Ronnie says there were other pepople at inter with problems with Cuper

Discussion dans 'Inter Milan' créé par soccerfan220, 5 Septembre 2002.

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  1. soccerfan220

    soccerfan220 New Member

    24 Juin 2002
    "At Inter a small anti-Cuper group had been formed, made up of me, Emre and Okan, the two Turkish players," Ronaldo was quoted as saying in Spanish daily AS. "We trained alone and it was not easy. They also couldn't stand the methods of the Argentinian"

    Well, I hate to say it, but that would make sense somewhat, as Okan and Emre never played much. Anyway, good riddance Ronnie. He never seems to get along with coaches. Not at PSV, Barcelona, or Inter. Only in Brazil. So go home, Ronnie.
  2. bestianera

    bestianera New Member

    21 Mai 2001
    Emre and Okan deny Ronie's claim

    Big Tooth is looking more and more like a punk..


    the two turkish players have said to be " very,very surprised of Ronaldo's words".their speaker added:"the reason they were training together was because they began preparation 1 and half month later than the squad and 20 days later than italian internationals"
    "If they wanted to leave Inter they had plenty of opportunities during the summer transfer market"
  3. soccerfan220

    soccerfan220 New Member

    24 Juin 2002
    Ronaldo is being such an ********************* since the WC final
  4. retnicf

    retnicf Member

    7 Mai 2001
    Mount Vernon, NY
    Are you Louis van Gaal in disguise? :)

    Barcelona coach Van Gaal hits out at Ronaldo's attitude

  5. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    11 Février 2002
  6. BrianCappellieri

    BrianCappellieri Red Card

    11 Février 2002
    Sporting Life

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