Diceson's post game report

Discussion in 'D.C. United' started by Jose L. Couso, Jul 28, 2002.

  1. Jose L. Couso

    Jose L. Couso New Member

    Jul 31, 2000
    Arlington, VA

    I still believe in Ray Hudson.

    I still believe in DC United.

    ps-Quite frankly I am a little amazed that he gave so much authority to John Trask, regarding the timing of Ben Olsen's entrance, but I can understand the decision.
  2. Cweedchop

    Cweedchop Member+

    Mar 6, 2000
    Ellicott City, Md
    I think I have finally figured out United's scoring woes..

    Watch the pregame warmups and see how many United shots go blazing over the bar by a mile and a half..

    Coincidentaly, as Jose mentions John Trask's imput on player decisions, did anyone else notice that John Trask, in the same shooting drills with the regular players, was nailing every shot into the upper 90 without fail?

    Why isn't Trask on the roster? :p
  3. Footer Phooter

    Jul 23, 2000
    Falls Church, VA
    I spent most of last season doing this with Chris Albright. He would miss sitters with no one marking him in warmups.
  4. Th4119

    Th4119 Member

    Jul 26, 2001
    Annandale, VA
    Monster and I were wondering the same thing last night. Ali had some nice shots too though.

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