing it has decreased because your weight decreased. At 190 lbs. you burn about 80 percent of the calories to do the same work (i.e., sprint 100 yards) as you did when you started out at 240. The lower weight not only means you burn less calories working out, but it means you also burn 80% less calories every day in your other activites.
    To keep losing weight you need to either increase your activity or lower your calorie intake.
  21. Bronaldo

    Bronaldo Red Card

    Apr 8, 2007
    That is irrelevant. The largest bodybuilding website in the world does not allow any talk about AAS on it's main forums. If you would have gone and read the thread, you would understand that it had nothing to do with steroids or bodybuilding. It was a simple guide to losing fat for the average bloke.

    Also, strong ad hominem. Do not reply until you understand how to formulate a logically correct refute.
  22. Italia56

    Italia56 Member

    Aug 10, 2007
    Sry about not responding to u but yea everything that was mentioned is good. U need to see wats good for u. Good luck bro. Reply back when u find something that works for u I'm curious lol
  23. illdthedj

    illdthedj Member

    Jan 15, 2009
    Bay Area, Ca
    AC Milan
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    i can use links too!

    im not going to get into it with some BROnaldo, all i know is i followed the diet outlined in the p90x program and lost a bunch of weight and got ....for lack of better words, ripped. but more importantly, fit.

    so you can claim "bullshit" all you want, all im doing is relaying the information that worked for me:

    cutting carbs (well the simple carbs anyway)
    eating 5 smaller meals a day
    eating tons of protein and veggies
    cutting sugar-y foods

    although looking back, it was divided into 3 stages, of which the first was super low carbs, and increased in carbs into the next two.

    "Phase 1 is the Fat Shredder phase in which you’ll be consuming a high protein and low carbohydrate diet in order to build muscle and shrink fat. Phase 2 is the Energy Booster phase where you’ll be eating both carbohydrates, protein and small amounts of fat in order to optimize your energy performance. Phase 3 is the Endurance Maximizer where you’ll be eating proteins, small amounts of fat and more carbohydrates in order for you to make your way through your final leg of this 90-day training journey"

    and the meal plan was divided into 5 meals, every 3 hours or so.

    and i didn't eat sugar, and only ate fruit in the morning.

    i also didn't eat 3 hours before bed.

    Call me out all you want, all i know is all of the above worked really well for me, and im super stoked on my body image and physical ability, something i wasn't a few months ago.

    so looking on the bodybuilding website you provided, why does this guy eat 5 meals a day as well if its such bullshit? edit: actually, its six.

    but yah im sure you'll come back with a plethora of links and call me an idiot or whatever. All im saying is the above worked for me. really well actually.
  24. rca2

    rca2 Member+

    Nov 25, 2005
    But it will work very poorly for competive soccer. Soccer and bodybuilding are different. Soccer is all about performance, not appearance. No carbs = bad performance.
  25. illdthedj

    illdthedj Member

    Jan 15, 2009
    Bay Area, Ca
    AC Milan
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    well, the topic was losing weight, which i did...
    im not saying carbs are bad. complex obviously arn't, simple definitely are.

    but the first phase of p90x workout program was low carbs, and that is when i saw the most fat loss results.

    portion wise, my diet was this, just going by the p90x diet:
    8 portions protein (always lean or skinless, protein powders)
    4 veggies
    4 dairy (cottage cheese, low fat mozz)
    2 fruit
    1 fat (usually olive oil)
    1 carb (usually whole wheat)

    ive never claimed to be any expert, i just followed the guidelines of the exercise program i did, and seeing that diet and the correlation to all the myths about low carb diets = losing weight, and how i lost LOTS of body fat doing it, i cant help but think that is way to lose weight.

    although granted i was also exercising out for an hour 6 days a week (of which ive stopped since completion of p90x lol)

    also granted, the second phase (about a month a phase) allowed for 3 servings of carbs, and a dialing back on protein...looking at the book now its 5 carbs a day in phase 3...

    also i ate 5 times a day as opposed to my diet before of 2 big meals

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