drills for a forward

Discussion in 'Soccer Boots' started by sudhan, Sep 1, 2002.

  1. sudhan

    sudhan New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
    Are there any drills for a forward? Any effective drills that worked? Pls help...thank you. N wat do you think is the best skil to use to get pass opponents?
  2. GreenDay

    GreenDay New Member

    Sep 15, 2001
    The best skill to get past oponents is definately speed - everything else comes after that.
  3. sudhan

    sudhan New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
    ani drills?
  4. hambone

    hambone New Member

    Apr 23, 2002
    lol....speed drills....wind sprints, wind sprints are when you run back and forth between cones at full speed. place 5 cones in a straight line 10 meters apart each. Start at the first cone, run touch the next cone, come back to the starting cone, run, miss the cone you just touched, touch the next one, come back to the first one. Run miss two cones touch the third cone, come back to the first cone. Try to complete the set within 34 secs 8 times, with one minute rest in between. If you can do it more than that try to do each time within less seconds. If you can't do 8 start with what you can do and work your way up.

    Also dribble through cones is a good forward drill. Down a bit someone asked about ball handling and greenday posted a link to a 'coerver' site with a 7 minute drill. That is a good drill.
  5. GreenDay

    GreenDay New Member

    Sep 15, 2001
    Did you perhaps mean place 3 cones?

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