The other teams of serie a

Discussion dans 'Napoli' créé par NAPOLI, 22 Janvier 2011.

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  1. Cavani7

    Cavani7 Member

    13 Janvier 2011
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    League is rigged guys, Berlusconi bought the scudetto this year to save his face.
  2. elvesuvio

    elvesuvio Member+

    6 Février 2008
    Toronto, Ontario
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:

    wow...Roma....utter collapse.
  3. Cavani7

    Cavani7 Member

    13 Janvier 2011
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
  4. Il Ciuccio

    Il Ciuccio Member+

    17 Février 2010
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    i woke up looked at my score moble and starting dieing Juve lost to lecce 2-0 and Roma messed up a 3 goal lead holy crap HAHAHAHAH
  5. el napulitan

    el napulitan Member+

    28 Septembre 2008
    < @sals mom crew >
    SSC Napoli
    the reff was stood about a few yards infront of robhino, robhino was facing him, he saw the handball, but on the plus side he can now afford a nice ferrari
  6. indestructible

    indestructible Member+

    SSC Napoli
    14 Janvier 2007
    Mercato Professor
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    Was there a bigger collapse than Roma this year?
  7. Il Ciuccio

    Il Ciuccio Member+

    17 Février 2010
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    well Samp fell apart this year but Roma is like poke it with a stick dead
  8. indestructible

    indestructible Member+

    SSC Napoli
    14 Janvier 2007
    Mercato Professor
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    Well i meant in a game. Scoring 3, then conceding 4.
  9. Cavani7

    Cavani7 Member

    13 Janvier 2011
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
  10. elvesuvio

    elvesuvio Member+

    6 Février 2008
    Toronto, Ontario
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    apparently, there are comments that Robshitto should get a 2 game ban since that is what they awarded Gilardino a few months back for the EXACT same thing....

    I doubt it...

    would love to hear from NickyViola if you are still around...haven't seen him in a while.
  11. Rossonero23

    Rossonero23 Member+

    9 Septembre 2010
    AC Milan

    No need for that.
  12. elvesuvio

    elvesuvio Member+

    6 Février 2008
    Toronto, Ontario
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    oh, sure there was....I hate him with every fibre of my being. :)
  13. Rossonero23

    Rossonero23 Member+

    9 Septembre 2010
    AC Milan
    Why do you hate him?:)

    Because he scored against Napoli?;) JK
  14. Cavani7

    Cavani7 Member

    13 Janvier 2011
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    I get the feeling this guy has Southern roots, which applies to most Milan fans on this site.
  15. el napulitan

    el napulitan Member+

    28 Septembre 2008
    < @sals mom crew >
    SSC Napoli
    it sickens me when southerners support those teams from the north, thats almost like black people supporting the kkk
  16. Jawz10

    Jawz10 Moderator

    27 Février 1999
    AC Milan
    Again... things like this are why no one takes Napoli supporters very serious. You have a great team, fantastic support, and a seriously deranged sense of entitlement/delusions of persecution. I'm offended that you could even form such a ridiculous sentiment in your mind.
  17. Il Ciuccio

    Il Ciuccio Member+

    17 Février 2010
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    people should support their local teams 1st its dumb to go for a team thats not even from your area or city unless you moved to a different city from another and still carey support for the team of your former city.

    I find it really dumb for Southern Italians to support Northern teams because of the stupid chants they sing i mean really there insulting not only the team but the people themselves...
  18. Cavani7

    Cavani7 Member

    13 Janvier 2011
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    This is 90% of Milan Fans from around the world:

    They have ZERO ties to the club, have NEVER gone to a game at the SAN SIRO, and couldn't tell you anything about their history.
  19. NAPOLI

    NAPOLI Member

    23 Décembre 2008
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    what do u guys think of Montella as their new coach? apprently they will be looking at some bigger name in the summer as a replacement to Montella...
  20. Cavani7

    Cavani7 Member

    13 Janvier 2011
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    It's hilarious. Might as well put Totti as manager.
  21. Il Ciuccio

    Il Ciuccio Member+

    17 Février 2010
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    so there bandwagoners fallowing them because they won stuff
  22. Il Ciuccio

    Il Ciuccio Member+

    17 Février 2010
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    I think Totti has been playing the manager role the whole time this season
  23. Napolinfinito

    Napolinfinito Member

    14 Janvier 2011
    SSC Napoli
    He did say it was "almost like." It's still an excessive/provocative statement, but still a meaningful and evocative one. You can't be very knowledgeable about Italian culture and history if you would brush aside the way many northerners treat and have treated Southerners. It is cast as an issue of race, with many Northerners seeing Southerners as not fully human and contaminated by Africa. It might be weird for someone in Indiana to wrap their minds around, but that is the reality. Southerners are routinely abused, denied economic opportunities, etc., and come on, the whole Northern League, central to current politics, is founded on this.

    Place this in a historical context where the north literally plundered and robbed the richer South during the unification process, then spent the next 150 years dinegrating them for their poverty, and yeah, folks from the South can be seen as having a bit of a chip on their shoulders.

    What you see as a sense of entitlement is to people from the South a lived history of oppression in search of justice. What you see as delusions of persecution, are to us clear eyed reality. Come on. Calciopoli clearly showed the northern power house money teams buying their lock at the top. A normal, accepted, long established culture of complete corruption. And even within the last week we have two clear examples where bad calls by refs happened to gift points to the two top Milanese clubs, and where dubious process led to a dubious judgment that takes a key player of a Southern club off the field for the key match of the year challenging the supremacy of a Milanese club. Berlusconi doesn't have to call some ref to tell him Robhinho is Mubarak's nephew, everyone in Italy knows if you make Berlusconi and his cronies happy, things will go well for you.

    The most notoriously powerful and corrupt man in Western Europe is Berlusconi. This is simply a fact. He's debased Italian culture and has fed the hunger of Northern prejudice for political purposes. His calcio empire is a very purposeful part of his nefarious political empire, an essential part of his subtle propaganda machine fed by his media empire cementing his coalition with actual Facists and Lega Nord. Calcio corruption favoring the North isn't just about money empires perpetuating themselves, it's also about real world power politics in service of the center right, very extreme right, and northern separatists. That is also simply a fact.

    So, with all due respect, it's not very moderator-y, or particularly informed, to come into a Napoli thread and generalize that Napoli fans have "a seriously deranged sense of entitlement/delusions of persecution." That is offensive, inflammatory, and ignorant of Italian history, culture, and politics. It is precisely this sort of sweeping generalization the is typical of the sort of prejudice that you are at once denying and possibly instantiating.

    Furthermore, you are confusing your roles as moderator and supporter of AC Milan. If you want to advocate for decency, how about denouncing your owner, who is a well established pedophile and statutory rapist, who's fortune was amassed through corrupt means and wielded to suppress freedom of the press and erode other fundamental democratic principles at the expense of Italy, such as the rule of law and judiciary independence. To protest against an overly strong but descriptive analogy in the stance of a moderator, then denounce all Napoli fans in a Napoli forum as a fan of AC Milan, is a perfect small scale example of what corruption is all about. It's using a community moniker of trust to forward your own interests. You assume the voice of a neutral referee, then use the cover of that role in the community to spout Northern prejudice that serves your team.

    People shouldn't toss the KKK around lightly, and given that Indiana was a great power base of the KKK I respect your nervousness about that analogy. Most likely the ghosts of the KKK are all around you, given that the Indian Klan had at it's height 250,000 members, including the Governor and half the General Assembly. That said, forgive us if we are offended when an AC Milan mod comes to our forum and tells us we are all deranged.

    ma che str*nz.
  24. elvesuvio

    elvesuvio Member+

    6 Février 2008
    Toronto, Ontario
    SSC Napoli
    Nat'l Team:
    Napinf, why waste your is pointless...really.

    What you are asking is that Milan fans admit how corrupt their organization, owner, hell, the entire This will never happen. They come here, on our forum, and preach how they give "unbiased" opinions...I know they see the corruption that clearly exists. Maybe we do complain alot...maybe sometimes, excessively so...but there is truth to it many times and not something just us Neopolitans see. The same way EVERYONE sees how corrupt and disgusting Berlusconi and AC are...even the Milanisti...just they don't want to admit it to us. I get would suck to have to admit that.

    Berlusconi is the laughing joke of the world right now...he is all over the media for all of his shananigans and corruption. The whole world knows it...and they know it too.

    What will come of Robshitto's hand ball infraction? NOTHING. Further proof.
  25. Napolinfinito

    Napolinfinito Member

    14 Janvier 2011
    SSC Napoli
    yeah, you are probably right. it just pisses me off that there's this trickle of Milan douches in here playing all reasonable but being all provacative, and one of em is a freakin' mod even. Hopefully our mod will start clipping their wings. If not, I'll find some place else to hang out. I'm here for my Napoli peeps, not to put up with their BS. Go mod yourselves in your own freakin' forum, and stay out of ours.

    Just remember-- you are owned by a pedophile. The rest follows.

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