ex-MFO emplyee.....

Dieses Thema im Forum 'New York Red Bulls' wurde von red&black1 gestartet, 3 Oktober 2003.

  1. red&black1

    red&black1 New Member

    8 März 2003
    Kearny NJ
    I thought this was a bit interesting....

    About 2 months back this young guy(late 20s, early30s) comes into my auto repair shop in his BMW which had a flat tire. As i worked on his tire we began to talk about highschool sports and i mentioned that i used to play soccer. The following dialogue i shall never forget... only a reinactment can do it justice. By the way this takes place in Kearny..

    Here is how it went(if i remeber correctly):

    me: "yeah i used to play soccer in HS"

    him: "oh yeah... u must know my cousin, hes from the area."

    me: "whats the name??"

    him: "Tony Meola, have u heard pf him?"

    me: "uuhh yeah, he used to play for USA and Metrostars."

    him: "yeah thats him, we grew up together"

    me: "nice!"

    him: "i used to work for the MetroStars. I was marketing director."

    me: "really?? How was that??"

    him: "it was ok, but i found a better job"

    me: "oh i see. By the way how does Tony like KC?"

    him: "he likes it there but he's coming back to the Metrostars in about a month."

    me: "really??"

    him: "yeah, because the MetroStars sold thier goalie, Howard Newman, to England"

    me: "Tim Howard??"

    him: "yeah thats him, why u know him to??"

    me: "umm yeah. So do u still follow the MetroStars?? Me, nah i like baseball!"

    True story!!! See why the MFO cant do anything right... cuz they got clowns like this guy working there who dont give a $hit about the team and who only get the job cuz they know somebody...

    and yes he did say "Howard Newman"!!- that was classic.
  2. metros11

    metros11 Member

    11 September 1999
    Highlands of NJ
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    if metro paid me 30k a year plus commission i'd go out and try to get a better job too.
  3. Calcio#20

    Calcio#20 New Member

    10 Juli 2003
    So, how is Howard Newman doing with M.U anyway?
  4. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost New Member

    3 August 1999
    oh man, too funny. howard newman!!!
  5. red&black1

    red&black1 New Member

    8 März 2003
    Kearny NJ
    You mean, how is "Howard Newman" doing with "England"!
  6. Digilobo

    Digilobo New Member

    29 Juni 2003
    Queens, NY
    that's a beautiful thing. i guess you don't have to know too much about the sport to suck at selling it. luckily, the front office has seemingly stood by its standards and hired exact replicas of this guy to fill the void he left.

    the more i try to learn about soccer, the less badly i feel about my ignorance. i'm reminded of the euro super fans who, sitting near me at the man u-juventus champions world game, marvelled at the incredible goalkeeping: "man! barthez is a wall!!"

    and as for the john harkes-eric wynalda meeting of the minds on last week's mls wrap... i mean, i think john harkes is neat and all, but i'm not sure id call amado guevara an impressive guatemalan international.
  7. red&black1

    red&black1 New Member

    8 März 2003
    Kearny NJ
    Nice pick-up on that one... didn't realized the mistake by Harksey.
  8. house18

    house18 Member

    23 Juni 2003
    St. Louis, MO
    I am not doubting that this conversation occured...BUT...do you seriously believe that the former directer of marketing would not know the name of one of the teams star players??? Do you think he would be surprised that someone from the Kearney area who played soccer wouldn't know who a former MNT keeper from there is? Sounds like some idiot trying to make himself sound cool. No way this guy was the marketing director.
  9. red&black1

    red&black1 New Member

    8 März 2003
    Kearny NJ
    Re: Re: ex-MFO emplyee.....

    Maybe he wasn't really marketing director but It seemed to me that he was atleast a Metro employee a few years back... i think once Tony was sent away this guy was also sent away because obviously he knew nothing, just a marketing major who is related to the teams star goalkeeper. So at that time Timmy wasn't even around and definatley not a star yet..

    The fact that he was Tony's cousin had to of been true because we even began to talk in detail about Tony's career at Kearny High School where he played as a forward. He knew everything about Tony situation at KC and even mentioned something about his wife and kids...

    Also he was only suprised that i knew who Tony was beacause he was totaly oblivious to the popularity of the sport in this area or country. He even sounded suprised when i said i was a MetroStars fan... This guy was a complete tool!! He also said he worked for the Metrostars before i even brought up the fact that i was a MetroStars fan so i really dont think he was trying to make himself seem cool or anything.. he seemed like he wanted to forget about those days if u know what i mean..
  10. red&black1

    red&black1 New Member

    8 März 2003
    Kearny NJ
    Re: Re: ex-MFO emplyee.....

    Also, i'm only 22, so he might of thought someone my age knew nothing about World Cup '94...
  11. ibcnu424

    ibcnu424 New Member

    9 September 2003
    that guy was def. not the marketing director...maybe worked in the front office, but not that high up
  12. red&black1

    red&black1 New Member

    8 März 2003
    Kearny NJ
    Who knows... it definatly seemed like he worked for them at one point thanx to cousin Tony

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