Zoffinger says no game on 9/11

Discussion dans 'New York Red Bulls' créé par retnicf, 13 Août 2002.

  1. retnicf

    retnicf Member

    7 Mai 2001
    Mount Vernon, NY
  2. MetroFever

    MetroFever Member+

    3 Juin 2001
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    Nov 19 would be approx Week #12 in the NFL, and between the Giants, Jets and college football games, that field is going to have so many potholes on it that I'm not sure anyone in their right mind would want to play.
  3. JRedknapp11

    JRedknapp11 Red Card

    5 Décembre 2001

    Even though Brazil could field a competitive "Q" team ... I don't see anyone worth a damn being able to play for Brazil in a friendly in the middle of Nov..... Just imagine Rivaldo tearing his knee up at GS all in the name of a Zoffinger friendly.
  4. _chachi

    _chachi New Member

    15 Mars 1999
    new jersey, usa

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