Another year of "Youth" (El Pibe)

Discussion in 'Colorado Rapids' started by Mr Hanki's Throne, Aug 30, 2002.

  1. Mr Hanki's Throne

    Mr Hanki's Throne New Member

    Mar 13, 2001
    Wellington, Colo
  2. Northcal19

    Northcal19 New Member

    Feb 18, 2000
    Celtic Tavern LODO (
    Not good news, imho.
  3. phills

    phills Member

    Nov 24, 1999
    if this is the case then he has to take out of his contract that he has to play every minute of every game!!! He just is tooo old to be effective every minute.
  4. gschroeder

    gschroeder Member

    Jun 18, 2001
    Thornton, Colorado
    Colorado Rapids
    I hate to break it to you but he isn't the reason we're losing. He may contribute to it in his own way but there are others that should be taking more of the weight.
  5. MockaMooDoe

    MockaMooDoe New Member

    Feb 27, 2001
    The REAL question is --- Is his lack of playing defense, lack of tracking back, and his non-existance as an attacking player, contributing to our NOT winning..It might take you some time to think about this, but basically we are playing with 10 men on defense and 10 1/2 on offense...You saw what happened when CV got "caught" in the box with ball against SJ....I think it would be detremental to the Rapids improving next year, considering the "space" CV takes up on the field and the $$$$ he keeps from acquiring and experienced "less mature" attacking midfielder.....
    If he wants to continue to be on the team--then he has to "make-it" like everyone else, and if it is his LAST year--then he can sacrifice playing time and $$$$ for the sake of the team!!!!
  6. pigtail

    pigtail New Member

    Apr 7, 2000
    It's time for El Pibe to sit back amd watch now. His time of soccer is over. He will only hold back this team. Don't get me wrong El Pibe in his hey day was the bomb but for him the bomb has dropped..
  7. gschroeder

    gschroeder Member

    Jun 18, 2001
    Thornton, Colorado
    Colorado Rapids
    El Pibe was responsible for Kinsley's goal tonight
  8. pigtail

    pigtail New Member

    Apr 7, 2000
    That is the least he can do, for all the touches of the ball he has in a game.
  9. greenie

    greenie New Member

    Feb 6, 2000
    Boulder, CO
    I suppose he has no responsibility for recent drubbings against New England, LA and Dallas?

    If the team must be subjected to a fairly immobile 42-year-old on the pitch -- and must line up two defensive mids because of him -- I expect at least one of those passes each and every game.

    Yes, I am holding Valderrama to a higher standard. He has a very limited range of what he can offer the team on game day, and when he sits around waiting for that opportunity then I expect him to deliver. Regularly.
  10. Northcal19

    Northcal19 New Member

    Feb 18, 2000
    Celtic Tavern LODO (
    I don't want to be thought of as a Valderrama basher, but can anyone name another bona fide pro league in the world where he might be starting?

    Fairly telling if you ask me. This is a sideshow that is not good for the Rapids nor MLS.
  11. pigtail

    pigtail New Member

    Apr 7, 2000
    according to rumours, players on the team is saying if CV plays next year he will have to play by himself since they wont play,or they will play at his pace.
  12. greenlightwilly

    greenlightwilly New Member

    Mar 4, 2001
    Now that would be fun to watch. ...Maybe they should all wear Orange wigs to complete the picture.
  13. gschroeder

    gschroeder Member

    Jun 18, 2001
    Thornton, Colorado
    Colorado Rapids
    What are your sources? I haven't heard anything like that.

    Sencondly, I'm assuming since everyone thinks he is a waste of player and money, his replacement will have to rate at least second in the league in assists. So I'd be interested in who you think could put up those numbers.
  14. greenie

    greenie New Member

    Feb 6, 2000
    Boulder, CO
    It's not that he's a waste of money nor space, it'sall the baggage that he brings -- the fact that he never subs off, the fact that every ball needs to be played through him, the fact that he can't be bothered to run, the fact that he won't play defense, the fact that he blames teammates for his own mistakes, or the fact that he doesn't bother with personal apperances or anything more than the required training.

    He plays like the universe orbits around him, and Hankinson is either blinded by his history or simply powerless by his contract to do anything about it.

    If Pibe began to exert a bit more effort and/or take on a more selfless role in this team, then maybe a few of us would appreciate him a bit more.

    As for those numbers, both Steve Ralston has played equal games and has more assists; Williams also has more but has played fewer games. Cobi Jones has played nearly 10 games fewer yet only has 2 assists less. While Cobi may be forever rooted in LA, don't forget that we passed on Ralston in the dispersal draft and certainly could have worked a trade for a player like Williams.

    But why even think about players on other teams? If Mark Chung were running the middle of the field he'd put up similar assist numbers -- especially if every damn ball had to be played through him. Chung's earned himself 9 assists this year, while also managing to put more than a few biscuits in the basket. He's in great shape, runs his tail off on both sides of the ball, and his ego doesn't need its own seat on the plane.

    Furthermore, as long as you're bringing up the subject of numbers Chung has more primary assists than Valderrama; 6 of his 9 are primaries. Only 5 of Pibe's 14 are primaries.

    Hell, forget what I said about Valderrama hustling and being a member of this team. If he can start putting up a few more primary assists -- such as his ball to Kingsley against Dallas -- then perhaps he'll prove a truly great asset to this club.
  15. gschroeder

    gschroeder Member

    Jun 18, 2001
    Thornton, Colorado
    Colorado Rapids
    Point well taken Greenie. I will admit that I am a long time fan of Carlos, even before WC'94 so I am obviously biased. I just think he is great at what he does and has been doing it that way from the beginning. The guy isn't going to change, everyone knew how he was before we got him so why do we expect different. Besides, he will only be around for another year and he does contribute. I have yet to hear any indication that he is a cancer to the team. I on;y hear good stuff in the interviews. Like someone said, publicity counts with this league and the Rapids can either use the fact the El Pibe retired in Colorado to their advantage or they can do what they did to Celo and throw him away a year before he retires to show just how loyal they are to their players.

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