Any comic book/graphic novel fans?

Discussion dans 'Books' créé par Dr. Know, 26 Décembre 2005.

  1. Dr. Know

    Dr. Know Member+

    5 Décembre 2005
    Any of you guy's like to read graphic novels?

    V for Vendetta
    From Hell
    The Dark Knight Returns
    Batman: Year One
    Batman: The Long Halloween
    Sin City
    The Invicibles

    And more recently: 100 Bullets and Y: The Last Man

    Alan Moore is a genious. Too bad Hollywood has ruined every single film adaptation they've made of his work
  2. PoshSpur

    PoshSpur New Member

    28 Janvier 2005
    New York
    Haven't read any of them. But the Preacher looks interesting.
  3. Dr. Know

    Dr. Know Member+

    5 Décembre 2005
    It's really good. They were going to make a movie of it but I think they cancelled it for now. The V for Vendetta movie is coming out soon.
  4. SirManchester

    SirManchester Member+

    14 Avril 2004
    Nat'l Team:
    I read all those you listed, Y the last man is my current fave. oh yea I'm an avid fan.
  5. PoshSpur

    PoshSpur New Member

    28 Janvier 2005
    New York

    ...found Preacher on Amazon and I just ordered it.
  6. SirManchester

    SirManchester Member+

    14 Avril 2004
    Nat'l Team:
    Preacher is fvckin amazing, that's one story and characters you're going to begin to deeply care for and when the ends is near you're really going to be sad that its over.
    Reading the series was like a journey for me, I was hooked from beginning to end, I don't know what else to tell ya...just enjoy it.
  7. Dr. Know

    Dr. Know Member+

    5 Décembre 2005
    Yeah, it's great. They were going to make the Preacher movie and they were going to cast that guy who played Cyclops in the X-Men movies but the fans were so pissed that they cast that guy that they cancelled. I don't know what happend to the film since.
  8. SirManchester

    SirManchester Member+

    14 Avril 2004
    Nat'l Team:
    First time the movie sounded like a possibility back in 98, rumors were that ben Affleck and Cameron Diaz were supposed to play the leads, I'm glad that never happened. For my money there's no director that could make this story work, so I'm content with it not being put into production.
  9. PoshSpur

    PoshSpur New Member

    28 Janvier 2005
    New York
    I have been reading up about the Preacher comics. Seriously can't wait for my copy to arrive!!!
  10. speedcake

    speedcake Member

    2 Décembre 1999
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    bump the other comic book threads and help the case for a comics sub-forum.

    oh yeah, and I have been getting into graphic novels lately. Read Watchmen for the first time only a short while ago, brilliant. And I pretty much want to read the rest of your list, all in good time I guess.
  11. Motterman

    Motterman Member

    8 Juillet 2002
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    I tried reading the sequel, more for nostalgia's sake than anything else, and was disappointed.

    I also might try reading Infinite Crisis for the same reasons, although the early word on that was not encouraging either.
  12. Milos

    Milos Member+

    6 Septembre 2003
    Coventry City FC
    I have read 'V for Vendetta' which I can highly recomend. The next one I intend to buy is 'Watchmen' which I have heard good things about. SirManchester is probably your best bet for advice on graphic novels.
  13. MRod

    MRod Member

    30 Juin 2005
    Bakersfield, Ca
    I too have read V for Vendetta, and highly recommend it; they're making a film out of it with Natalie Portman as Evey. Oh yeah, I also heard that 300 by Frank Miller is pretty good.
  14. Microwave

    Microwave New Member

    22 Septembre 1999
    last man is great.

    the green lantern rebirth is the best thing ever written, Geoff Johns is God.
  15. SirManchester

    SirManchester Member+

    14 Avril 2004
    Nat'l Team:

    aww aren't you sweet :D But yes I'd like to think of myself as an expert on this, if anyone is interested in some recomendations that WILL NOT dissappoint, let me know.

    TIL then I will make a short list of essential graphic novels for everyone;
    In no particular order:

    Title Author
    Watchmen - Alan Moore
    V for Vendetta - Alan Moore
    Batman: The Dark Knight Returns - Frank Miller
    Batman: Year One - Frank Miller
    Kingdom Come - Mark Waid
    Marvels - Kurt Busiek
    Astro City volume 1: Life in the Big City - Kurt Busiek
    Superman: Whatever happened to the man of tomorrow - Alan Moore
    Batman: the killing joke - Alan Moore
    Daredevil: Born Again - Frank Miller
    Y the last man volumes 1-6 - Brian K. Vaughn
    Sandman Volume 1:preludes and nocturnes - Neil Gaiman
    PREACHER: all voumes - Garth Ennis (probably the best story I've ever read, honestly, simply incredible)
    Swap Thing - Saga of the Swamp Thing - Alan Moore
    X-Men: the dark phoenix saga - Chris Claremount
    Crisis on Infinite Earths - Marv Wolfman
    Sin City: all of them(much better than the piece of trash movie) - Frank Miller
    X-Men: Days of Future Past - Chris Claremount

    Thats all I can think of now, if anyone has any questions about anything, let me know.
  16. SirManchester

    SirManchester Member+

    14 Avril 2004
    Nat'l Team:
    I haven't read it yet, waiting for the softcover to come out, but Ethan Van Sciver's art is also something special..I met the guy four years ago when he was practically a no name, now he's being given offers from film studios.
  17. Dr. Know

    Dr. Know Member+

    5 Décembre 2005
    Bumping this thread.

    Really been into Warren Ellis's Transmetropolitan. I recommend it for fans of Hunter S. Thompson. The main character is a crazy gonzo journalist very influenced by HST. Great black humor.

    Also, Y: The Last Man's writer, Brian K. Vaughan just came out with a new graphic novel called "Pride of Baghdad". It's based on a true story of a pride of lions from the Baghdad Zoo that escaped and were wandering around the city during America's first bombing raid in the Iraqi war. It's getting great reviews. For anyone living in NYC Brian K. Vaughan is going to be at Midtown Comics Oct. 13.

    Y: The Last Man is close to completion now and they will begin pre-production on a film adaptation once the series ends.

    He also has an ongoing series called Ex Machina which is really good.

    Another series that's close to ending is 100 Bullets. It's hugely ambitious and big. Finishing at exactly 100 issues. This is my favorite series right now and I recommend it to everyone who is a fan of noir. It's a type of neo-noir that goes beyond that and mixes world history into it's massive plot of crime, corruption, drugs, social structure, ext.....

    There were some rumors that an HBO series might come out of this once finished. One can only hope.

    Speaking of which, Brian Azzarello, 100 Bullet's writer has a new western series out called "Loveless" which is a bit similar to HBO's Deadwood. I recommend it for fans of that show.
  18. Ali_reza

    Ali_reza Member

    1 Mars 2006

    I love comics. I read a lot when i was a kid, all the Marvels and DC comics. I also LOVE the MAD magazines (Mort Drucker, Don Martin, Sergio Aragones, ...). I actually read all kinds of comics even the lame ones : second WW, richie rich, archie, ..., anything i found :D.

    I have'nt been reading any comics/graphic novels for a long time now. I should catch up.

    I read V for Vendetta recently after having seen the movie. The movie is really lame compared to the novel. I really enjoyed reading V.

    After all i've read here about the"Preacher", i definatley have to check it out.
  19. Chicago1871

    Chicago1871 Member

    21 Avril 2001
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    United States
    I believe the film is due out sometime in 2007. You can check out IMDB for more details.
  20. TheSlipperyOne

    TheSlipperyOne Member+

    29 Février 2000
    Arsenal FC
  21. the stranger

    the stranger New Member

    20 Décembre 2005
    The only one I have read is A History of Violence. I was actually a bit disapointed in the quality of the illustrations.
  22. Dante

    Dante Moderator
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    19 Novembre 1998
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    So, has anyone been reading DMZ? What are your thoughts on it? I'm a little torn, it's pretty good but at times I just don't feel like it's got enough to get me hooked.

    One comic I am hooked on though is the new X-Factor. Peter David's writing is great, which for me is a surprise considering I never really cared for his stuff. I managed to get some digital comics of David's previous work on Madrox which was pretty good too. I'm also into the Civil War story going on over at Marvel.

    Lastly, did anyone pick up the new Wetworks? Carey's writing is top notch, but Portacio's artwork is killing me.
  23. Dr. Know

    Dr. Know Member+

    5 Décembre 2005
    I read the first issue. I thought it was pretty good but I'd need to read at least the first collection to make a full judgement.

    I feel the exact same way about Ex-Machina. I read the first book and it's good but I don't know if enough to get me hooked. It doesn't have that instant appeal that Preacher or Y: The Last Man have.
  24. Dante

    Dante Moderator
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    19 Novembre 1998
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    Not to really take this too off topic, but one thing I noticed in DMZ is that in a lot of issues you see background characters wearing soccer jerseys. Usually either Italian NT or Fiorentina jerseys. I guess the artist, Riccardo Burchielli, is a Fiorentina and Azzuri fan.

    btw, Dr. Know, if you're interested in the DMZ issues in digital format let me know. I can hook you up.
  25. vilafria

    vilafria Member+

    2 Juin 2005
    I bought out a comic book dealer going out of business. I thought I found a gold mine until reality sunk in. They're hard to sell, so I ended up reading them .:D

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